LANGUAGE chinese LANGCODE zh OS3D_0001 (bitmaps, shaders, program, skeleton ...) OS3D_0002 Objects were configured as physic collision. OS3D_0003 already exist. OS3D_0004 as son of OS3D_0005 can not be found. OS3D_0006 has been rewrited with found resources path. OS3D_0007 instance OS3D_0008 loaded. OS3D_0009 on line OS3D_0010 orientation OS3D_0011 position OS3D_0012 scale OS3D_0013 script : OS3D_0014 still not found\n verify your Ogre resources path OS3D_0015 , verify that the file exist. OS3D_0016 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> OS3D editor log > OS3D_0017 About OpenSpace3D Editor OS3D_0018 Act as fluid volume with ratio OS3D_0019 Add camera OS3D_0020 Add cinematic OS3D_0021 Add compositor OS3D_0022 Add directory OS3D_0023 Add dummy OS3D_0024 Add dynamic cube map OS3D_0025 Add dynamic reflection map OS3D_0026 Add key OS3D_0027 Add light OS3D_0028 Add mesh OS3D_0029 Add new group OS3D_0030 Add particle system OS3D_0031 Add resource directory OS3D_0032 Add resource path OS3D_0033 Add resources to scene OS3D_0034 Add resources to this group OS3D_0035 Add script OS3D_0036 Add sky box OS3D_0037 Add sky dome OS3D_0038 Add sky plan OS3D_0039 Add track OS3D_0040 Advanced setting OS3D_0041 Alias OS3D_0042 All plugITs reloaded. OS3D_0043 Ambient color OS3D_0044 An environment setting has been found in imported scene\n Do you want to import this environment setting ? OS3D_0045 Angular damping OS3D_0046 Animation editor OS3D_0047 Animation setting : OS3D_0048 Animation setting OS3D_0049 Application initialized. OS3D_0050 Application name OS3D_0051 Apply OS3D_0052 Architecture model OS3D_0053 Are you sure to delete selected plugIT instance ? OS3D_0054 Are you sure to delete this links ? OS3D_0055 Are you sure to move OS3D_0056 Are you sure to remove the compositor ? OS3D_0057 Are you sure to remove the selected animation ? OS3D_0058 Are you sure to remove the selected key ? OS3D_0059 Are you sure to remove the selected object and all his sons ? OS3D_0060 Are you sure to remove the selected track ? OS3D_0061 Are you sure to remove the sky box ? OS3D_0062 Are you sure to remove the sky dome ? OS3D_0063 Are you sure to remove the sky plan ? OS3D_0064 Are you sure to remove this resource ? OS3D_0065 As a Local web page (for local only) OS3D_0066 As a Scol file (for local only) OS3D_0067 As a Windows application OS3D_0068 As a new group OS3D_0069 As a web page (to FTP) OS3D_0070 Author OS3D_0071 Auto fit on select OS3D_0072 Auto sleep OS3D_0073 Auto update OS3D_0074 Available material scheme OS3D_0075 Background color OS3D_0076 Blur amount : OS3D_0077 Body size OS3D_0078 Body type OS3D_0079 Bounding box (in meter): OS3D_0080 Bow OS3D_0081 Calm water OS3D_0082 Camera setting : OS3D_0083 Camera setup OS3D_0084 Cancel OS3D_0085 Cast shadow OS3D_0086 Caustics power OS3D_0087 Check scene for modification... OS3D_0088 Choppy strength OS3D_0090 Cinematics OS3D_0091 City OS3D_0092 Clear Logs OS3D_0093 Clone OS3D_0094 Clouds ceiling OS3D_0095 Comment OS3D_0096 Company OS3D_0097 Complexity OS3D_0098 Compositor \" OS3D_0099 Compositor setting : OS3D_0100 Continuous collision OS3D_0101 Converting file... OS3D_0102 Copy (Ctrl + C) OS3D_0103 Copyright I-Maginer 2020 OS3D_0104 Country OS3D_0106 Current version : OS3D_0107 Curvature OS3D_0108 Cut (Ctrl + X) OS3D_0109 Date OS3D_0110 Date/time setting OS3D_0111 Decal : OS3D_0112 Deep Ocean OS3D_0113 Del key OS3D_0114 Del track OS3D_0115 Delete OS3D_0116 Depth OS3D_0117 Diffuse color OS3D_0118 Distance visibility OS3D_0119 Distance OS3D_0120 Do you want to save the current scene before closing OpenSpace3D Editor ? OS3D_0121 Do you want to