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Network Communication Library
Used with Scol Java server
Bastien Bourineau - september 2009
/*! @defgroup netAPI OpenSpace3D Network API
* OpenSpace3D Network API
* @{
/** @} */
defcom cMessage = message I S S S S;;
struct NetComm= [
NC_channel : Chn, //!< Network channel
NC_serverName : S, //!< Server name
NC_serverPort : I, //!< Server port
NC_script : S, //!< Connection script
NC_env : Env, //!< Network environment
NC_rsaPrivate : S, //!< RSA private key
NC_rsaPublic : S, //!< RSA public key
NC_rsaServerPublic : S, //!< RSA Server public key
NC_aesServerKey : S, //!< AES Server key
NC_roomName : S, //!< current room name
NC_lUsers : [[I NetUser] r1], //!< users list
NC_userId : I, //!< user id
NC_status : I, //!< current status
NC_messageBuffer : S, //!< buffer for message reception
NC_roomItems : [[S S] r1], //!< list of the room item and value
NC_cbConnected : fun [NetComm] I,
NC_cbClosed : fun [NetComm] I,
NC_cbSConnected : fun [NetComm] I,
NC_cbSrvMessage : fun [NetComm S S S] I,
NC_cbUserMessage : fun [NetComm NetUser S S S] I,
NC_cbUserPrivateMessage : fun [NetComm NetUser S S S] I,
NC_cbGetFile : fun [NetComm NetUser S S S] I,
NC_cbUserGetItem : fun [NetComm NetUser S S] I,
NC_cbRoomGetItem : fun [NetComm S S] I,
NC_cbNewUser : fun [NetComm NetUser] I,
NC_cbDelUser : fun [NetComm NetUser] I,
NC_cbUserChangeLogin : fun [NetComm NetUser S] I,
NC_cbNbUsers : fun [NetComm I] I,
NC_cbRoomChanged : fun [NetComm S] I
] mkNetComm ;;
struct NetUser= [
NU_id : I, //!< user id
NU_login : S, //!< user login
NU_items : [[S S] r1], //!< list of user item and value
NU_status : I //!< user status
] mkNetUser ;;
typeof lNetCommInst = [[Chn NetComm] r1];;
var iComFlagDefault = 0;;
var iComFlagRSA = 1;;
var iComFlagAES = 2;;
var iComFlagBroad = 4;;
var iComFlagMulti = 8;;
var iComFlagMultiEnd = 16;;
var iComFlagFile = 32;;
var iComFlagPrivate = 64;;
var iComFlagBroadOthers = 128;;
var iStatusDisconnected = 0;;
var iStatusConnected = 1;;
var iStatusSecurised = 2;;
var iMaxMessageSize = 8192;;
proto netIsConnected = fun [NetComm] I;;
fun isIP(s,i)=
if i>=strlen s then 1
else let nth_char s i-> a in
if a!='. && (a<'0 || a>'9) then 0
else isIP s i+1;;
/* ********************************************************************************************* /
generate AppID modify on of the app package or ressource will modify this AppID
/ ********************************************************************************************* */
typeof sAppId = S;;
fun getAppId(scenepath)=
let mkAppletGetAppMd5 scenepath -> lmd5 in
let _envchannel _channel -> env in
let nil -> lenv in
while ((_envfirstname env) != nil) do
set lenv = (_envfirstname env)::lenv;
set env = _removepkg env;
-> lenv in
set sAppId = _MD5value (listToString (lcat lenv lmd5));
/* ********************************************************************************************* /
User management
/ ********************************************************************************************* */
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Get a user item value
* Prototype: fun [NetComm NetUser S] S
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \param NetUser : the user structure
* \param S : the item name
* \return S : the item value, or nil if not found
fun netUserGetItemValue(netstr, userstr, item)=
if userstr == nil then nil else
switchstr userstr.NU_items item
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Set a user item value
* Prototype: fun [NetComm NetUser S S] I
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \param NetUser : the user structure
* \param S : the item name
* \param S : the new item value
* \return 0
fun netUserSetItemValue(netstr, userstr, item, val)=
if userstr == nil then nil else
let switchstr userstr.NU_items item -> exist in
if (exist == nil) then
set userstr.NU_items = [item val]::userstr.NU_items;
let sizelist userstr.NU_items -> size in
let 0 -> i in
let nil -> fitem in
while (i < size) && (fitem == nil) do
