#version 300 es precision mediump int; precision mediump float; in vec4 pos; in vec2 oUv0; out vec4 fragColour; uniform sampler2D Image; uniform lowp sampler3D Rand; uniform lowp sampler3D Noise; uniform float distortionFreq; uniform float distortionScale; uniform float distortionRoll; uniform float interference; uniform float frameLimit; uniform float frameShape; uniform float frameSharpness; uniform float time_0_X; uniform float sin_time_0_X; void main() { // Define a frame shape float f = (1.0 - pos.x * pos.x) * (1.0 - pos.y * pos.y); float frame = clamp(frameSharpness * (pow(f, frameShape) - frameLimit), 0.0, 1.0); // Interference ... just a texture filled with rand() float rand = texture(Rand, vec3(1.5 * pos.x, 1.5 * pos.y, time_0_X)).x - 0.2; // Some signed noise for the distortion effect float noisy = texture(Noise, vec3(0, 0.5 * pos.y, 0.1 * time_0_X)).x - 0.5; // Repeat a 1 - x^2 (0 < x < 1) curve and roll it with sinus. float dst = fract(pos.y * distortionFreq + distortionRoll * sin_time_0_X); dst *= (1.0 - dst); // Make sure distortion is highest in the center of the image dst /= 1.0 + distortionScale * abs(pos.y); // ... and finally distort vec2 inUv = oUv0; inUv.x += distortionScale * noisy * dst; vec4 image = texture(Image, inUv); // Combine frame, distorted image and interference fragColour = frame * (interference * rand + image); }