save the current scene before loading a new one ? OS3D_0122 Do you want to save the current scene before starting a new one ? OS3D_0123 Draw first OS3D_0124 Duplicated link, this link already exist or you didn't change the param value. OS3D_0125 Duplicated link, this link already exist. OS3D_0126 Dynamic cube map setting : OS3D_0127 Dynamic reflection map setting : OS3D_0128 Edit links OS3D_0129 Edit materials OS3D_0130 Edit setting OS3D_0131 Editor initialized. OS3D_0132 Effect amount : OS3D_0133 Email OS3D_0134 Enable / Disable PlugIT's Log OS3D_0135 Enable HDR OS3D_0136 Enable SSAO OS3D_0137 Enable on play OS3D_0138 Enable physics on play OS3D_0139 Enable OS3D_0140 Entity settings OS3D_0141 Entity visibility layers OS3D_0142 Environment setting OS3D_0143 Error : PlugIT OS3D_0144 Error while adding the Dynamique cube map named \" OS3D_0145 Error while adding the Dynamique reflection map named \" OS3D_0146 Error while adding the animation named \" OS3D_0147 Error while adding the camera named \" OS3D_0148 Error while adding the light named \" OS3D_0149 Error while adding the mesh named \" OS3D_0150 Error while adding the node named \" OS3D_0151 Error while adding the particle system named \" OS3D_0152 Error while importing scene or group : OS3D_0153 Error while loading mesh. OS3D_0154 Error while loading the mesh file \" OS3D_0155 Error OS3D_0156 Export group OS3D_0157 Export to OpenSpace3D Player (Ctrl + E) OS3D_0158 Export to Player setting OS3D_0159 Far clip OS3D_0160 Far distance OS3D_0161 File can't be loaded ! OS3D_0162 Filter : OS3D_0163 Focal length (STEREO) OS3D_0164 Fog Density OS3D_0165 Fog color OS3D_0166 Fog fade end OS3D_0167 Fog linear start OS3D_0168 Fog mode OS3D_0169 Fog setting OS3D_0170 Fov Y (in degree) OS3D_0171 Freezed OS3D_0172 Front view (F) OS3D_0173 Gamma correction : OS3D_0174 Generate Lightning OS3D_0175 Generate collisions on scene OS3D_0176 Global coords. OS3D_0177 Global setting OS3D_0178 Gravity OS3D_0179 Group Meshes OS3D_0180 Group Resources OS3D_0181 Group loaded : OS3D_0182 Group loaded. OS3D_0183 Group name OS3D_0184 Groups OS3D_0185 HDR settings OS3D_0186 Help / Documentation OS3D_0187 Hidden (applied on all sons) OS3D_0188 Hidden OS3D_0189 Humidity OS3D_0190 Import 3d file : OS3D_0191 Import environment OS3D_0192 Import in scene root, in current group or as a new group OS3D_0193 Import mesh : OS3D_0194 Import scene (Ctrl + I) OS3D_0195 Import scene : OS3D_0196 Import scene OS3D_0197 Import to scene OS3D_0198 Import to this group OS3D_0199 Import OS3D_0200 Importing Ogre mesh file : OS3D_0201 Importing Ogre scene file : OS3D_0202 Importing OpenSpace3D scene file : OS3D_0203 In current \" OS3D_0204 In scene group OS3D_0205 Index materials OS3D_0206 Info : OS3D_0207 Info OS3D_0208 Init default scene. OS3D_0209 Initializing application... OS3D_0210 Initializing editor... OS3D_0211 Inner range OS3D_0212 Instance name OS3D_0213 Interpolation mode OS3D_0214 Invalid instance name. OS3D_0215 Invisible in selection buffer OS3D_0216 Latitude OS3D_0217 Launch in player (F12) OS3D_0218 Layers rendered by main viewport OS3D_0219 Left view (L) OS3D_0220 Length : OS3D_0221 Level OS3D_0222 License : GNU Lesser General Public License OS3D_0223 Light setting : OS3D_0224 Light type OS3D_0225 Linear damping OS3D_0226 Loading ... OS3D_0227 Loading : OS3D_0228 Loading OpenSpace3D scene file : OS3D_0229 Loading screen OS3D_0230 Local coords. OS3D_0231 Location for converted files OS3D_0232 Location setting OS3D_0233 Logs : OS3D_0234 Logs OS3D_0235 Longitude OS3D_0236 Loop OS3D_0237 Manual center of mass OS3D_0238 Mass (Kg) OS3D_0239 Material Id OS3D_0240 Material