let nth_list userstr.NU_items i -> titem in
let titem -> [name value] in
if (strcmpi item name) then nil else
mutate titem <- [_ val];
set fitem = titem;
set i = i + 1;
exec netstr.NC_cbUserGetItem with [netstr userstr item val];
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Get a room item value
* Prototype: fun [NetComm S] S
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \param S : the item name
* \return S : the item value, or nil if not found
fun netRoomGetItemValue(netstr, item)=
if netstr == nil then nil else
switchstr netstr.NC_roomItems item
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Set a room item value
* Prototype: fun [NetComm S S] I
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \param S : the item name
* \param S : the new item value
* \return 0
fun netRoomSetItemValue(netstr, item, val)=
if netstr == nil then nil else
let switchstr netstr.NC_roomItems item -> exist in
if (exist == nil) then
set netstr.NC_roomItems = [item val]::netstr.NC_roomItems;
let sizelist netstr.NC_roomItems -> size in
let 0 -> i in
let nil -> fitem in
while (i < size) && (fitem == nil) do
let nth_list netstr.NC_roomItems i -> titem in
let titem -> [name value] in
if (strcmpi item name) then nil else
mutate titem <- [_ val];
set fitem = titem;
set i = i + 1;
exec netstr.NC_cbRoomGetItem with [netstr item val];
fun netAddUser(netstr, id, login)=
let switch netstr.NC_lUsers id -> userstr in
if userstr != nil then userstr else
let mkNetUser [id login ["Login" login]::nil 1] -> nuserstr in
set netstr.NC_lUsers = [id nuserstr]::netstr.NC_lUsers;
exec netstr.NC_cbNewUser with [netstr nuserstr];
exec netstr.NC_cbNbUsers with [netstr (sizelist netstr.NC_lUsers)];
fun netDelUser(netstr, userstr)=
if userstr == nil then nil else
exec netstr.NC_cbDelUser with [netstr userstr];
set netstr.NC_lUsers = remove_idx_from_list netstr.NC_lUsers userstr.NU_id;
exec netstr.NC_cbNbUsers with [netstr (sizelist netstr.NC_lUsers)];
fun netDelUserById(netstr, id)=
let switch netstr.NC_lUsers id -> userstr in
if userstr == nil then nil else
exec netstr.NC_cbDelUser with [netstr userstr];
set netstr.NC_lUsers = remove_idx_from_list netstr.NC_lUsers id;
exec netstr.NC_cbNbUsers with [netstr (sizelist netstr.NC_lUsers)];
fun netUserSetLoginById(netstr, id, login)=
let switch netstr.NC_lUsers id -> userstr in
let if userstr == nil then (netAddUser netstr id login) else userstr -> userstr in
exec netstr.NC_cbUserChangeLogin with [netstr userstr login];
set userstr.NU_login = login;
netUserSetItemValue netstr userstr "Login" login;
fun netUserSetLogin(netstr, userstr, login)=
if userstr == nil then nil else
exec netstr.NC_cbUserChangeLogin with [netstr userstr login];
set userstr.NU_login = login;
netUserSetItemValue netstr userstr "Login" login;
fun netUserGetLoginById(netstr, id)=
let switch netstr.NC_lUsers id -> userstr in
if userstr == nil then nil else
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Get a user login
* Prototype: fun [NetUser] S
* \param NetUser : the user structure
* \return S : the user login
fun netUserGetLogin(userstr)=
if userstr == nil then nil else
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Get a user id
* Prototype: fun [NetUser] I
* \param NetUser : the user structure
* \return I : the user id
fun netUserGetId(userstr)=
if userstr == nil then nil else
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Get a user by it's login
* Prototype: fun [NetComm S] NetUser
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \param S : the user login
* \return NetUser : the user structure or nil if not found
fun netGetUserByLogin(netstr, login)=
let nil -> user in
let sizelist netstr.NC_lUsers -> size in
let 0 -> i in
while i < size do
let nth_list netstr.NC_lUsers i -> [_ iuser] in
if (!strcmp login iuser.NU_login) then
set user = iuser
else nil;
set i = i + 1;
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Get a user by it's id
* Prototype: fun [NetComm I] NetUser
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \param I : the user id
