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"Input mixer" PlugIT

The "Input mixer" PlugIT allows to combine several plugIT outputs into a single formatted one.




Number of inputs to combine.


Format of the can use the dynamic variables from the input links with the "$" followed by the letter of the input to use and the number of the parameter to use.
Examples :
- "$A2" means the second parameter from the A input
- "$B1" means the first parameter from the B input
- "$C0" means all of the C input


The condition for the output to be automatically triggered :
- "each time an input is received" triggers the output each time one of the input is updated. Note : the plugIT will wait to receive each input at least once before starting to trigger the output.
- "after receiving each input at least once" systematically waits to receive each input at least once between each triggereing of the output.
- "at each fixed interval of time" triggers the output at a fixed time interval defined in the following field.

Note : the output can also be triggered manually with the "Get formatted output" action.


Time interval between two triggering of the output for the "at each fixed interval of time" option.


If checked, the automatic triggering of the output will start on application startup.



Formatted output

Result of the combination of the inputs according to the provided format




Enables the automatic triggering of the output.


Disables the automatic triggering of the output.

Get formatted output

Triggers the formatted output (événement "Formatted output").

Input A/B/C/...

Inputs for the plugIT outputs to combine. Increase the number of inputs in the plugIT to increase the number of actions available.


Resets the values of the inputs and the count of the "each time an input is received" and "after receiving each input at least once" modes.