//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Program Name: SGXLib_TextureAtlas // Program Desc: Texture Atlas functions. // Program Type: Vertex/Pixel shader // Language: GLSL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float mipmapLevel(in vec2 coords, in vec2 texSize) { coords = coords.xy * texSize; vec2 dx = dFdx(coords.xy); vec2 dy = dFdy(coords.xy); float Px = length(dx); float Py = length(dy); float Pmax = max(Px, Py); return log2(max(Pmax,1.0)); } void SGX_Atlas_Sample_Auto_Adjust(in sampler2D textureSampler, in vec2 origTexCoord, in vec2 atlasTexCoord, in vec4 textureData, in vec2 imageSize, out vec4 texel) { // Most of the idea for this function has been taken from the code under the webpage: // http://www.gamedev.net/topic/534149-solved-texture-seams-using-atlas-with-screenshots/ // origTexCoord - original texture coordintates as received from the vertex buffer. // atlasTexCoord - texture coordinates that have gone through on which different mathematical // functions to simulate different texture addressing modes (wrap, mirror, clamp). // textureData.xy - top left corner (in 0-1 units) where the needed texture in the texture atlas begins. // textureData.zw - width and height in power of 2 for the needed texture in the texture atlas. // imageSize - size of the image in pixels. // texel - [Output] The color of the pixel at the requested position. vec2 startPos = textureData.xy; // Calculate the tileSize by using the power of 2 value. vec2 pwrs = textureData.zw; // Calculate the power of 2 size of the maximum avialable Mipmap // Note: We limit the amount of available LODs to [actual number] // - 2 as some atlas packaging tools do not include the last 2 // LODs when packeging DXT format atlas textures. float availableLODCount = min(pwrs.x,pwrs.y) - 2.0; vec2 tileSize = pow(vec2(2.0, 2.0),pwrs); vec2 relativeTileSize = tileSize / imageSize; // Retrieve the mipmap level for this pixel clamped by the power of 2 value. float lod = clamp(mipmapLevel(origTexCoord, tileSize), 0.0, availableLODCount); // Get the width/height of the mip surface we've decided on. vec2 mipSize = pow(vec2(2.0, 2.0), pwrs.xy - ceil(lod)); // Compute the inverse fraction size for the tile. //vec2 lodSize = mipSize * imageSize / tileSize; vec2 lodSizeInv = (relativeTileSize / mipSize); // Compute the new coordinates. //atlasTexCoord = atlasTexCoord * ((lodSize * (tileSize / imageSize) - 1.0) / lodSize) + (0.5 / lodSize) + startPos; atlasTexCoord = atlasTexCoord * (relativeTileSize - lodSizeInv) + (0.5 * lodSizeInv) + startPos; // Return the pixel from the correct mip surface of the atlas. texel = texture2DLod(textureSampler, atlasTexCoord, lod); } void SGX_Atlas_Sample_Normal(in sampler2D textureSampler, in vec2 origTexCoord, in vec2 atlasTexCoord, in vec4 textureData, in vec2 imageSize, out vec4 texel) { // texcoord contains: // x = texture atlas u // y = texture atlas v // z = derivative of original u // w = derivative of original v atlasTexCoord = textureData.xy + (atlasTexCoord * pow(vec2(2.0,2.0),textureData.zw) / imageSize); //texel = texture2DLod(textureSampler, vec4(atlasTexCoord, 0,0)); texel = texture2D(textureSampler, atlasTexCoord); } void SGX_Atlas_Wrap(in float inpCoord, out float outCoord) { outCoord = fract(inpCoord); } void SGX_Atlas_Clamp(in float inpCoord, out float outCoord) { outCoord = clamp(inpCoord, 0.0, 1.0); } void SGX_Atlas_Mirror(in float inpCoord, out float outCoord) { outCoord = (inpCoord + 1.0) * 0.5; outCoord = abs(fract(outCoord) * 2.0 - 1.0); } void SGX_Atlas_Border(in float inpCoord, out float outCoord) { // The shader needs to check whether the original texcoord are // beyond the [0, 1] range. The shader attempts to do so without // using if statments which are complicated for shaders. // If texcoord is in the [0, 1] range then check will equal 0, // otherwise it will equal the number 1 or greater. float check = step(inpCoord, 0.0) + step(1.0, inpCoord); // Using the check value transport the value of the texcoord // beyond the [0, 1] range so it will receive the border color. outCoord = abs(inpCoord) + check * 2.0; }