Scheme setting OS3D_0241 Material name OS3D_0242 Material technique OS3D_0243 Material OS3D_0244 Materials setting : OS3D_0245 Maximize / Minimize OS3D_0246 Mesh file name : OS3D_0247 Mesh import wizard, press next to select the file OS3D_0248 Mesh loaded. OS3D_0249 Mini-Map OS3D_0250 Minimize / Restore OS3D_0251 Moon light color OS3D_0252 Moon setting OS3D_0253 Moon texture (TODO) OS3D_0254 Move (2 to select, Tab to switch) OS3D_0255 Move key on left OS3D_0256 Move key on right OS3D_0257 Name OS3D_0258 Navigate / Walk (Shift + N) OS3D_0259 Near clip OS3D_0260 New / Reset all (Ctrl + N) OS3D_0261 New camera OS3D_0262 New cinematic OS3D_0263 New dummy OS3D_0264 New dynamic cube map OS3D_0265 New dynamic reflection map OS3D_0266 New group OS3D_0267 New light OS3D_0268 Next OS3D_0269 No change on scene. OS3D_0270 No compositor resources found in scene OS3D_0271 No documentation available OS3D_0272 No material scheme found in scene OS3D_0273 No particle system template resources found in scene OS3D_0274 No unconfigured physic object found. OS3D_0275 Number of LOD levels OS3D_0276 Number of actions : OS3D_0277 Number of events : OS3D_0278 Number of links : OS3D_0279 Object informations : OS3D_0280 Object informations OS3D_0281 Object setting : OS3D_0282 Ok OS3D_0283 Online help (F1, use Shift + click to open local documentation) OS3D_0284 Open scene (Ctrl + O) OS3D_0285 Open scene OS3D_0286 OpenSpace3D Editor : OS3D_0287 OpenSpace3D Editor OS3D_0288 OpenSpace3D Scene (.xos) OS3D_0289 Orientation OS3D_0290 Outer range OS3D_0291 Particle system setting : OS3D_0292 Pass texture OS3D_0293 Paste (Ctrl + V) OS3D_0294 Perspective view (P) OS3D_0295 Physics framerate OS3D_0296 Physics material name OS3D_0297 Physics body setting : OS3D_0298 Physics setting OS3D_0299 Plan setup D OS3D_0300 Plan setup X OS3D_0301 Plan setup Y OS3D_0302 Plan setup Z OS3D_0303 Play / Pause OS3D_0304 Play / Stop (Ctrl + Backspace) OS3D_0305 PlugIT instance name OS3D_0306 PlugIT not loaded !\nPlease check your plugIT installation. OS3D_0307 Polygon count : OS3D_0308 Power OS3D_0309 Preset method OS3D_0310 Preset mode OS3D_0311 Preset quality OS3D_0312 Project description OS3D_0313 Project license OS3D_0314 Project setting (Ctrl + P) OS3D_0315 Project setting OS3D_0316 Project OS3D_0317 Range OS3D_0318 Receive shadow OS3D_0319 Redo (Ctrl + Y) OS3D_0320 Redo last alias change (Ctrl + Y) OS3D_0321 Redo last hierarchy change (Ctrl + Y) OS3D_0322 Redo last rotation (Ctrl + Y) OS3D_0323 Redo last scale (Ctrl + Y) OS3D_0324 Redo last selection (Ctrl + Y) OS3D_0325 Redo last translation (Ctrl + Y) OS3D_0326 Released on : OS3D_0327 Reload (F5) OS3D_0328 Reload plugITs... OS3D_0329 Reload plugIts (F5) OS3D_0330 Remove directory OS3D_0331 Remove resource OS3D_0332 Remove script OS3D_0333 Remove OS3D_0334 Render caustics OS3D_0335 Render foam OS3D_0336 Render queue position OS3D_0337 Render under water OS3D_0338 Rendering setting OS3D_0339 Reserved OS3D_0340 Resource not found in OS3D_0341 Resources Directories OS3D_0342 Resources path OS3D_0343 Resources OS3D_0344 Revert clip plane (for refract) OS3D_0345 Rotate (3 to select, Tab to switch) OS3D_0346 Rotation interpolation mode OS3D_0347 SSAO advanced settings OS3D_0348 SSAO settings OS3D_0349 SSAO technique : OS3D_0350 Sample in screen space OS3D_0351 Save OpenSpace3D scene (Ctrl + S) OS3D_0352 Save as OpenSpace3D scene (Ctrl + Shift + S) OS3D_0353 Save your current scene first. OS3D_0354 Scale (4 to select, Tab to switch) OS3D_0355 Scale OS3D_0356 Scene have been changed. OS3D_0357 Scene loaded. OS3D_0358 Scene settings OS3D_0359 Scene tree OS3D_0360 Scheme mask OS3D_0361 