# - Additional help finding search paths on MinGW distributions, including MSYS2. # # Much of this is really more in the purview of CMake or the packages of CMake for # those distributions, but if I can centralize/simplify the pain here, it's worth doing. # # Variables: (all are internal cache variables) # MINGWSEARCH_INCLUDE_DIRS - use under PATHS in your find_path() commands # MINGWSEARCH_LIBRARY_DIRS - use under PATHS in your find_library() commands # MINGWSEARCH_PREFIXES - suitable for temporary use in CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH or CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. # MINGWSEARCH_TARGET_TRIPLE - something like x86_64-w64-mingw32 or i686-w64-mingw32, use as you see fit. # # Original Author: # 2016 Ryan Pavlik # # Copyright Sensics, Inc. 2016. # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) if(MINGW AND NOT MINGWSEARCH_COMPLETED) ### # Helper function ### function(_mingwsearch_conditional_add _var _path) #message(STATUS "conditional add to ${_var}: ${_path}") if(("${_path}" MATCHES "registry") OR (NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${_path}")) # Path invalid - do not add return() endif() list(FIND ${_var} "${_path}" _idx) if(_idx GREATER -1) # Path already in list - do not add return() endif() # Not yet in the list, so we'll add it list(APPEND ${_var} "${_path}") set(${_var} ${${_var}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Clear the working variables. set(MINGWSEARCH_INCLUDE_DIRS_WORK) set(MINGWSEARCH_LIBRARY_DIRS_WORK) set(MINGWSEARCH_PREFIXES_WORK) set(_mingw_target_triple) # Try to find the string like x86_64-w64-mingw32 by parsing the implicit link directories... # TODO this is a hack that either should be resolved in CMake or in MSYS2's package of CMake. foreach(_link_dir ${CMAKE_CXX_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES}) _mingwsearch_conditional_add(MINGWSEARCH_LIBRARY_DIRS_WORK "${_link_dir}") if("${_link_dir}" MATCHES "/([^/]*-mingw32)/lib") set(_mingw_target_triple ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) get_filename_component(_mingw_internal_basedir "${_link_dir}" PATH) # Try adding the parallel include dir if(IS_DIRECTORY "${_mingw_internal_basedir}/include") _mingwsearch_conditional_add(MINGWSEARCH_INCLUDE_DIRS_WORK "${_mingw_internal_basedir}/include") _mingwsearch_conditional_add(MINGWSEARCH_PREFIXES_WORK "${_mingw_internal_basedir}") endif() if(NOT CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) # Try going up a level, since the directory with the target is usually a sibling to the main prefix. get_filename_component(_mingw_main_basedir_candidate "${_mingw_internal_basedir}/.." ABSOLUTE) if(IS_DIRECTORY "${_mingw_main_basedir_candidate}/include" AND NOT ("${_mingw_main_basedir_candidate}" STREQUAL "${_mingw_internal_basedir}")) # If we could go up a level, add that include dir too. _mingwsearch_conditional_add(MINGWSEARCH_INCLUDE_DIRS_WORK "${_mingw_main_basedir_candidate}/include") _mingwsearch_conditional_add(MINGWSEARCH_PREFIXES_WORK "${_mingw_main_basedir_candidate}") endif() endif() endif() endforeach() ### # Output results. ### if(MINGWSEARCH_INCLUDE_DIRS_WORK) set(MINGWSEARCH_INCLUDE_DIRS "${MINGWSEARCH_INCLUDE_DIRS_WORK}" CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) #message(STATUS "MINGWSEARCH_INCLUDE_DIRS ${MINGWSEARCH_INCLUDE_DIRS}") endif() if(MINGWSEARCH_LIBRARY_DIRS_WORK) set(MINGWSEARCH_LIBRARY_DIRS "${MINGWSEARCH_LIBRARY_DIRS_WORK}" CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) #message(STATUS "MINGWSEARCH_LIBRARY_DIRS ${MINGWSEARCH_LIBRARY_DIRS}") endif() if(MINGWSEARCH_PREFIXES_WORK) set(MINGWSEARCH_PREFIXES "${MINGWSEARCH_PREFIXES_WORK}" CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) #message(STATUS "MINGWSEARCH_PREFIXES ${MINGWSEARCH_PREFIXES}") endif() if(_mingw_target_triple) set(MINGWSEARCH_TARGET_TRIPLE ${_mingw_target_triple} CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) #message(STATUS "MINGWSEARCH_TARGET_TRIPLE ${MINGWSEARCH_TARGET_TRIPLE}") endif() set(MINGWSEARCH_COMPLETED TRUE CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) endif()