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Adds to the '_arg_' object an integer element which value is '_value_' and which identifier is '_name_'.
The function returns the new object resulting from the concatenation of '_arg_' and the new element.

Arg3D concArg3D_I (
S _name_
I _value_
Arg3D _arg_

Character string containing the identifier name.
Value of the new field.
Arg3D in which this field is added.
Return value

The Arg3D object with the new field added.

If an integer element already has the same identifier, the value of this element is then replaced by '_value_'.
If '_value_' is set to nil, then the integer element having '_name_' for identifier is deleted.
If a field of a different type already has the same identifier, both can coexist (they are accessed by different functions).
See Also