Segments OS3D_0362 Select (1 to select, Tab to switch) OS3D_0363 Select a compositor OS3D_0364 Select a particle system template OS3D_0365 Select the directory for the converted files location (Use a project resource folder) OS3D_0366 Select the material and program files for OS3D_0367 Select the resources directories for OS3D_0368 Select the scene file format OS3D_0369 Self shadow OS3D_0370 Set alias OS3D_0371 Set an application name. OS3D_0372 Set as active camera OS3D_0373 Set environment setting OS3D_0374 Set fog setting OS3D_0375 Set material scheme OS3D_0376 Set orientation OS3D_0377 Set physics setting OS3D_0378 Set physics OS3D_0379 Set position OS3D_0380 Set rendering setting OS3D_0381 Set scale OS3D_0382 Set shadow method OS3D_0383 Setup OS3D_0384 Shadow caster material OS3D_0385 Shadow color OS3D_0386 Shadow method OS3D_0387 Shadow receiver material OS3D_0388 Shadow setting OS3D_0389 Show / Hide 3d infos (I) OS3D_0390 Show / Hide grid (G) OS3D_0391 Show / Hide helpers (H) OS3D_0392 Show SSAO only (for edition) OS3D_0393 Show all links OS3D_0394 Show curved links OS3D_0395 Show scene grid OS3D_0396 Show scene helpers OS3D_0397 Show scene infos OS3D_0398 Skip frame (Ignore lost frames) OS3D_0399 Sky setting : OS3D_0400 Sky setting OS3D_0402 Smooth water OS3D_0403 Solver model OS3D_0404 Some files are missing in OS3D_0405 Some files in OS3D_0406 Specular color OS3D_0407 Speed OS3D_0408 Standard file formats (3D .dae, .obj, .fbx, .scene...) OS3D_0409 Stars texture (TODO) OS3D_0410 Static geometry (applied on all sons) OS3D_0411 Stop OS3D_0412 Sun light color OS3D_0413 Sun setting OS3D_0414 Technique pass OS3D_0415 Texture count OS3D_0416 Texture fade end OS3D_0417 Texture fade start OS3D_0418 Texture offset OS3D_0419 Texture size OS3D_0420 The '.scene' or '.xos' file have to be in a scol partition. OS3D_0421 The file OS3D_0422 The file can't be loaded ! OS3D_0423 The file format is not supported, or corrupted. OS3D_0424 The file format or version is not supported. OS3D_0425 The group has been successfully saved to OS3D_0426 The project scol executable has been successfully saved to OS3D_0427 The scene has been successfully saved to OS3D_0428 The scol application executable has been successfully saved to OS3D_0429 The selected mesh is planar, this body type cannot be applied. OS3D_0430 Tiling OS3D_0431 Time shifting OS3D_0432 Time OS3D_0433 Top view (T) OS3D_0434 Transition : OS3D_0435 Tree item creation failed !!!!! OS3D_0436 Undo (Ctrl + Z) OS3D_0437 Undo last alias change (Ctrl + Z) OS3D_0438 Undo last hierarchy change (Ctrl + Z) OS3D_0439 Undo last rotation (Ctrl + Z) OS3D_0440 Undo last scale (Ctrl + Z) OS3D_0441 Undo last selection (Ctrl + Z) OS3D_0442 Undo last translation (Ctrl + Z) OS3D_0443 Unknow file extension. OS3D_0444 Use 3D clouds OS3D_0445 Use HDR mode OS3D_0446 Use real time OS3D_0447 User OS3D_0448 User param OS3D_0449 Values OS3D_0450 Version OS3D_0451 Volumetric light OS3D_0452 Warning OS3D_0453 Water color OS3D_0454 Water setting OS3D_0455 Water OS3D_0456 Wave scale OS3D_0457 Wave strength OS3D_0458 Waves preset OS3D_0459 Weather setting OS3D_0460 Website OS3D_0461 Weight OS3D_0462 Wind direction OS3D_0463 Wind force OS3D_0464 Default window height OS3D_0465 Default window width OS3D_0466 Wire / Polygon (F3) OS3D_0467 Xml Load time : OS3D_0468 Xml getResourcesScriptFiles time : OS3D_0469 Xml loadGroupResources time : OS3D_0470 Xml loadOgreMaxNodes time : OS3D_0471 Xml until nodes time : OS3D_0472 Your file have to be in a scol partition. OS3D_0473 Zoom in OS3D_0474 Zoom out OS3D_0475 \" from OS3D_0476 \" group OS3D_0477 \", verify if the animation name