/* ********************************************************************* This source file is a part of the standard library of Scol For the latest info, see http://www.scolring.org Copyright (c) 2013 Stephane Bisaro aka Iri Some functions has been originally written to the Openspace3d project. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt ********************************************************************* */ /* * Standard functions for string * See http://redmine.scolring.org/projects/tutorials/wiki/Scol_usage * for more informations */ /*! \file string.pkg * \author Scol team * \version 0.2 * \copyright GNU Lesser General Public License 2.0 or later * \brief Scol Standard Library - String API * * \details This API provides an high level method to easily include string manipulations * **/ /*! \brief Check if a string is empty (nil or "") * * \ingroup std_string * Prototype: fun [S] I * * \param S : the string to test * * \return I : 1 if empty else 0 **/ fun std_szIsEmpty (str)= ((str == nil) || (!strcmp str ""));; /*! \brief Check if the first string is found to be less than * the second string. This function is case-sensitive. * * \ingroup std_string * Prototype: fun [S S] I * * \param S : first string to test * \param S : second string to test * * \return I : 1 if less otherwise 0 **/ fun std_szLesser (s1, s2)= (strcmp s1 s2) < 0;; /*! \brief Check if the first string is found to be greater than * the second string. This function is case-sensitive. * * \ingroup std_string * Prototype: fun [S S] I * * \param S : first string to test * \param S : second string to test * * \return I : 1 if greater 0 otherwise **/ fun std_szGreater (s1, s2)= (strcmp s1 s2) > 0;; /*! \brief Check if the first string is found to be less than * the second string. This function is case-insensitive. * * \ingroup std_string * Prototype: fun [S S] I * * \param S : first string to test * \param S : second string to test * * \return I : 1 if less otherwise 0 **/ fun std_sziLesser (s1, s2)= (strcmpi s1 s2) < 0;; /*! \brief Check if the first string is found to be greater than * the second string. This function is case-insensitive. * * \ingroup std_string * Prototype: fun [S S] I * * \param S : first string to test * \param S : second string to test * * \return I : 1 if greater 0 otherwise **/ fun std_sziGreater (s1, s2)= (strcmpi s1 s2) > 0;; /*! \brief Check if the first string is found to be equal, less or greater than * the second string. This function is case-sensitive. * * \ingroup std_string * Prototype: fun [S S] I * * \param S : first string to test * \param S : second string to test * * \return I : a negative value if lesser, a positive value if greater * 0 if equal **/ fun std_szCmp (s1, s2)= strcmp s1 s2;; /*! \brief Check if two strings are equals. This function is case-sensitive. * * \ingroup std_string * Prototype: fun [S S] I * * \param S : first string to test * \param S : second string to test * * \return I : 1 if equal, otherwise 0 **/ fun std_szIsEqual (s1, s2)= !strcmp s1 s2;; /*! \brief Check if the first string is found to be equal, less or greater than * the second string. This function is case-insensitive. * * \ingroup std_string * Prototype: fun [S S] I * * \param S : first string to test * \param S : second string to test * * \return I : a negative value if lesser, a positive value if greater * 0 if equal **/ fun std_sziCmp (s1, s2)= strcmpi s1 s2;; /*! \brief Check if two strings are equals. This function is case-insensitive. * * Prototype: fun [S S] I * * \ingroup std_string * \param S : first string to test * \param S : second string to test * * \return I : 1 if equal, otherwise 0 **/ fun std_sziIsEqual (s1, s2)= !strcmpi s1 s2;; /*! \brief Test if a string exist in a list. * This function is case-sensitive. * * Prototype: fun [[S r1] S] I * * \ingroup std_string * \param [S r1] : list * \param S : string to search * * \return I : 1 if the string exist in the list 0 otherwise **/ fun std_szInList (list, string)= (list != nil) && ((!strcmp