* \return NetUser : the user structure or nil if not found
fun netGetUserById(netstr, id)= switch netstr.NC_lUsers id;;
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Get the current client user id
* Prototype: fun [NetComm] I
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \return I : the client user id
fun netThisId(netstr)= netstr.NC_userId;;
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Get the current client user
* Prototype: fun [NetComm] NetUser
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \return NetUser : the user structure
fun netThisUser(netstr)= switch netstr.NC_lUsers netstr.NC_userId;;
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Get the current client login
* Prototype: fun [NetComm] S
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \return S : the current user login
fun netThisLogin(netstr)= netUserGetLogin netThisUser netstr;;
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Get the number of actual users
* Prototype: fun [NetComm] I
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \return I : the number of actual users
fun netGetNbUsers(netstr)= sizelist netstr.NC_lUsers;;
/* ********************************************************************************************* /
Callback management
/ ********************************************************************************************* */
fun netSetCbConnected(netstr, cbfun)=
set netstr.NC_cbConnected = cbfun;
fun netSetCbClosed(netstr, cbfun)=
set netstr.NC_cbClosed = cbfun;
fun netSetCbSConnected(netstr, cbfun)=
set netstr.NC_cbSConnected = cbfun;
fun netSetCbSrvMessage(netstr, cbfun)=
set netstr.NC_cbSrvMessage = cbfun;
fun netSetCbUserMessage(netstr, cbfun)=
set netstr.NC_cbUserMessage = cbfun;
fun netSetCbUserPrivateMessage(netstr, cbfun)=
set netstr.NC_cbUserPrivateMessage = cbfun;
fun netSetCbGetFile(netstr, cbfun)=
set netstr.NC_cbGetFile = cbfun;
fun netSetCbNewUser(netstr, cbfun)=
set netstr.NC_cbNewUser = cbfun;
fun netSetCbDelUser(netstr, cbfun)=
set netstr.NC_cbDelUser = cbfun;
fun netSetCbUserChangeLogin(netstr, cbfun)=
set netstr.NC_cbUserChangeLogin = cbfun;
fun netSetCbUserGetItem(netstr, cbfun)=
set netstr.NC_cbUserGetItem = cbfun;
fun netSetCbRoomGetItem(netstr, cbfun)=
set netstr.NC_cbRoomGetItem = cbfun;
fun netSetCbNbUsers(netstr, cbfun)=
set netstr.NC_cbNbUsers = cbfun;
fun netSetCbRoomChanged(netstr, cbfun)=
set netstr.NC_cbRoomChanged = cbfun;
/* ********************************************************************************************* /
Message management
/ ********************************************************************************************* */
fun netSendMultiPart(netstr, userstr, flag, cmd, message, arg, pos)=
let if flag == nil then iComFlagDefault else flag -> flag in
let strlen message -> len in
let substr message pos iMaxMessageSize -> part in
let if (pos + iMaxMessageSize) >= len then flag|iComFlagMultiEnd else flag|iComFlagMulti -> nflag in
//_fooS strcat " >> mess flag :" ctoa nflag;
//_fooS strcat " >> mess part :" message;
//_fooS strcat " >> mess arg :" arg;
_on netstr.NC_channel cMessage [nflag (itoa userstr.NU_id) cmd part arg];
if (pos + iMaxMessageSize) >= len then nil else
netSendMultiPart netstr userstr flag cmd message arg (pos + iMaxMessageSize);
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Send a file
* Prototype: fun [NetComm NetUser I S S] I
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \param NetUser : the user structure, this can be nil to send it to all users
* \param I : message flags, nil for default
* \param S : command
* \param S : the file name to request
* \return 0
fun netSendFile(netstr, userstr, flag, cmd, filename)=
if (!netIsConnected netstr) then 1 else
let if flag == nil then iComFlagDefault else flag -> flag in
let strtoweb (_getpack _checkpack filename) -> data in
if (data == nil) then nil else
let if userstr == nil then flag|iComFlagBroad else flag|iComFlagPrivate -> flag in
let if (flag & iComFlagAES) then _AESencryptMessage data netstr.NC_aesServerKey else strtoweb data -> data in