already exist in scene. OS3D_0478 \", verify if the camera name already exist in scene. OS3D_0479 \", verify if the file exist or add the resource directory. OS3D_0480 \", verify if the light name already exist in scene. OS3D_0481 \", verify if the node name already exist in scene. OS3D_0482 \", verify if the particle template exist in scene. OS3D_0483 \", verify if your system support it and the material setting. OS3D_0484 \ndo not contain all the correct resources path\n Do you want to rewrite the file with correct scol path ? OS3D_0485 Reset OS3D_0486 copy of OS3D_0487 iterative eight pass OS3D_0488 iterative four pass OS3D_0489 iterative one passes OS3D_0490 iterative two passes OS3D_0491 Material name OS3D_0492 Plane OS3D_0493 Plane distance OS3D_0494 Exact OS3D_0495 Ocean OS3D_0496 None OS3D_0497 FTP server\n OS3D_0499 >> Connected\n OS3D_0500 >> Connecting on OS3D_0501 >> Connecting on : OS3D_0502 >> PASV\n OS3D_0503 >> Try to connect\n OS3D_0505 >> data upload : OS3D_0506 >> server ready\n OS3D_0507 >> upload successfull\n OS3D_0510 An error occured, check the ftp logs and retry OS3D_0511 Antialiasing OS3D_0512 Bad login or password\n OS3D_0513 Cancel OS3D_0514 Connection closed\n OS3D_0515 Connection failed, retry ? OS3D_0518 Done OS3D_0519 Error OS3D_0520 Export complete in \" OS3D_0521 Export to Stand alone Web application OS3D_0522 Export to Windows application OS3D_0523 Export to Web Page OS3D_0524 Exporting, please wait ... OS3D_0525 Files have been generated. OS3D_0526 Ftp destination directory (ex:project) OS3D_0527 Ftp host OS3D_0528 Ftp login OS3D_0529 Ftp password OS3D_0530 Ftp port OS3D_0531 Ftp www root path (ex:/www) OS3D_0532 Generation done! OS3D_0533 Http domain ( OS3D_0534 Icon path OS3D_0535 Insert the application in the web page OS3D_0536 Ok OS3D_0537 Please check the form OS3D_0538 Project Packed!\n OS3D_0539 Renderer OS3D_0541 Time Out OS3D_0542 Transfer in progress ...\n OS3D_0543 Upload Error OS3D_0544 Upload finished OS3D_0545 Upload finished. Do you want to open the web page ? OS3D_0546 Upload to FTP server OS3D_0547 You have been disconnected from the server OS3D_0548 \" directory OS3D_0549 Pick color OS3D_0550 Color selector OS3D_0551 Preferences OS3D_0552 Restart OpenSpace3D to take the change into account OS3D_0553 Language OS3D_0554 Interface color scheme OS3D_0555 Color scheme OS3D_0556 Export OS3D_0557 As a Android application OS3D_0558 Signing keystore file OS3D_0559 Keystore password OS3D_0560 The APK file was not generated, check the signing password and file. OS3D_0561 Install on connected device OS3D_0562 Create a signing keystore OS3D_0563 Error during keystore generation. OS3D_0564 Passwords do not match or the field "country code" is empty. OS3D_0565 Author name OS3D_0566 Company OS3D_0567 City OS3D_0568 Country code (UK) OS3D_0569 Password OS3D_0570 Password verification OS3D_0571 Zoom on selected object (Z) OS3D_0572 Warning OS3D_0573 The navigator plugin only works on Firefox for now. OS3D_0574 Ratio (%) OS3D_0575 Target architecture OS3D_0576 Player settings OS3D_0577 As a Linux application OS3D_0578 As a Raspberry PI application OS3D_0579 As a IOS application OS3D_0580 As a MacOS/OSX application OS3D_0581 Sort menus (disable for faster editing) OS3D_0582 Application orientation OS3D_0583 Landscape OS3D_0584 Portrait OS3D_0585 Package name OS3D_0586 The Package name is not valid, use OS3D_0587 Browse files... OS3D_0588 Number of vertices OS3D_0589 Split large meshes (needed for mobiles) OS3D_0590 Smooth normals OS3D_0591 Optimize meshes OS3D_0592 Optimize scene graph OS3D_0593 Generate LOD OS3D_0594 Group materials OS3D_0595 