| _ADDcheckList (cl, iLevel, isRadio, isLeft, szTitle, iflags) |
| Add a check box object in a CheckList object to a given level. More...
| _APPENDcheckList (cl, isRadio, isLeft, szTitle, iflags) |
| Append a check box object in a CheckList object. More...
| _CBcheckListChanged (cl, cbfun) |
| Define the callback to the state changed event. More...
| _CBcheckListDestroy (cl, cbfun, uparam) |
| Define the callback to the destroy event. More...
| _CBcheckListMove (cl, cbfun, uparam) |
| Define the callback to the move event. More...
| _CBcheckListPaint (cl, cbfun, uparam) |
| Define the callback to the paint event. More...
| _CBcheckListSize (cl, cbfun, uparam) |
| Define the callback to the resize event. More...
| _CBcheckListSubSize (cl, cbfun) |
| Define the callback to the resize event. More...
| _CHECKcheckListId (cl, iCoId) |
| Return if an indetifier of a check box controls in a CheckList object exists or not. More...
| _CRcheckList (chn, parent, width, height, withScroll) |
| Create an empty CheckList object. More...
| _DScheckList (cl) |
| Destroy a CheckList object. More...
| _EXCHANGEcheckList (cl, iCoId1, iCoId2) |
| Exchange the positions of two check box controls in a CheckList object. More...
| _GETcheckListCheckedList (cl) |
| Get a list of all checked subcontrols in a CheckList object. More...
| _GETcheckListCount (cl) |
| Get the number check box controls in a CheckList object. More...
| _GETcheckListFont (cl) |
| Get the current font object used in a CheckList object. More...
| _GETcheckListHeight (cl, iHeight) |
| Get the current subcontrol height in a CheckList object. More...
| _GETcheckListIdFromLevel (cl, iCoId) |
| From a level, get the ID of a check box subcontrol in a CheckList object. More...
| _GETcheckListIds (cl) |
| Get the list of indentifers of all check box controls in a CheckList object. More...
| _GETcheckListLevel (cl, iCoId) |
| Get the current level of a subcontrol in a CheckList object. More...
| _GETcheckListShow (cl, iCoId) |
| Get the visibility of a check box control in a CheckList object. More...
| _GETcheckListSpacing (cl) |
| Get the current spacing between subcontrols in a CheckList object. More...
| _GETcheckListState (cl, iCoId) |
| Get the current state of a check box control in a CheckList object. More...
| _GETcheckListTitle (cl, iCoId) |
| Get the title of a check box control in a CheckList object. More...
| _GETcheckListUncheckedList (cl) |
| Get a list of all unchecked subcontrols in a CheckList object. More...
| _GETcheckListWidth (cl, iHeight) |
| Get the current subcontrol width in a CheckList object. More...
| _MOVEcheckList (cl, newx, newy) |
| Move a CheckList object from its parent window or the desktop. More...
| _REMOVEcheckList (cl, iCoId) |
| Remove a check box subcontrol in a CheckList object. More...
| _SETcheckList (cl, iCoId, iState, szTitle, iShown) |
| Set a check box control settings. More...
| _SETcheckListFont (cl, oFont) |
| Set the font object used in a CheckList object. More...
| _SETcheckListHeight (cl, iHeight) |
| Set the height of the check box controls in a CheckList object. More...
| _SETcheckListShow (cl, iCoId, iShown) |
| Set the visibility of a check box control in a CheckList object. More...
| _SETcheckListSpacing (cl, iSpacing) |
| Set the spacing between check box controls in a CheckList object. More...
| _SETcheckListState (cl, iCoId, iState) |
| Set the state of a check box control in a CheckList object. More...
| _SETcheckListTitle (cl, iCoId, szTitle) |
| Set the title of a check box control in a CheckList object. More...
| _SETcheckListWidth (cl, iWidth) |
| Set the width of the check box controls in a CheckList object. More...
| _SIZEcheckList (cl, neww, newh) |
| Resize a CheckList object from its parent window or the desktop. More...
| checklist_cbChanged (o, u, state) |
| checklist_cbDestroy (o, u) |
| checklist_cbMove (o, u, newx, newy) |
| checklist_cbPaint (o, u) |
| checklist_cbSize (o, u, neww, newh) |
| checklist_checkLevelGreater (l, levelRef) |
| checklist_count (cl) |
| checklist_create (chn, mother, width, height, scroll) |
| checklist_createScrollWindow (cl) |
| checklist_destroy (cl) |
| checklist_destroyCo (cl, co) |
| checklist_destrpyCo2 (l, co) |
| checklist_downListCo (cl, levelref) |
| checklist_downUpCo (cl, co, dir) |
| checklist_exchange (cl, id1, id2) |
| checklist_fontApply (l, cl) |
| checklist_getCheckedList (cl, flag) |
| checklist_getCheckedList2 (l, flag) |
| checklist_getCoFromId (cl, idCo) |
| checklist_getCoFromId2 (lCo, idCo) |
| checklist_getIdFromLevel (cl, level) |
| checklist_getIdFromLevel2 (l, level) |
| checklist_getLevel (cl, id) |
| checklist_getShwon (cl, id) |
| checklist_getSizeFromCos (cl) |
| checklist_getState (cl, id) |
| checklist_getTitle (cl, id) |
| checklist_idExist (cl, id) |
| checklist_idExist2 (l, id) |
| checklist_idList (cl) |
| checklist_idList2 (l) |
| checklist_init () |
| checklist_init_object () |
| checklist_move (cl, newx, newy) |
| checklist_remove (cl, id) |
| checklist_resizeCo (cl) |
| checklist_resizeCo2 (l, cl) |
| checklist_resizeVirtualWin (cl, newh, neww) |
| checklist_set (cl, id, title, state, shown) |
| checklist_setCoId (cl) |
| checklist_setFont (cl, oFont) |
| checklist_size (cl, neww, newh) |
| checklist_updateSpacingHeight (cl, newSpacing, newHeight, newWidth) |
| checklist_updateSpacingHeight2 (l, cl) |
| checklist_upListCo (cl, levelref) |
| checlist_create_object (cl, isRadio, flags, isLeft, title, pos) |
| CL_CENTER () |
| CL_CHECK () |
| Constante to create a check box control. More...
| CL_DOWN () |
| Constante to display a 3d border around the control.
| CL_HIDE () |
| Constante to hide the control.
| Constante to create a control without scroll bar.
| CL_RADIO () |
| Constante to create a radio box control. More...
| CL_SCROLL () |
| Constante to add a vertical scroll bar.
| CL_SHOW () |
| Constante to show the contol.