let if (flag & iComFlagAES) then _AESencryptMessage filename netstr.NC_aesServerKey else filename -> filename in
if ((strlen data) > iMaxMessageSize) then
netSendMultiPart netstr userstr flag|iComFlagFile cmd data filename 0
_on netstr.NC_channel cMessage [flag|iComFlagFile (itoa userstr.NU_id) cmd data filename];
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Request a file
* Prototype: fun [NetComm NetUser I S S] I
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \param NetUser : the user structure, this can be nil to request it from all users
* \param I : message flags, nil for default
* \param S : command
* \param S : the file name to request
* \return 0
fun netGetFile(netstr, userstr, flag, cmd, filename)=
if (!netIsConnected netstr) then 1 else
let if flag == nil then iComFlagDefault else flag -> flag in
let if userstr == nil then flag|iComFlagBroadOthers else flag|iComFlagPrivate -> flag in
let if (flag & iComFlagAES) then _AESencryptMessage cmd netstr.NC_aesServerKey else strtoweb cmd -> cmd in
let if (flag & iComFlagAES) then _AESencryptMessage filename netstr.NC_aesServerKey else filename -> filename in
_on netstr.NC_channel cMessage [flag (itoa userstr.NU_id) "requestFile" cmd filename];
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Send a message to the server with arguments
* Prototype: fun [NetComm S S S] I
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \param S : command
* \param S : message
* \param S : arguments
* \return 0
fun netSendMessageExt(netstr, cmd, message, arg)=
if (!netIsConnected netstr) then 1 else
let if (netstr.NC_status & iStatusSecurised) then iComFlagAES else iComFlagDefault -> flag in
let if (netstr.NC_status & iStatusSecurised) then _AESencryptMessage message netstr.NC_aesServerKey else strtoweb message -> message in
let if (netstr.NC_status & iStatusSecurised) then _AESencryptMessage arg netstr.NC_aesServerKey else arg -> arg in
if ((strlen message) > iMaxMessageSize) then
netSendMultiPart netstr nil flag cmd message arg 0
_on netstr.NC_channel cMessage [flag nil cmd message arg];
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Send a message to the server
* Prototype: fun [NetComm S S] I
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \param S : command
* \param S : message
* \return 0
fun netSendMessage(netstr, cmd, message)=
if (!netIsConnected netstr) then 1 else
let if (netstr.NC_status & iStatusSecurised) then iComFlagAES else iComFlagDefault -> flag in
let if (netstr.NC_status & iStatusSecurised) then _AESencryptMessage message netstr.NC_aesServerKey else strtoweb message -> message in
if ((strlen message) > iMaxMessageSize) then
netSendMultiPart netstr nil flag cmd message nil 0
_on netstr.NC_channel cMessage [flag nil cmd message nil];
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Broad a secure message to all users connected in the same room
* Prototype: fun [NetComm S S S] I
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \param S : command
* \param S : message
* \param S : reply
* \return 0
fun netSendBroadMessageSecure(netstr, cmd, message, reply)=
if (!netIsConnected netstr) then 1 else
let if (netstr.NC_status & iStatusSecurised) then iComFlagAES else iComFlagDefault -> flag in
let flag|(if reply then iComFlagBroad else iComFlagBroadOthers) -> flag in
let if (netstr.NC_status & iStatusSecurised) then _AESencryptMessage message netstr.NC_aesServerKey else strtoweb message -> message in
if ((strlen message) > iMaxMessageSize) then
netSendMultiPart netstr nil flag cmd message nil 0
_on netstr.NC_channel cMessage [flag nil cmd message nil];
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Broad a message to all users connected in the same room
* Prototype: fun [NetComm S S I] I
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \param S : command
* \param S : message
* \param I : 1 if the client must receive his hown sent message, 0 otherwise
* \return 0
fun netSendBroadMessage(netstr, cmd, message, reply)=
if (!netIsConnected netstr) then 1 else