Material editor OS3D_0596 Material preview OS3D_0597 Material settings OS3D_0598 Two sided OS3D_0599 Transparent OS3D_0600 Polygon mode OS3D_0601 Solid OS3D_0602 Wire OS3D_0603 Point OS3D_0604 Points size OS3D_0605 Material colors OS3D_0606 Ambient color OS3D_0607 Diffuse color OS3D_0608 Specular color OS3D_0609 Self-Illumination color OS3D_0610 Shininess OS3D_0611 No light OS3D_0612 Opacity OS3D_0613 Material textures OS3D_0614 Ambient OS3D_0615 Diffuse OS3D_0616 Specular OS3D_0617 Emissive OS3D_0618 Normal OS3D_0619 Reflection OS3D_0620 Ref. amount OS3D_0621 Edit material OS3D_0622 Add new material OS3D_0623 Delete material OS3D_0624 Assign material to selected object OS3D_0625 new material OS3D_0626 Material file OS3D_0627 A material with this name already exist in scene, choose another name OS3D_0628 You must select a .material file where the material will be saved. OS3D_0629 Are you sure that you want to delete this material? OS3D_0630 Rejection OS3D_0631 Use vertex color OS3D_0632 Ref. mask OS3D_0633 Inverse landscape OS3D_0634 Inverse portrait OS3D_0635 Interface settings OS3D_0636 2D OS3D_0637 On material OS3D_0638 3D OS3D_0639 VR OS3D_0640 Opacity OS3D_0641 Texture quality OS3D_0642 Pos X OS3D_0643 Pos Y OS3D_0644 Offset OS3D_0645 Width OS3D_0646 Height OS3D_0647 Keep ratio OS3D_0648 Show in background OS3D_0649 Initial Z order OS3D_0650 Left align OS3D_0651 Right align OS3D_0652 Top align OS3D_0653 Bottom align OS3D_0654 Center align OS3D_0655 Object name OS3D_0656 Material name OS3D_0657 Material technique OS3D_0658 Technique pass OS3D_0659 Pass texture OS3D_0660 Parent name OS3D_0661 Constant size on screen OS3D_0662 Always face the camera OS3D_0663 Always on top OS3D_0664 Scale OS3D_0665 2D interface settings OS3D_0666 On material interface settings OS3D_0667 3D interface settings OS3D_0668 VR interface settings OS3D_0669 OpenSpace3D project package OS3D_0670 Loading an OpenSpace3D package can replace files in your OpenSpace3D folder.\nAre you sure you want to continue? OS3D_0671 Max dist. for const. size OS3D_0672 Do you want to reset all the object's materials? OS3D_0673 Local / World Coordinates (0) OS3D_0674 Number of plugIT instances in project: OS3D_0675 Number of links in project: OS3D_0676 Offset position OS3D_0677 Offset angle OS3D_0678 Rotate X by -90กใ OS3D_0679 Scale factor OS3D_0680 Export type OS3D_0681 APK OS3D_0682 App bundle (Java required) OS3D_0683 Android Studio project OS3D_0684 Theme editor OS3D_0685 Add OS3D_0686 Duplicate OS3D_0687 Delete OS3D_0688 New theme OS3D_0689 Open theme OS3D_0690 Save theme OS3D_0691 Unused resources OS3D_0692 Resource settings OS3D_0693 Bitmap path OS3D_0694 Background color OS3D_0695 Border thickness (px) OS3D_0696 Border color OS3D_0697 Resize mode OS3D_0698 Stretch OS3D_0699 Split OS3D_0700 Fit OS3D_0701 Fill OS3D_0702 Mouse states OS3D_0703 Active OS3D_0704 Active + Hover OS3D_0705 Active + Hover + Down OS3D_0706 Active + Hover + Down + Disabled OS3D_0707 Forms / Nb of columns OS3D_0708 Number of frames OS3D_0709 Frames per second OS3D_0710 Font settings OS3D_0711 Font name OS3D_0712 Font size OS3D_0713 Bold OS3D_0714 Italic OS3D_0715 Hollow OS3D_0716 Font color OS3D_0717 This name is already attributed. OS3D_0718 State: Active OS3D_0719 State: Hover OS3D_0720 State: Down OS3D_0721 State: Disabled OS3D_0722 Form/column: OS3D_0723 Original resource OS3D_0724 Widened OS3D_0725 Tallened OS3D_0726 Biggened OS3D_0727 Theme name OS3D_0728 A theme cannot have an empty name. OS3D_0729 Theme to open (themes are saved in OpenSpace3D/assets/themes/): OS3D_0730 Create new theme OS3D_0731 You must select a theme to open. OS3D_0732 