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The "SQLite" PlugIT allows to create and manage a SQLite database and to associate it requests that can be then called by other PlugITs.
Parameters |
1 |
Path to the database file. |
2 |
If checked, the database will not be saved in the hard drive. It will only stays in the RAM while the application runs. |
3 |
If checked, use UTF-8 format for the database. |
4 |
Field for the initialization script of the database. |
5 |
List of the SQL requests associated with the database. Each request create an action and an event with the same name for the PlugIT. |
6 |
Entry field for the selected SQL request code. |
7 |
Format of the message sent as output after a call to the selected request. You can call variables with a $ before the name of the variable (example : $MyVar). |
8 |
New : Adds a new SQL request to the list. |
Action |
Exec "X" |
Execute the "X" SQL request. |
Exec |
Execute the SQL request given in the link parameter. |
Change database |
Changes the database used by the one given in the link parameter. |
Event |
Result "X" |
Triggered when the "X" SQL request is executed. Contain the result of the request, formatted as described in the "Output format" field. |
Result |
Triggered when a SQL request given in the link parameter is executed. Contain the result of the request. |
Database loaded |
Triggered when the database has been loaded. |