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"GPIO motor driver" PlugIT

The GPIO motor driver PlugIT allows you to control an L298N-based board to control the direction and speed of two motors.




Number of the Raspberry PI GPIO pin connected to pin 1 on the card.


Number of the Raspberry PI GPIO pin connected to pin 2 on the card.


Number of the Raspberry PI GPIO pin connected to pin 3 on the card.


Number of the Raspberry PI GPIO pin connected to pin 4 on the card.


Sets the speed and the initial direction of motor 1 between -100 and 100.


Sets the speed and the initial direction of motor 2 between -100 and 100.



Set motor 1 speed

Sets the speed and direction of motor 1 according to the value passed in link parameter (between -100 and 100).

Set motor 2 speed

Sets the speed and direction of motor 2 according to the value passed in link parameter (between -100 and 100).