There is already a resource with the same name in your theme. Are you sure you want to replace it ? OS3D_0733 New custom element name: OS3D_0734 Create from default theme OS3D_0735 Create from existing theme: OS3D_0736 You need to select a theme to use as the basis of your new theme. OS3D_0737 Do you want to save the current theme before starting a new one ? OS3D_0738 Do you want to save the current theme before openning a new one ? OS3D_0739 Do you want to save the current theme before closing the theme editor ? OS3D_0740 The following resources are currently unused in this theme. Do you want to delete them ? OS3D_0741 Yes OS3D_0742 No OS3D_0743 Duplicate theme definition OS3D_0744 Duplicated definition name: OS3D_0745 Duplicate theme element OS3D_0746 Duplicated custom element name: OS3D_0747 Element description OS3D_0748 Default font, used on elements where no other font is set. OS3D_0749 Default interface background. OS3D_0750 Default button. OS3D_0751 Standard checkbox. OS3D_0752 Font used for titles. OS3D_0753 Font used for standard text lines. OS3D_0754 Font and resource used for input text fields. OS3D_0755 Button that appears to allow to scroll up in a text, menu, list, table ... OS3D_0756 Button that appears to allow to scroll down in a text, menu, list, table ... OS3D_0757 Button that appears to allow to scroll left in a text, menu, list, table ... OS3D_0758 Button that appears to allow to scroll right in a text, menu, list, table ... OS3D_0759 Resource used by each cell of a table. Use borders to get a nicely separated table. OS3D_0760 Bubble of text that appears when you hover some buttons or object with your mouse. OS3D_0761 Field displaying the currently selected value. Clicking it unfolds the list of possible values. OS3D_0762 Background of the list of possible values that unfolds when the select control is clicked. OS3D_0763 Resource and font used by each element of the list of the select control. OS3D_0764 Background of a list. OS3D_0765 Element of a list. OS3D_0766 Element of a list that can be checked / selected. OS3D_0767 Button that allows to unfold a sublist from a list element. OS3D_0768 Background of a menu. OS3D_0769 Menu main buttons. OS3D_0770 Background of the list that unfolds when a main button of the menu is clicked. OS3D_0771 Element of the submenu that unfolds when a main button of the menu is clicked. OS3D_0772 Checkable / selectable element of the submenu that unfolds when a main button of the menu is clicked. OS3D_0773 Button that allows to unfold a submenu from a menu element. OS3D_0774 Main body of the slider, a "gauge" or "rail" that can be filled by the "sliderFill" resource and on which the "sliderCursor" slides. The font is used for the text displaying the current value. OS3D_0775 Cursor to move to select a value on the slider. OS3D_0776 Resource that fills the "sliderBackground" to create a gauge, progress bar ... OS3D_0777 Background of a dialog box. OS3D_0778 Font used for the title of a dialog box. OS3D_0779 Font used for standard text in a dialog box. OS3D_0780 First button of a dialog box, usually used for a validation, approval or other positive response. OS3D_0781 Second button of a dialog box, usually used for a refusal, a cancelation or other negative response. OS3D_0782 OS3D_0783 Font and resource used for the numbers input field on a float control. OS3D_0784 Button to decrease the value inside a float control. The font will be used for the minus sign inside the button. OS3D_0785 Button to increase the value inside a float control. The font will be used for the plus sign inside the button. OS3D_0786 Background of the