let iComFlagDefault -> flag in
let flag|(if reply then iComFlagBroad else iComFlagBroadOthers) -> flag in
let strtoweb message -> message in
if ((strlen message) > iMaxMessageSize) then
netSendMultiPart netstr nil flag cmd message nil 0
_on netstr.NC_channel cMessage [flag nil cmd message nil];
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Set a client item value
* Prototype: fun [NetComm S S] I
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \param S : the item name
* \param S : the new item value
* \return 0
fun netUpdateUserItem(netstr, item, val)=
if (!netIsConnected netstr) then 1 else
let if (netstr.NC_status & iStatusSecurised) then iComFlagAES else iComFlagDefault -> flag in
let if (netstr.NC_status & iStatusSecurised) then _AESencryptMessage item netstr.NC_aesServerKey else item -> item in
let if (netstr.NC_status & iStatusSecurised) then _AESencryptMessage val netstr.NC_aesServerKey else strtoweb val -> val in
if ((strlen item) > iMaxMessageSize) then
netSendMultiPart netstr nil flag "setCliItem" item val 0
_on netstr.NC_channel cMessage [flag nil "setCliItem" item val];
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Set a room item value
* Prototype: fun [NetComm S S] I
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \param S : the item name
* \param S : the new item value
* \return 0
fun netUpdateRoomItem(netstr, item, val)=
if (!netIsConnected netstr) then 1 else
let if (netstr.NC_status & iStatusSecurised) then iComFlagAES else iComFlagDefault -> flag in
let if (netstr.NC_status & iStatusSecurised) then _AESencryptMessage item netstr.NC_aesServerKey else item -> item in
let if (netstr.NC_status & iStatusSecurised) then _AESencryptMessage val netstr.NC_aesServerKey else strtoweb val -> val in
if ((strlen item) > iMaxMessageSize) then
netSendMultiPart netstr nil flag "setRoomItem" item val 0
_on netstr.NC_channel cMessage [flag nil "setRoomItem" item val];
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Send a RSA encrypted message to the server
* Prototype: fun [NetComm S S] I
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \param S : command
* \param S : message
* \return 0
fun netSendRsaMessage(netstr, cmd, message)=
if (!netIsConnected netstr) then 1 else
let _RSAencryptMessage message netstr.NC_rsaServerPublic -> message in
if ((strlen message) > iMaxMessageSize) then
netSendMultiPart netstr nil iComFlagRSA cmd message nil 0
_on netstr.NC_channel cMessage [iComFlagRSA nil cmd message nil];
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Send a secure private message to another user
* Prototype: fun [NetComm NetUser S S] I
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \param NetUser : the destination user structure
* \param S : command
* \param S : message
* \return 0
fun netSendPrivateMessageSecure(netstr, userstr, cmd, message)=
if (!netIsConnected netstr) then 1 else
let if (netstr.NC_status & iStatusSecurised) then iComFlagAES|iComFlagPrivate else iComFlagPrivate -> flag in
let if (netstr.NC_status & iStatusSecurised) then _AESencryptMessage message netstr.NC_aesServerKey else strtoweb message -> message in
if ((strlen message) > iMaxMessageSize) then
netSendMultiPart netstr userstr flag cmd message nil 0
_on netstr.NC_channel cMessage [flag (itoa userstr.NU_id) cmd message nil];
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Send a private message to another user
* Prototype: fun [NetComm NetUser S S] I
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \param NetUser : the destination user structure
* \param S : command
* \param S : message
* \return 0
fun netSendPrivateMessage(netstr, userstr, cmd, message)=
if (!netIsConnected netstr) then 1 else
let iComFlagPrivate -> flag in
let strtoweb message -> message in
if ((strlen message) > iMaxMessageSize) then
netSendMultiPart netstr userstr flag cmd message nil 0
_on netstr.NC_channel cMessage [flag (itoa userstr.NU_id) cmd message nil];
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Send a request to kick a user from the server.
