3DBAD Scol Voy@ger will use its own software system to display 3D because your graphic card cannot be used.\nbrand : ##\nmodel : ##\nversion : ##\nto get the latest drivers go to your graphic card editor website. 3DDETECT Scol Voy@ger has detected the présence of a 3D graphic accelerator on your system.\n\nClic on test to try it. Or else the 3D grzphic card wil be ignored. 3DDEV 3d acceleration: 3DMSG1 Test 3d 3DMSG2 Can you see a window with 2 3D cubes? 3DOK your 3D card works correctly!\nit will be available the next time you will launch an Scol Voy@ger application. ? ? AB About... AB2 Scol Voy@ger\nVersion ## [##]\nVoy@ger release by Arkeon\n\nScol Virtual Machine\nVersion ## [##]\n\nLocal IP : ##\nInfos on www.scolring.org ACCOUNT_CREATE Register a user ACTCOM Activate the Commutron ADBK Add to bookmarks ADBK? Add ## to bookmarks ? ADDUSER Add a user on this computer ADD_BOOKMARK Add the current site to bookmarks ADD_CONTACTS Add contacts to my messenger3D ADREF Add a reference ADRESS_LOFT Address of your 3D Loft : ## ADRS Add a ressource ADRS? Add ## ## to ressources ? ADSM Add ## to the start menu ? ADSRV Add an application ADV Advanced... ALIAS alias : ALWARN An alias cannot start with '>' APR April AUG August AUTH_ERROR unvalid password BADAD ## : No answer BADDEPTH Scol Voy@ger has detected a graphic resolution of ## bits per point.\n\nit is not enough for an optimal use, we advise a resolution of at least 16bits per point (65536colors). BADIP unvalid IP address BIRTHDATE Birth date: BK Bookmarks BRW browser CANC Cancel CAUTION Caution CFE system Configuration CHANGESTATUS Change my status CHGCURRUSER Change current user CHKPKG ...Check datas... CHKUPDATE Check for available update NUPDATE New version of the Scol Voy@ger ! QUPDATE A new version of the Scol Voy@ger is available, would you like to download it? CNUPDATE1 Download and launch setup CNUPDATE2 Download using your Internet browser DLUPDATE Downloading...\nThe setup will be launched at the end of the download. NOUPDATET Scol Voy@ger update NOUPDATE There is currently no update available CITY City : CNX Go! COMING_SOON Coming soon:-) CONFIRM_PASSWORD Password confirmation : CONS Control pannel... CONSOLV Connected ! Résolution of ## CONT ...connection to : ## CONTPAN Control pannel COUNTRY Country : CREATE_BT Create CREATE_LOFT Create my free loft within 20 secondes ! CRFOLD Create a folder CRYO Cryo-Networks CRYOPOLIS Cryopolis DAY Day : DEC December DECNX Disconnection DEFAULTADR DEFAULT Address DEL Delete DIR sites directory DOWNL ...Download of## ## Ko EBK Edit bookmarks EDIT Edit EFOLD Edit folders EMAGINER Create my 3D loft within 20 secondes ! EMAIL email address: ENDWIZ Your Scol Voy@ger is now configured.\nClic on next to end.\n\nYou can change other parametres using the menu settings of the Scol Voy@ger. ENTER_PASSWORD Enter your password : INTERESTTITLE Interests : INTEREST01 Cinema INTEREST02 Music INTEREST03 Sport INTEREST04 Computer INTEREST05 News INTEREST06 People INTEREST07 Fashion INTEREST08 Health INTEREST09 Real Estate INTEREST10 Finance ACCEPT_CGU I accept the conditions of use ERRAPP impossible to start the applet ERROR_LOGIN Your pseudo cannot start with staff, it is reserved for the animators ERROR_GENDER Choose an identity female or male ERROR_BIRTHDATE invalid birthdate ERROR_ZIPCODE Enter your zipcode ERROR_COUNTRY Select your country ERROR_GEN An error occured during the request execution ERROR_HS Service unavailable, please try later ERROR_NET Check your internet connexion and try again ESM Edit the start menu EXIST_RADIO Existing user(your pseudo is reserved) EXPERT expert Mode FEB February FILLALL You must fill all fields FIRSTNAME Firstname : FONT arial FONTSZ 14 FORGOT_TXT I forgot my ID and/or my password FULL The server is full! Try later. GENDER 3D appearance : GENDERFEMALE Female GENDERMALE Male GENDERNOTSPEC Not specified GENINF general Informations GEST_USER User's management GOODDEPTH Scol Voy@ger ha detected a graphic resolution of ## bits per point.