# - try to find InterSense library # # Cache Variables: (probably not for direct use in your scripts) # INTERSENSE_INCLUDE_DIR # INTERSENSE_ISENSEC_DIR - location of the isense.c "import library" substitute. # INTERSENSE_LIBRARY # # Non-cache variables you might use in your CMakeLists.txt: # INTERSENSE_FOUND # INTERSENSE_INCLUDE_DIRS # INTERSENSE_LIBRARIES # # Requires these CMake modules: # FindPackageHandleStandardArgs (known included with CMake >=2.6.2) # # Author: # 2013 Eric Marsh # http://wemarsh.com/ # Kognitiv Neuroinformatik, Universität Bremen # # (building on Ryan Pavlik's templates) # # 2013 Ryan Pavlik # http://academic.cleardefinition.com # Iowa State University HCI Graduate Program/VRAC # # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) set(INTERSENSE_ROOT_DIR "${INTERSENSE_ROOT_DIR}" CACHE PATH "Directory to search for the Intersense SDK") if(APPLE) set(_ARCH UniversalLib) else() if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P MATCHES "8") set(_IS_ARCH x86_64) else() set(_IS_ARCH x86_32) endif() endif() set(_IS_INSTALLDIRS) if(APPLE) set(_IS_SDKDIR MacOSX) elseif(WIN32) set(_IS_SDKDIR Windows) # Default locations, as well as registry places it records install locations, # if you installed from a (actual or downloaded) product "CD" foreach(_IS_PROD "IS-900 Software" "InertiaCube Software") get_filename_component(_IS_REGPATH "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\InterSense\\${_IS_PROD};Path]" ABSOLUTE) if(_IS_REGPATH AND (NOT "${_IS_REGPATH}" STREQUAL "/registry")) list(APPEND _IS_INSTALLDIRS "${_IS_REGPATH}/SDK") endif() list(APPEND _IS_INSTALLDIRS "C:/InterSense/${_IS_PROD}/SDK") endforeach() else() # Assume Linux, since that's the only other platform supported by this library set(_IS_SDKDIR Linux) endif() find_path(INTERSENSE_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES isense.h PATHS "${INTERSENSE_ROOT_DIR}" "${INTERSENSE_ROOT_DIR}/SDK" ${_IS_INSTALLDIRS}) find_path(INTERSENSE_ISENSEC_DIR NAMES isense.c PATHS "${INTERSENSE_ROOT_DIR}" "${INTERSENSE_ROOT_DIR}/SDK" ${_IS_INSTALLDIRS} PATH_SUFFIXES "Windows/Sample/Visual C++ 2005" "Windows/Sample/Visual C++ 2005 (single tracker)" Linux/Sample MacOSX/Sample) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) # This is a weird one - no import library is supplied, and instead, at least on Windows, they use # an isense.c file to call into the DLL. Not sure if MinGW can link right against the dll in this case. if(WIN32) find_package_handle_standard_args(InterSense DEFAULT_MSG INTERSENSE_INCLUDE_DIR INTERSENSE_ISENSEC_DIR) if(INTERSENSE_FOUND) set(INTERSENSE_LIBRARIES "") set(INTERSENSE_INCLUDE_DIRS "${INTERSENSE_INCLUDE_DIR}" "${INTERSENSE_ISENSEC_DIR}") endif() else() # Only MSVC on Windows theoretically needs import libraries, so... find_library(INTERSENSE_LIBRARY NAMES isense PATHS "${INTERSENSE_ROOT_DIR}" "${INTERSENSE_ROOT_DIR}/SDK" ${_IS_INSTALLDIRS} PATH_SUFFIXES "${_IS_SDKDIR}/${_IS_ARCH}") find_package_handle_standard_args(InterSense DEFAULT_MSG INTERSENSE_LIBRARY INTERSENSE_INCLUDE_DIR) if(INTERSENSE_FOUND) set(INTERSENSE_LIBRARIES "${INTERSENSE_LIBRARY}" ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}) set(INTERSENSE_INCLUDE_DIRS "${INTERSENSE_INCLUDE_DIR}") endif() endif() mark_as_advanced(INTERSENSE_INCLUDE_DIR INTERSENSE_ISENSEC_DIR INTERSENSE_LIBRARY)