The user will be kicked only if several other users send this request
* Prototype: fun [NetComm NetUser] I
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \param NetUser : the user structure to kick
* \return 0
fun netKickUser(netstr, userstr)=
if (!netIsConnected netstr) then 1 else
_on netstr.NC_channel cMessage [iComFlagPrivate (itoa userstr.NU_id) "kickUser" nil nil];
fun netCryptMessage(netstr, message, mode)=
if (mode & iComFlagRSA) then
_RSAencryptMessage message netstr.NC_rsaServerPublic
_AESencryptMessage message netstr.NC_aesServerKey
fun netUnCryptMessage(netstr, message, mode)=
if (mode & iComFlagRSA) then
_RSAdecryptMessage message netstr.NC_rsaPrivate
_AESdecryptMessage message netstr.NC_aesServerKey
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Format a message and replace %itemname% by the user item values
* Prototype: fun [NetComm NetUser S] S
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \param NetUser : the user structure
* \param S : the message to format
* \return S : the formated message
fun netFormatMessage(netstr, userstr, message)=
let sizelist userstr.NU_items -> size in
let 0 -> i in
while i < size do
let nth_list userstr.NU_items i -> [item value] in
set message = strreplacei message (strcatn "%"::item::"%"::nil) value;
set i = i + 1;
fun netChannel(netstr)= netstr.NC_channel;;
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Get the connection state
* Prototype: fun [NetComm] I
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \return I : 1 if the connection is available, 0 if not
fun netIsConnected(netstr)= if netstr.NC_channel == nil then 0 else 1;;
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Disconnect from the server
* Prototype: fun [NetComm] I
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \return 0
fun netDisconnect(netstr)=
let netstr.NC_channel -> chan in
_killchannel chan;
set netstr.NC_channel = nil;
set netstr.NC_status = iStatusDisconnected;
set lNetCommInst = remove_idx_from_list lNetCommInst chan;
//copy the user list
let netstr.NC_lUsers -> lusers in
while (lusers != nil) do
let hd lusers -> [_ ustr] in
netDelUser netstr ustr;
set lusers = tl lusers;
exec netstr.NC_cbClosed with [netstr];
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Create a network structure to prepare the connection to a server with advanced parameters
* Prototype: fun [S I S Env] NetComm
* \param S : the server name or ip address
* \param I : the server port
* \param S : the connection script
* \param Env : the scol environment
* \return NetComm : the new network structure
fun netCreateExt(server, port, script, env)=
let if env == nil then (_envchannel _channel) else env -> env in
let if (isIP server 0) then server else _gethostbyname server -> server in
mkNetComm[nil server port script env nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 0 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil]
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Create a network structure to prepare the connection to a server
* Prototype: fun [S I] NetComm
* \param S : the server name or ip address
* \param I : the server port
* \return NetComm : the new network structure
fun netCreate(server, port)=
let _envchannel _channel -> env in
let if (isIP server 0) then server else _gethostbyname server -> server in
mkNetComm[nil server port nil env nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 0 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil]
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Create an empty NetComm structure
* Prototype: fun [] NetComm
* \return NetComm : the new network structure
fun netCreateMinimum()=
let _envchannel _channel -> env in
mkNetComm[nil nil nil nil env nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 0 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil]
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Connect to a server
* Prototype: fun [NetComm] I
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \return I : 1 if successful connected, 0 otherwise
fun netConnect(netstr)=
if (netstr == nil) || (netstr.NC_status & iStatusConnected) then 1 else
let 0 -> ret in
// remove existing users
set netstr.NC_lUsers = nil;
set netstr.NC_channel = _openchannel strcatn netstr.NC_serverName::":"::(itoa netstr.NC_serverPort)::nil netstr.NC_script netstr.NC_env;
if netstr.NC_channel == nil then nil else
set netstr.NC_status = iStatusConnected;
set lNetCommInst = [netstr.NC_channel netstr]::lNetCommInst;
set ret = 1;
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Force a server re connection
* Prototype: fun [NetComm] I
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \return I : 1 if successful connected, 0 otherwise
fun netReconnect(netstr)=
if netstr.NC_channel == nil then nil else
netDisconnect netstr;
netConnect netstr;;
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Set a server url and port