\n\nIt allows an optimal use. GOTOURL Go to<##> HACK Your license number ist not valid. You must reinstall the Scol Voy@ger. HIS History HLP Help HLPFILE locked/voyager/hlp/help.english.txt IDALREADYCURRENT The ID you're trying to register is already the current ID ! IDTEXT Please fill the two folowing fields. JAN January JUL July JUN June KILL Would you like to delete the Scol Voy@ger ? LANGUAGE English LASTNAME Lastname : LG Language : LOCIP local IP : LOFT_CREATE Création of the 3D Loft LOFT_NAME Name of your loft : LOFT_STATE leave my loft3D accessible for all (public access) : LOFT_DESCR Description of my loft : LOFT_PWD_V visitor's password : LOFT_PWD_V2 visitor's password : ## LOFT_PWD_A Administrator's password : ## LOFT_MODE Type of access : ## LOFT_LAUNCH Your loft will automatically launch within a few seconds. If it does not, you can clic on the underneath button to relaunch it. LOFT_LAUNCH_BTN Manual launch LOFT_TUTORIAUX Access to tutorials LOOKUP ...look for## MAIL e-mail MAR March MAY May MINIM Hide MINIMIZE minimize MISC Miscellanous MONTH Month : MYBK My bookmarks MYCONTACTS My contacts NEW New : NEW_ACCOUNT_OK Congratulation ##, you just reserved your pseudo\n \nA confirmation email has just been sent to you at this address :\n ## NEW_ACCOUNT_LOFT ##, create now your own 3D Loft : customisable, accessible to all, multimedia, to share your passions with your friends worldwide. NEW_BLOG_WAIT Your personnal loft3D is under construction on our servers...\n A few seconds and you will have the keys! NEW_BLOG_LAUNCH Congratulation ! Youre private loft 3D is being launched!\nYou will find underneath a summary of the informations concerning your loft3D NEW_EMAIL New email address : NEW_RADIO NEW USER (Do you want to register and reserve your pseudo) NFOLD New Folder NICKNAME Pseudonym : NO3D Scol Voy@ger has not detected a 3D graphic accelerator on your system.\n\nIt may means that you don't have one or that the Scol Voy@ger cannot use it. NOCURRUSER (anonymous) NOPUBLISH_EMAIL Do not publish my email address, use it only to get a new password NOTAVAIL service is not available NOV November NREF New reference NUMBERID your personnal ID number is :\n\n ##\n\nGive this unique identity number to your contacts NXT Next > OCT October OFFLINE Offline OLD Old : ONLINE Offline OP Open the Scol Voy@ger OPT Options PLAYER_EXPLAIN To use this player:\n\n - clic on "open files" to browse your computer and choose your .mp3 or .wav files \n or\n - Drag and drop your files to this zone.\n\nUse then the buttons play/pause, previous/next or random play. PLAYER Multimedia Player PLAYER_REWIND Previous PLAYER_FORWARD Next PLAYER_PLAY_PAUSE Play / Pause PLAYER_PAUSE Pause PLAYER_OPEN Open files PLAYER_SHUFFLE Random play PREV < Back PROXY_CONF Proxy's Configuration PRX_IP Proxy's IP PRX_MSK Proxy's mask PRX_PR Proxy's Port PRX_SOCKS5_AUTHENTICATION Authentication PRX_SOCKS5_PWORD Password : PRX_SOCKS5_UNAME User's name: PSEUD Pseudo QMSG Woul you like to close the Scol Voy@ger? QUIT close the Scol Voy@ger REF reference : REG Do you want to download automatically available updates ? REGEXIST_ERR l'ID <##> Does not exist REGEXIST_OK User has been correctly identified REGEXIST_TXT Fill-up all fields.\nClic on 'Register' to register your ID or on 'Back' to get back to the previous page.\nFields with * are compulsory. REGEXIST_WINTITLE Scol Voy@ger - Registration (existing user) REGISTERLATER You can register and reserve your pseudo later\nuse the button 'user's handling'in the settings of the Scol Voy@ger REGISTER_BT Look for REGISTRATION Registration REGMAIN_TXT Welcome ! This assistant will let you register as a user.\nRegister a user by creating a unique ID number to authenticate yourself and other visitors.\n Make your choice! REGMAIN_WINTITLE Scol Voy@ger - Register REGNEW_ERREMAIL unvalid email address REGNEW_ERRNICK syntax error, choose an other pseudo REGNEW_ERRNICK2 unauthorised pseudonym, choisissez an other pseudonym REGNEW_ERRNICK3 this pseudonym is already used, choose another one. REGNEW_ERRNICK4 too many pseudonyms created REGNEW_ERRNICK5 Choose only these caracters without accents: \n 0123456789\nabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\nABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\n\nminimum length : 3\nmaximum length : 15 REGNEW_ERRNICK7 Choose only these caracters without accents: \n - space ' \nabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\nABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\n\nminimum length : 3\nmaximum length : 15 REGNEW_ERRNICK6 non valid zipcode REGNEW_ERRPASS non valid password length REGNEW_ERRPASS1 the fields 'password' and 'password confirmation' are different REGNEW_ERRPASS2 password must have between ## and ## caracters REGNEW_TXT Enter your personnal informations.