/****************************************************************************** Copyright (c) W.J. van der Laan Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************************/ /** Deferred shading framework // W.J. :wumpus: van der Laan 2005 // Post shader: Light geometry material */ #define LIGHT_POINT 1 #define LIGHT_SPOT 2 #define LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL 3 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper function section ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //DirectX needs this to compensate for jitter float2 fixUV(float2 texCoord, float2 texSize) { return texCoord - (float2(0.5,0.5)/texSize); } void checkShadow( sampler2D shadowMap, float3 viewPos, float4x4 invView, float4x4 shadowViewProj, float shadowFarClip, #if LIGHT_TYPE == LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL float3 shadowCamPos #else float distanceFromLight #endif ) { float3 worldPos = mul(invView, float4(viewPos, 1)).xyz; #if LIGHT_TYPE == LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL float distanceFromLight = length(shadowCamPos-worldPos); #endif float4 shadowProjPos = mul(shadowViewProj, float4(worldPos,1)); shadowProjPos /= shadowProjPos.w; float2 shadowSampleTexCoord = shadowProjPos.xy; float shadowDepth = tex2D(shadowMap, shadowSampleTexCoord).r; float shadowDistance = shadowDepth * shadowFarClip; clip(shadowDistance - distanceFromLight + 0.1); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main shader section ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float4 main( float4 oPos: POSITION, #if LIGHT_TYPE == LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0, float3 ray : TEXCOORD1, #else float4 projPos : TEXCOORD0, #endif uniform sampler Tex0: register(s0), uniform sampler Tex1: register(s1), #if LIGHT_TYPE != LIGHT_POINT uniform float3 lightDir, #endif #if LIGHT_TYPE == LIGHT_SPOT uniform float4 spotParams, #endif #if LIGHT_TYPE != LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL uniform float vpWidth, uniform float vpHeight, uniform float3 farCorner, uniform float flip, #endif #ifdef IS_SHADOW_CASTER uniform float4x4 invView, uniform float4x4 shadowViewProjMat, uniform sampler ShadowTex : register(s2), uniform float3 shadowCamPos, uniform float shadowFarClip, #endif uniform float farClipDistance, // Attributes of light uniform float4 lightDiffuseColor, uniform float4 lightSpecularColor, uniform float4 lightFalloff, uniform float3 lightPos ) : COLOR { //None directional lights have some calculations to do in the beginning of the pixel shader #if LIGHT_TYPE != LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL projPos /= projPos.w; // -1 is because generally +Y is down for textures but up for the screen float2 texCoord = float2(projPos.x, projPos.y * -1 * flip) * 0.5 + 0.5; // Texture coordinate magic, this compensates for jitter texCoord = fixUV(texCoord, float2(vpWidth, vpHeight)); float3 ray = float3(projPos.x, projPos.y * flip, 1) * farCorner; #endif float4 a0 = tex2D(Tex0, texCoord); // Attribute 0: Diffuse color+shininess float4 a1 = tex2D(Tex1, texCoord); // Attribute 1: Normal+depth // Attributes float3 colour = a0.rgb; float specularity = a0.a; float distance = a1.w; // Distance from viewer (w) float3 normal = a1.xyz; // Calculate position of texel in view space float3 viewPos = normalize(ray)*distance*farClipDistance; // Calculate light direction and distance #if LIGHT_TYPE == LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL float3 objToLightDir = -lightDir.xyz; #else float3 objToLightVec = lightPos - viewPos; float len_sq = dot(objToLightVec, objToLightVec); float len = sqrt(len_sq); float3 objToLightDir = objToLightVec/len; #endif #ifdef IS_SHADOW_CASTER #if LIGHT_TYPE == LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL checkShadow(ShadowTex, viewPos, invView, shadowViewProjMat, shadowFarClip, shadowCamPos); #else checkShadow(ShadowTex, viewPos, invView, shadowViewProjMat, shadowFarClip, len); #endif #endif // Calculate diffuse colour float3 total_light_contrib; total_light_contrib = max(0.0,dot(objToLightDir, normal)) * lightDiffuseColor.rgb; #if IS_SPECULAR // Calculate specular component float3 viewDir = -normalize(viewPos); float3 h = normalize(viewDir + objToLightDir); float3 light_specular = pow(dot(normal, h),32.0) * lightSpecularColor.rgb; total_light_contrib += specularity * light_specular; #endif #if IS_ATTENUATED clip(lightFalloff.x - len); // Calculate attenuation float attenuation = dot(lightFalloff.yzw, float3(1.0, len, len_sq)); total_light_contrib /= attenuation; #endif #if LIGHT_TYPE == LIGHT_SPOT float spotlightAngle = saturate(dot(lightDir.xyz, -objToLightDir)); float spotFalloff = saturate((spotlightAngle - spotParams.x) / (spotParams.y - spotParams.x)); total_light_contrib *= (1-spotFalloff); #endif return float4(total_light_contrib*colour, 0.0); }