* Prototype: fun [NetComm S I] NetComm
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \param S : the server name or ip address
* \param I : the server port
* \return NetComm : the same network structure
fun netSetServer(netstr, server, port)=
let if (isIP server 0) then server else _gethostbyname server -> server in
set netstr.NC_serverName = server;
set netstr.NC_serverPort = port;
if (netstr.NC_status & iStatusConnected) then
netReconnect netstr
else nil;
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Change the current user login
* Prototype: fun [NetComm S] I
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \param S : the new requested login
* \return 0
fun netChangeLogin(netstr, login)=
netSendMessage netstr "setLogin" addSlashes login;
/*! @ingroup netAPI
* \brief Change the current room
* Prototype: fun [NetComm S] I
* \param NetComm : the network structure
* \param S : the new requested room
* \return 0
fun netChangeRoom(netstr, room)=
set netstr.NC_roomItems = nil;
netSendMessage netstr "setRoom" addSlashes room;
/* ********************************************************************************************* /
Server responses
/ ********************************************************************************************* */
fun __connectedToServer(cid, clogin, srvpubkey)=
let switch lNetCommInst _channel -> netstr in
let _RSAgetKeyPair 1024 -> [priv pub] in
set netstr.NC_rsaServerPublic = srvpubkey;
set netstr.NC_rsaPrivate = priv;
set netstr.NC_rsaPublic = pub;
set netstr.NC_userId = atoi cid;
netAddUser netstr atoi cid clogin;
// send client public key to server
netSendMessageExt netstr "setCliSecure" pub (netCryptMessage netstr sAppId iComFlagRSA);
fun __srvMessage(mode, cmd, message, arg)=
let switch lNetCommInst _channel -> netstr in
if (mode & iComFlagMulti) then
set netstr.NC_messageBuffer = strcat netstr.NC_messageBuffer message;
let if (mode & iComFlagMultiEnd) then (strcat netstr.NC_messageBuffer message) else message -> message in
let if (mode & iComFlagRSA) then
_RSAdecryptMessage message netstr.NC_rsaPrivate
else if (mode & iComFlagAES) then
_AESdecryptMessage message netstr.NC_aesServerKey
webtostr message
-> message in
let if (mode & iComFlagRSA) then
_RSAdecryptMessage arg netstr.NC_rsaPrivate
else if (mode & iComFlagAES) then
_AESdecryptMessage arg netstr.NC_aesServerKey
webtostr arg
-> arg in
set netstr.NC_messageBuffer = nil;
if (!strcmp cmd "setCryptoAES") then
set netstr.NC_aesServerKey = message;
set netstr.NC_status = netstr.NC_status|iStatusSecurised;
exec netstr.NC_cbSConnected with [netstr];
else if (!strcmp cmd "delUser") then
netDelUserById netstr atoi message;
else if (!strcmp cmd "addUser") then
netAddUser netstr (atoi message) arg;
else if (!strcmp cmd "getRoomItem") then
netRoomSetItemValue netstr message arg;
else if (!strcmp cmd "getRoom") then
set netstr.NC_roomName = message;
exec netstr.NC_cbRoomChanged with [netstr message];
exec netstr.NC_cbSrvMessage with [netstr cmd message arg];
fun __usrMessage(mode, from, cmd, message, arg)=
let switch lNetCommInst _channel -> netstr in
let switch netstr.NC_lUsers (atoi from) -> userstr in
if netstr == nil || userstr == nil then nil else
if (mode & iComFlagMulti) then
set netstr.NC_messageBuffer = strcat netstr.NC_messageBuffer message;
let if (mode & iComFlagMultiEnd) then (strcat netstr.NC_messageBuffer message) else message -> message in
let if (mode & iComFlagRSA) then
_RSAdecryptMessage message netstr.NC_rsaPrivate
else if (mode & iComFlagAES) then
_AESdecryptMessage message netstr.NC_aesServerKey
webtostr message
-> message in
let if (mode & iComFlagRSA) then
_RSAdecryptMessage arg netstr.NC_rsaPrivate
else if (mode & iComFlagAES) then
_AESdecryptMessage arg netstr.NC_aesServerKey
webtostr arg
-> arg in
set netstr.NC_messageBuffer = nil;
if (mode & iComFlagFile) then
if arg == nil then nil else
// _storepack webtostr message arg;
exec netstr.NC_cbGetFile with [netstr userstr cmd (webtostr message) arg];
else if (!strcmp cmd "loginChanged") then
netUserSetLogin netstr userstr message;
else if (!strcmp cmd "getCliItem") then
netUserSetItemValue netstr userstr message arg;
else if (!strcmp cmd "requestFile") then
netSendFile netstr userstr mode message arg;
else if (mode & iComFlagPrivate) then
exec netstr.NC_cbUserPrivateMessage with [netstr userstr cmd message arg];
exec netstr.NC_cbUserMessage with [netstr userstr cmd message arg];
/* ********************************************************************************************* /
Connection Channel management
/ ********************************************************************************************* */
fun _connected()=
let switch lNetCommInst _channel -> netstr in
exec netstr.NC_cbConnected with [netstr];
fun _closed()=
let switch lNetCommInst _channel -> netstr in
netDisconnect netstr;