string hd list) || (std_szInList tl list string));; /*! \brief Test if a string exist in a list. * This function is case-insensitive. * * Prototype: fun [[S r1] S] I * * \ingroup std_string * \param [S r1] : list * \param S : string to search * * \return I : 1 if the string exist in the list 0 otherwise **/ fun std_sziInList (list, string)= (list != nil) && ((!strcmpi string hd list) || (std_sziInList tl list string));; /*! \brief Test if a string exist in a list from a given position. * This function is case-sensitive. * * Prototype: fun [[S r1] S I I] I * * \ingroup std_string * \param [S r1] : list * \param S : string to search * * \return I : 1 if the string exist in the list 0 otherwise **/ fun std_szInListFromPos (list, string, pos, length)= (list != nil) && ((!strcmp string (substr (hd list) pos length)) || (std_szInListFromPos tl list string pos length));; /*! \brief Test if a string exist in a list from a given position. * This function is case-insensitive. * * Prototype: fun [[S r1] S I I] I * * \ingroup std_string * \param [S r1] : list * \param S : string to search * * \return I : 1 if the string exist in the list 0 otherwise **/ fun std_sziInListFromPos (list, string, pos, length)= (list != nil) && ((!strcmpi string (substr (hd list) pos length)) || (std_sziInListFromPos tl list string pos length));; /*! \brief Add a string element as unique. This function is * case-sensitive. * * Prototype: fun [[S r1] S] [S r1] * * \ingroup std_string * \param [S r1] : list * \param S : element to add * * \return [S r1] : new list **/ fun std_szAddUnique (list, str)= if (std_szInList list str) then list else str :: list;; /*! Add a string element as unique. This function is case-sensitive. * * Prototype: fun [[S r1] [S I]] [S r1] * * \ingroup std_string * \param [S r1] : list * \param [S I] : string to add and the result : 1 is set if the string is added, else 0 * * \return [S r1] : new list * *
	let "aa" :: "az" :: "12" :: "sdf" :: "aa" :: "ws" :: nil -> ls in
	let ["as" nil] -> tuple1 in
	let ["aa" nil] -> tuple2 in
	_fooSList std_szAddUniqueResult ls tuple1;	// "as:"aa":"az":"12":"sdf":"aa":"ws";nil
	_fooS sprintf "%s %i" tuple1;	// string added and result (1)
	_fooSList std_szAddUniqueResult ls tuple2;	// "aa":"az":"12":"sdf":"aa":"ws";nil
	_fooS sprintf "%s %i" tuple2;	// string added and result (0, "aa" is already in the list)
* **/ fun std_szAddUniqueResult (list, tuple)= let tuple -> [str result] in if (std_szInList list str) then ( mutate tuple <- [str 0]; list ) else ( mutate tuple <- [str 1]; str :: list; );; /*! \brief Add a string element as unique. This function is * case-insensitive. * * \ingroup std_string * Prototype: fun [[S r1] S] [S r1] * * \param [S r1] : list * \param S : element to add * * \return [S r1] : new list **/ fun std_sziAddUnique (list, str)= if (std_sziInList list str) then list else str :: list;; /*! \brief Add a string element as unique. This function is * case-insensitive. * * Prototype: fun [[S r1] [S I]] [S r1] * * \param [S r1] : list * \param [S I] : string to add and the result : 1 is set if the string is added, else 0 * * \ingroup std_string * \return [S r1] : new list **/ fun std_sziAddUniqueResult (list, tuple)= let tuple -> [str result] in if (std_sziInList list str) then ( mutate tuple <- [str 0]; list ) else ( mutate tuple <- [str 1]; str :: list; );; /*fun std_sziAddUniqueResult2 (tuple)= let tuple -> [list str] in if (std_sziInList list str) then 0 else ( mutate tuple <- [str :: list _]; 1 );;*/ fun std_szgetposinlist (list, string, n, flag)= if list == nil then nil else if flag == 0 then // insensitive if (!strcmpi hd list string) then n else std_szgetposinlist tl list string n+1 flag else // sensitive if (!strcmp hd list string) then n else std_szgetposinlist tl list string n+1 flag;; /*! \brief Get the position of a string in a list. This function is * case-sensitive. * * Prototype: fun [[S r1] S] I * * \param [S r1] : list * \param S : a string to found * * \ingroup std_string * \return I : the position or nil if not found **/ fun std_szGetPosInList (list, string)= std_szgetposinlist list string 0 1;; /*! \brief Get the position of a string in a list. This function is * case-insensitive. * * Prototype: fun [[S r1] S] I * * \param [S r1] : list * \param S : a string to found * * \ingroup std_string * \return I : the position or nil if not found **/ fun std_sziGetPosInList (list, string)= std_szgetposinlist list string 0 0;; /*! \brief Remove the last char of any string * * Prototype: fun [S] S * * \param S : a string * * \ingroup std_string * \return S : the same string less the last char **/ fun std_szRemoveLastChar (str)= substr str 0 (strlen str)-1;; /*! \brief Check the last char of a string * * Prototype: fun [S S] I * * \param S : a string * \param S : a string (if more one char, the only first char is taken) * * \return I : 1 if equal, otherwise 0 * \ingroup std_string **/ fun std_szCheckLastChar (str, c)= (nth_char c 0) == nth_char str (strlen str)-1;; fun std_szstrfindr (str, sub, pos, flag)= let if flag then strfind sub str 0 else strfindi sub str 0 -> p in if p == nil then pos else std_szstrfindr substr str p+1 strlen str sub p+pos+1 flag;; /*! \brief Find the last position of a given substring. * Function case-sensitive. * * Prototype: fun [S S] I * * \param S : a string * \param S : a sub-string * * \return I : the last position or -1 if not found * \ingroup std_string **/ fun std_szStrfindR (str, substr)= std_szstrfindr str substr (-1) 1;; /*! \brief Find the last position of a given substring. * Function case-insensitive. * * Prototype: fun [S S] I * * \param S : a string * \param S : a sub-string * * \return I : the last position or -1 if not found * \ingroup std_string **/ fun std_sziStrfindR (str, substr)= std_szstrfindr str substr (-1) 0;; /*! \brief Return if a string contains digits only (0123456789) * * Prototype: fun [S] I * * \param S : a string * * \return I : 1 if ok else 0 * \ingroup std_string **/ fun std_szIsDigit (str)= let "0123456789" -> ref in let 0 -> i in let 1 -> r in ( while ((i < (strlen str)) && (r == 1)) do let strfind substr str i 1 ref 0 -> p in if p == nil then set r = 0 else set i = i+1; r );; fun std_szbuildpattern (pattern)= // alpha + lower let strfind "[az]" pattern 0 -> poslower in set pattern = if poslower != nil then let "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" -> s in strcat substr pattern 0 poslower strcat s substr pattern poslower+4 strlen pattern else pattern; // alpha + upper let strfind "[AZ]" pattern 0 -> posupper in set pattern = if posupper != nil then let "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" -> s in strcat substr pattern 0 posupper strcat s substr pattern posupper+4 strlen pattern else pattern; // alpha + lower and upper let strfind "[aZ]" pattern 0 -> posalpha in set pattern = if posalpha != nil then let "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" -> s in strcat substr pattern 0 posalpha strcat s substr pattern posalpha+4 strlen pattern else pattern; // digit let strfind "[09]" pattern 0 -> posnum in set pattern = if posnum != nil then let "0123456789" -> s in strcat substr pattern 0 posnum strcat s substr pattern posnum+4 strlen pattern else pattern; pattern;; /*! \brief Return if a string contains the characters pattern only * *
_fooId std_szIsPattern "mississipi" "mpsie";	// 1
* _fooId std_szIsPattern "michigan" "mpsie";	// 0
* * Prototype: fun [S] I * * \param S : a string * \param S : a pattern * * \return I : 1 if ok else 0. * * \remark "[az]" is equal at "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", * "[AZ]" is equal at "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", * "[aZ]" is equalt at "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" and * "[09]" is equal at "0123456789". So a pattern such as * "+-.=[az][09]" is valid and it is equal at "+-.=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789". * There are no 'joker' supported. * * \remark to include a double quote ("), escape it. * \ingroup std_string **/ fun std_szIsPattern (str, pattern)= if (std_szIsEmpty str) || (std_szIsEmpty pattern) then 0 else let 0 -> i in let 1 -> r in ( set pattern = std_szbuildpattern pattern; while ((i < (strlen str)) && (r == 1)) do //let strfind substr str i 1 pattern 0 -> p in let strfind ctoa nth_char str i pattern 0 -> p in if p == nil then set r = 0 else set i = i+1; r );; /*! \brief Cut a string when the first seperator is found * *
