_gtkButtonScaleIconsSet sets the used icons to a ButtonScale object.
There are the names (already known) of the icons to be used by the scale button. The first item in the list will be used in the button when the current value is the lowest value, the second item for the highest value. All the subsequent icons will be used for all the other values, spread evenly over the range of values. If there's only one icon name in the list, it will be used for all the values. If only two icon names are in the icons array, the first one will be used for the bottom 50% of the scale, and the second one for the top 50%. At least 3 icons are recommended for a better view.
If the list is nil, a "broken icon" is displayed.
typeof button = ObjGtkButton;; typeof win = ObjGtkWindow;; typeof box = ObjGtkBox;; fun CBdestroy (obj, u_param, eventName)= _fooS eventName; _gtkMainQuit; 0;; fun CBbutton1 (obj, u_param, eventName)= _fooS eventName; _gtkMainQuit; _closemachine; 0;; fun main ()= _showconsole; set win = _gtkWindowNew _channel nil "test buttons" 0; set box = _gtkBoxNew _channel 1 5 VERTICAL; set button =_gtkButtonScaleOrientationSet _gtkButtonScaleIconsSet _gtkButtonNewScale _channel "gtk-zoom-out"::"gtk-zoom-in"::"gtk-zoom-fit"::nil HORIZONTAL; _gtkBoxAdd box button 1 1 5 1; _gtkContainerAdd win box; _gtkWidgetShowAll win; _gtkWidgetCB button1 @CBbutton 0 "value-changed" SIGNAL_PROPAGATE nil; _gtkWidgetCB win @CBdestroy 0 "delete-event" SIGNAL_PROPAGATE nil; _gtkMain; 0;;