_gtkLabelNew creates a new Label object. Typically, a Label is a widget for a small text.
typeof win = ObjGtkWindow;; typeof box = ObjGtkBox;; typeof label1 = ObjGtkLabel;; typeof label2 = ObjGtkLabel;; fun CBdestroy (obj, u, eventName)= _fooS eventName; _gtkMainQuit; _closemachine; 0;; fun main ()= _showconsole; set win = _gtkWindowNew _channel nil "test buttons" 0; set box = _gtkBoxNew _channel 1 5 VERTICAL; set label1 = _gtkLabelNew _channel; if _gtk2Xenabled == 0 then /* GTK 3.X only */ _gtkLabelSet label1 "<span style=\"color: red\"><small>Hello World</small></span>" LABEL_SET_MARKUP else /* GTK 2.X enabled */ _gtkLabelSet label1 "<span style=\"italic\"><small>Hello World</small></span>" LABEL_SET_MARKUP; _gtkLabelAngleSet label1 90; /* text from the bottom to the top */ set label2 = _gtkLabelNew _channel; _gtkLabelSet label2 "Go to the <a href=\"http://www.scolring.org\" title=\"Scol official website\">Scolring</a> for more information about this language" LABEL_SET_MARKUP; _gtkBoxAdd box label1 1 1 5 1; _gtkBoxAdd box label2 1 1 5 1; _gtkContainerAdd win box; _gtkWidgetShowAll win; _gtkWidgetCB win @CBdestroy 0 SIGNAL_PROPAGATE "delete-event" nil; _gtkMain; 0;;