_fooS sprintf "%s %s" std_szCutFromSep "lib/std/string.pkg" "/"; // lib std/string.pkg
* * Prototype: fun [S S] [S S] * * \param S : a string * \param S : any separator (one or more chars) * * \return I : a tuple with the two sub-strings or nil if separator is not found * \ingroup std_string **/ fun std_szCutFromSep (str, sep)= if (str == nil) || (sep == nil) then [str str] else [(substr str 0 (strfind sep str 0)) (substr str ((strfind sep str 0) + 1) strlen str)];; /*! \brief Cut a string with all seperator found * *
_fooSList std_szCutFromSepAll "lib/std/string.pkg" "/"; // lib :: std :: string.pkg :: nil
* * Prototype: fun [S S] [S r1] * * \ingroup std_string * \param S : a string * \param S : any separator (one or more chars) * * \return I : a list of sub-strings. If no seperator found, the list has only one no-nil element * with the entire string. **/ fun std_szCutFromSepAll (str, sep)= let strfind sep str 0 -> pos in if pos == nil then str :: nil else let std_szCutFromSep str sep -> [szFirst szNext] in szFirst :: std_szCutFromSepAll szNext sep;; /*! \brief Get the boolean value of a string. This function is insensitive-case. * * \ingroup std_string * Prototype: fun [S] I * * \param S : the boolean value "enable" "1" "on" "true" "yes" * * \return I : 1 if the boolean value is correct, 0 otherwise **/ fun std_szGetBoolean (str)= if (!strcmpi strtrim str "enable") || (!strcmpi strtrim str "on") || (!strcmpi strtrim str "true") || (!strcmpi strtrim str "yes") || ((atoi str) == 1) then 1 else 0;; /*! \brief Compare if a sub string is in a string at a given position. * This function is sensitive-case. * * \ingroup std_string * Prototype: fun [S S I] I * * \param S : the full string * \param S : the substring to compare * \param I : a position (if nil, the position will be 0) * * \return I : 1 if ok, 0 otherwise **/ fun std_szCheckSubPos (str, sub, pos)= pos == strfind sub str 0;; /*! \brief Compare if a sub string is in a string at a given position. * This function is insensitive-case. * * \ingroup std_string * Prototype: fun [S S I] I * * \param S : the full string * \param S : the substring to compare * \param I : a position (if nil, the position will be 0) * * \return I : 1 if ok, 0 otherwise **/ fun std_sziCheckSubPos (str, sub, pos)= pos == strfindi sub str 0;; /*! \brief Replace a string in an another string. Case sensitive. * \remark you can use the SYSPACK API : \c strreplace (fun [S S S I] S) * faster but the syspack library is required on the client. * * \ingroup std_string * Prototype: fun [S S S] S * * \param S : the string to change * \param S : the string to find * \param S : the string to replace with * * \return S : the new string **/ fun std_szReplace (s, from, to)= let 0 -> pos in let strlen from -> fsize in let strlen to -> tsize in if ((fsize <= 0) || (tsize <= 0)) then nil else while ((set pos = strfind from s pos) != nil) do ( set s = strcatn (substr s 0 pos)::to::(substr s (pos + fsize) ((strlen s) - pos))::nil; set pos = pos + tsize; ); s;; /*! \brief Replace a string in an another string. Case insensitive. * * \ingroup std_string * Prototype: fun [S S S] S * * \param S : the string to change * \param S : the string to find * \param S : the string to replace with * * \return S : the new string **/ fun std_sziReplace (s, from, to)= let 0 -> pos in let strlen from -> fsize in let strlen to -> tsize in if ((fsize <= 0) || (tsize <= 0)) then nil else while ((set pos = strfindi from s pos) != nil) do ( set s = strcatn (substr s 0 pos)::to::(substr s (pos + fsize) ((strlen s) - pos))::nil; set