3D navigation

Navigate/Walk allows to choose the navigation mode in the 3D zone.

This button has two states (two navigation modes) and the left click allow to switch a mode to an other.

Viewer mode :

Only the mouse is necessary in this navigation mode :

- Left click + move : Allow the view rotation.
- Middle mouse click + move : Allow the view translation.
- Mouse scroll : Zoom in/Zoom Out

Move in third-person view :

The mouse and the keyboard are enabled in this navigation mode :

- Left click + Mouse to the left or left arrow key : allow to make a left rotation of the active camera.
- Left click + Mouse to the right or right arrow key : allow to make a right rotation of the active camera.
- Left click + Mouse to the top or top arrow key : allow to move forward.
- Left click + Mouse to the bottom or bottom arrow key : allow to move backward.
- Shift Button + Move : allow to turn the camera.