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Returns a H3d of type PCL_TYPE_ID representing a system of particles.

H3d M3createEmitter (
S3d _session_
I _mask_
F _life_
[I [F F F] [F F F]] _volume_

3D Session
Either nil, either PCL_INFINIT to give the emitter an infinite lifespan.
Emitter lifespan (inactive when PCL_INFINIT is used)
Description of emission volume :
The first element is a flag that allows to select the shape of the particle emission volume. The emission volume is then described by the two vectors, vectorA and vectorB.
The available volumes are :
  • VOLUME_SPHERE : in this case, the first element of vectorA represents the radius of the sphere. The particles are emitted from the center of the sphere and travel outward, in all directions.
  • VOLUME_CONE : vectorA represents the dimensions of the box in which the cone is defined : width (x) height (y) and depth (z). The cone is pointing upward (y) and its apex is located at the position of the emitter. The particles are emitted from the apex of the cone.
  • VOLUME_PLAN : the plane is horizontal, the first component of vectorA gives the width (x) of the plane and the third component of vectorA gives the depth (z). Particles are emitted from everywhere on the plane and are motionless.
  • VOLUME_LINE : the particles are emitted along a segment of the X axis. The length of the segment is given by the first component of vectorA. The particles emitted are motionless.
Return value

Particle emitter

VectorB is not used for the time being but it may be used later to define other types of volumes.
See Also

M3setEmitter and M3getEmitter