Scol standard library package  0.3.1
Common and usefull functions for all Scol applications
string.pkg File Reference

Scol Standard Library - String API. More...


 std_szAddEscape (str, lAsc)
 Protect special character with a '\'. More...
 std_szAddUnique (list, str)
 Add a string element as unique. This function is case-sensitive. More...
 std_szAddUniqueResult (list, tuple)
 std_szbuildpattern (pattern)
 std_szCatSep (list, sep)
 Concat a string list with a defined separator. More...
 std_szCheckLastChar (str, c)
 Check the last char of a string. More...
 std_szCheckSubPos (str, sub, pos)
 Compare if a sub string is in a string at a given position. This function is sensitive-case. More...
 std_szCmp (s1, s2)
 Check if the first string is found to be equal, less or greater than the second string. This function is case-sensitive. More...
 std_szCutFromSep (str, sep)
 Cut a string when the first seperator is found. More...
 std_szCutFromSepAll (str, sep)
 Cut a string with all seperator found. More...
 std_szGetBoolean (str)
 Get the boolean value of a string. This function is insensitive-case. More...
 std_szgetposinlist (list, string, n, flag)
 std_szGetPosInList (list, string)
 Get the position of a string in a list. This function is case-sensitive. More...
 std_szGreater (s1, s2)
 Check if the first string is found to be greater than the second string. This function is case-sensitive. More...
 std_sziAddUnique (list, str)
 Add a string element as unique. This function is case-insensitive. More...
 std_sziAddUniqueResult (list, tuple)
 Add a string element as unique. This function is case-insensitive. More...
 std_sziCheckSubPos (str, sub, pos)
 Compare if a sub string is in a string at a given position. This function is insensitive-case. More...
 std_sziCmp (s1, s2)
 Check if the first string is found to be equal, less or greater than the second string. This function is case-insensitive. More...
 std_sziGetPosInList (list, string)
 Get the position of a string in a list. This function is case-insensitive. More...
 std_sziGreater (s1, s2)
 Check if the first string is found to be greater than the second string. This function is case-insensitive. More...
 std_sziInList (list, string)
 Test if a string exist in a list. This function is case-insensitive. More...
 std_sziInListFromPos (list, string, pos, length)
 Test if a string exist in a list from a given position. This function is case-insensitive. More...
 std_sziIsEqual (s1, s2)
 Check if two strings are equals. This function is case-insensitive. More...
 std_sziLesser (s1, s2)
 Check if the first string is found to be less than the second string. This function is case-insensitive. More...
 std_szInList (list, string)
 Test if a string exist in a list. This function is case-sensitive. More...
 std_szInListFromPos (list, string, pos, length)
 Test if a string exist in a list from a given position. This function is case-sensitive. More...
 std_sziReplace (s, from, to)
 Replace a string in an another string. Case insensitive. More...
 std_szIsDigit (str)
 Return if a string contains digits only (0123456789) More...
 std_szIsEmpty (str)
 Check if a string is empty (nil or "") More...
 std_szIsEqual (s1, s2)
 Check if two strings are equals. This function is case-sensitive. More...
 std_szIsPattern (str, pattern)
 Return if a string contains the characters pattern only. More...
 std_sziStrfindR (str, substr)
 Find the last position of a given substring. Function case-insensitive. More...
 std_szisurl (url, lP)
 std_szIsUrl (url)
 Check if a string is an url. More...
 std_szLesser (s1, s2)
 Check if the first string is found to be less than the second string. This function is case-sensitive. More...
 std_szRemoveLastChar (str)
 Remove the last char of any string. More...
 std_szReplace (s, from, to)
 Replace a string in an another string. Case sensitive. More...
 std_szReplaceKeys (s, key, args)
 replace key by value position in arg list ("my string is $1 with $2" "val1"::"val2"::nil) More...
 std_szstrfindr (str, sub, pos, flag)
 std_szStrfindR (str, substr)
 Find the last position of a given substring. Function case-sensitive. More...
 std_szXor (szToDo, szKey)
 Perform a xor operation between a string and a key. More...

Detailed Description

Scol Standard Library - String API.

Scol team

This API provides an high level method to easily include string manipulations