virtual keyboard. OS3D_0787 Standard key of the keyboard. OS3D_0788 Shift key used to capitalize a letter. A shift pictogram should appear on the resource. OS3D_0789 Key to delete text. A delete pictogram should appear on the resource. OS3D_0790 Enter key. A enter pictogram should appear on the resource. OS3D_0791 Key to hide the virtual keyboard. A pictogram should appear on the resource to describe the role of this key. OS3D_0792 Key to clear the text field. A pictogram should appear on the resource to describe the role of this key. OS3D_0793 User interface theme OS3D_0794 Display settings OS3D_0795 Interfaces scale (%) OS3D_0796 Theme settings OS3D_0797 Type: OS3D_0798 The name cannot includes characters such as / or \\ OS3D_0799 The name cannot be empty OS3D_0800 Loading local documentation... OS3D_0801 Local documentation loaded OS3D_0802 Search a plugIT OS3D_0803 Keyword OS3D_0804 Add OS3D_0805 Parameters OS3D_0806 Actions OS3D_0807 Events OS3D_0808 Back to $CAT PlugITs content page OS3D_0809 As a Meta Quest application OS3D_0810 The app use the hands tracking feature OS3D_0811 Template OS3D_0812 Always export OpenSpace3D project package OS3D_0813 Instance color OS3D_0814 Texture quality OS3D_0815 Identical OS3D_0816 Very low OS3D_0817 Low OS3D_0818 Medium OS3D_0819 High OS3D_0820 Very high OS3D_0821 Scene tree filter OS3D_0822 Filter keyword OS3D_0823 Move multiple nodes OS3D_0824 Filter keyword OS3D_0825 Detach / attach OS3D_0826 Isolate selection OS3D_0827 Unhide all objects OS3D_0828 Show instance in group links OS3D_0829 OpenSpace3D user level OS3D_0830 User level OS3D_0831 Basic OS3D_0832 Advanced OS3D_0833 Expert OS3D_0834 Project type OS3D_0835 Standard OS3D_0836 Dynamic template (containing PlugITs + 3D objects) OS3D_0837 PlugITs template (containing only PlugITs in scene group) OS3D_0838 Dynamic template (xos) OS3D_0839 Import dynamic template OS3D_0840 Import plugITs template OS3D_0841 Filtering of templates categories OS3D_0842 OpenSpace3D library (.xos, .scene, .mesh) OS3D_0843 As a Pico XR application OS3D_0844 System setup OS3D_0845 User folder OS3D_0846 Source width OS3D_0847 Source height OS3D_0848 Rough./Metal OS3D_0849 Occlusion Roughness Metalness, texture editor OS3D_0850 Occlusion OS3D_0851 Roughness OS3D_0852 Metalness OS3D_0853 Fill color OS3D_0854 Height OS3D_0855 Normal OS3D_0856 Parallax OS3D_0857 Strength OS3D_0858 Level OS3D_0859 Sharp / Blur OS3D_0860 Brightness OS3D_0861 Contrast OS3D_0862 Invert OS3D_0863 Enable parallax OS3D_0865 Blur OS3D_0866 As a Android XR application (Meta Quest, Pico, ...) cSampleInScreenspace Sample in screen space cSampleLengthScreenSpace Screen space length (%) cSampleLengthWorldSpace World space length (units) cSampleLengthExponent Sample length exponent cMinimumCrease Minimum crease cRange Crease range cBias Bias cAverager Avenger cKernelSize Kernel size bias cOffsetScale Offset scale (% of sample length) cDefaultAccessibility Default accessibility cEdgeHighlight Edge highlight factor ## plugITs categories database Databases domotic Domotic editor Editor input Inputs interface Interfaces material Materials maths Maths media Medias misc Misc navigation Navigation network Network object Objects physics Physics raspberry Raspberry PI rendering Rendering string String tools Tools ok Ok cancel Cancel open Open save Save saveAs Save as close Close overwrite Overwrite the current files ? fileName File name showSystemFolder Show / Hide system folders showFoldersInList Show / Hide folders in files list newFolder New folder folderName Folder name delFolder Delete folder delFolderQ Are you sure to delete the selected folder ?