FROM debian:bullseye as build ARG TARGETARCH ARG TARGETVARIANT ENV LANG C.UTF-8 ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install --yes --no-install-recommends \ build-essential cmake ca-certificates curl pkg-config git WORKDIR /build COPY ./ ./ RUN cmake -Bbuild -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install RUN cmake --build build --config Release RUN cmake --install build # Do a test run RUN ./build/piper --help # Build .tar.gz to keep symlinks WORKDIR /dist RUN mkdir -p piper && \ cp -dR /build/install/* ./piper/ && \ tar -czf "piper_${TARGETARCH}${TARGETVARIANT}.tar.gz" piper/ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FROM debian:bullseye as test # ARG TARGETARCH # ARG TARGETVARIANT # WORKDIR /test # COPY local/en-us/lessac/low/en-us-lessac-low.onnx \ # local/en-us/lessac/low/en-us-lessac-low.onnx.json ./ # # Run Piper on a test sentence and verify that the WAV file isn't empty # COPY --from=build /dist/piper_*.tar.gz ./ # RUN tar -xzf piper*.tar.gz # RUN echo 'This is a test.' | ./piper/piper -m en-us-lessac-low.onnx -f test.wav # RUN if [ ! -f test.wav ]; then exit 1; fi # RUN size="$(wc -c < test.wav)"; \ # if [ "${size}" -lt "1000" ]; then echo "File size is ${size} bytes"; exit 1; fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM scratch # COPY --from=test /test/piper_*.tar.gz /test/test.wav ./ COPY --from=build /dist/piper_*.tar.gz ./