pos = pos + tsize; ); s;; /*! \brief replace key by value position in arg list ("my string is $1 with $2" "val1"::"val2"::nil) * \remark you can use the SYSPACK API : \c sprintf (fun [S u0] S) * faster but the syspack library is required on the client. * * \ingroup std_string * Prototype: fun [S S [S r1]] S * * \param S : string * \param S : the key "$" for example * \param [S r1] : list of arguments * * \return S : the converted string **/ fun std_szReplaceKeys (s, key, args)= let sizelist args -> size in ( while (size > 0) do ( if nil == strfind key s 0 then set size = 0 else 0; // more element in list than keys set s = std_szReplace s (strcat key (itoa size)) (nth_list args (size - 1)); set size = size - 1; ); s; );; /*! \brief Concat a string list with a defined separator * * \ingroup std_string * Prototype: fun [[S r1] S] S * * \param [S r1] : the string list * \param S : the separator to use * * \return S : the new string **/ fun std_szCatSep (list, sep)= let sizelist list -> size in let nil -> ndata in let 0 -> i in ( while i < size do ( let nth_list list i -> elem in if i == 0 then set ndata = elem else set ndata = strcatn ndata::sep::elem::nil; set i = i + 1; ); ndata; );; /*! \brief Protect special character with a '\' * * \ingroup std_string * Prototype: fun [S [I r1]] S * * \param S : the string to protect * \param S : a list of ascii char to escape (% -> 37, & -> 38, ...) * * \return S : the new string **/ fun std_szAddEscape (str, lAsc)= let "" -> szOut in let strlen str -> len in let 0 -> i in ( while (i < len) do let nth_char str i -> char in ( if !std_lIsInList lAsc char then set szOut = strcatn szOut :: "\\" :: (ctoa char) :: nil else set szOut = strcat szOut ctoa char; set i = i + 1; ); szOut );; // 1 if is an url, 0 if not fun std_szisurl (url, lP)= if lP == nil then 0 else if !std_szIsPattern url "&~#_=+%/!:.[aZ][09]" then 0 else if !strcmp hd lP substr url 0 strlen hd lP then let strlen hd lP -> lenp in let strfind "." url lenp -> posdot in let strfind "/" url lenp -> posslash in let strfind ":" url lenp -> posport in if posdot == nil then 0 else if ((posslash != nil) && (posport != nil)) && ((posdot > posslash) || (posdot > posport)) then // ! 0 else if (posslash != nil) && (posdot > posslash) then 0 else if (posport != nil) && (posdot > posport) then 0 else // doit y avoir au moins un caractere, un . et un tld de 2 lettres minimum if (posdot <= lenp) || ((posslash != nil) && (posslash < lenp+4)) || ((posport != nil) && (posport < lenp+4)) then 0 else 1 else std_szisurl url tl lP;; /*! \brief Check if a string is an url * * \ingroup std_string * Prototype: fun [S] I * * \param S : the string to test * * \return I : 1 if ok else 0 * \remark Known protocols : http, https, file, ftp, ftps, sftp, scol. **/ fun std_szIsUrl (url)= let "https://"::"http://"::"file://"::"ftp://"::"sftp://"::"ftps://"::"scol://"::nil -> lProtocol in std_szisurl url lProtocol;; /*! \brief Perform a xor operation between a string and a key * * The string is splitted in word of key lenght. For each word, the xor * operation is performed : the string becomes "ciphered". * To "uncipher", call this same function with the same key to retrieve the * initial string. * * This is very easy to use : any string and the same key to cipher / uncipher. * However, it is easy to uncipher the ciphered string. This function should * not be used in a critical secure environment. * * \ingroup std_string * Prototype: fun [S S] S * * \param S : the string to cipher/uncipher * \param S : the key * * \return S : the ciphered/unciphered string. * * \see std_sfXor in std/systemfiles.pkg to cipher/uncipher a file. **/ fun std_szXor (szToDo, szKey)= let strlen szToDo -> lenToDo in let strlen szKey -> lenKey in let [0 0] -> [i k] in let szToDo -> szOut in while (i < ((lenToDo-(mod lenToDo lenKey)) / lenKey)) do let 0 -> j in ( while (j < lenKey) do ( set szOut = set_nth_char szOut k ((nth_char szToDo k) ^ (nth_char szKey j)); set j = j+1; set k = k+1; ); set i = i+1; szOut );;