________________________________________________________________ - WiiYourself! - native C++ Wiimote library v1.14 BETA (c) gl.tter 2007-9 - http://gl.tter.org ________________________________________________________________ This demo app tries to connect to the first Wiimote in the system, and shows the most important incoming data. It mainly uses polling (the library is constantly updating the wiimote state data behind the scenes) but also shows the callback mechanism by reacting to extension connection changes. The choice between polling, callbacks, or a mixture of the two is entirely up to the application. - a pre-compiled binary is included. - as with the library, the WinDDK is required to build: http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/ddk/default.mspx Known issues: Extensions connected to a MotionPlus are usually not detected correctly. The problem is the wiimote::DisableMotionPlus() which doesn't work reliably. Fixes are welcome. Sign up to the mailing list to stay in the loop, give feedback, exchange ideas or get involved: http://gl.tter.org/mailman/listinfo/wiiyourself_gl.tter.org __ gl.tter (glATr-i-lDOTnet)