\nAll fields with * are compulsory. REGNEW_TXT2 Enter your personnal informations.\nIMPORTANT!\nthe choice of the gender will let you acess to your avatar's configuration, female or male. REGNEW_WINTITLE Scol Voy@ger - Registration (New user) REGOK_WINTITLE - Scol Voy@ger - Welcome ## REGOK_LAUNCH - Your 3D loft has been created on our servers REMEMBER_PASSWORD_1 remember your password REMEMBER_PASSWORD_2 remember your password\n(the password will not be asked anymore at the opening of Scol Voy@ger) REMOVEUSER Remove an user from your computer REMOVE_CONFIRM Are you sure you want to remove from this computer the user who's ID is <##> ? REQ_ALREADY_RUNNING Request already running, please wait... RESTART You must start again Scol Voy@ger to have the new settings RETRIEVE retrieve RETRIEVE2_EMAIL_OK your email address has been updated, an email has just been sent to you with your ID number. RETRIEVE_EMAIL_OK an email has just been sent to you with your ID number and a new password (the old password is still valid until the new one has not been used). RETRIEVE_ERREMAIL email address unvalid RETRIEVE_ERREMAIL2 email address does not exist RETRIEVE_ERRNICK pseudonym syntaxe unvalid RETRIEVE_ERRNICK2 pseudonym does not exist RETRIEVE_ERRPASSWORD unvalid password RETRIEVE_MODE1_TXT I lost my ID and/or my password, my email address is still valid. RETRIEVE_MODE2_TXT I lost my ID , I remember my password, my email address has changed. RETRIEVE_TXT Fill up all fields.\nClic on 'retrieve'to retrieve your ID and/or your password, On 'Back' to come back to the previous page.\nFields with * are compulsory. RSE Ressources editor SE Scol Voy@ger SE2 Scol Voy@ger - Version ## SEP September SET Settings SHOWCONS Console SL Systems Librairies SPONSOR I am sponsored by : SOCKS SocksHost Configuration SOCKSOK connexion through a sockshost proxy SOLV ...resolution of ##:## SRV Services ST Start an application ST2 File STARTUP >StartUp STATE State : STOP stop STREET street : SYSCONF SYSTEM CONFIGURATION TEST3D Test ! TIME time elapsed: ## TIMEOUT Connexion to ## : ##s TODOWNL ... ## Ko to download TOOOLD your Scol Voy@ger is to old to go to that site.\nDo you want to download the latest version ? UNKOWNDEPTH Scol Voy@ger could not detect the graphic resolution of your screen.\n\n we advise to use a minimum resolution of 16bits per point (65536colors). URL Enter the site address USER User USPR User's Profile VIDDEV Video camera : VIDEOBAD Your video camera does not run correctly VIDEOMSG1 Video test initialisation, Please wait... VIDEOMSG2 video test running... VIDEOMSG3 video test VIDEOMSG4 Do you see 2 video images side to side ? VIDEOOK Your vidéo camera runs correctly VIDEO_DRIVER driver's image VIDEO_SCOL Scol Voy@ger's image VOYAGER Scol Voy@ger WAITSRVANSWER Waiting for a server answer, please wait WAITSRVANSWER2 Your 3D loft is being created, please wait WARN Warning WELCOME Welcome to the configuration wizard of the Scol Voy@ger.\n\nClic on Next to start. WIZ Configuration wizard of the Scol Voy@ger WIZARD Wizard WIZMSG Do you want to launch the configuration wizard of the Scol Voy@ger ? YEAR Year : YOURID Your ID number : YOURIDHELP * (exemple : 123.myblog3D1) YOURPASSWORD Your Password: ZIPCODE Zipcode: MESSENGER_EMPTY Soon, you'll be able to:\n\n - manage your Scol Voy@ger's contact\n - talk to them\n - chat with them\n - meet or teleport in 3D\n - share your music... ACCOUNT_ALERT1 request in progress ! ACCOUNT_ALERT2 service not available (SQL_ERROR) ! ACCOUNT_ALERT3 failure, syntax of the nickname is invalid ! ACCOUNT_ALERT4 failure, syntax of the Loft name is invalid ! ACCOUNT_ALERT5 failure, unauthorized nickname ! ACCOUNT_ALERT6 CAUTION ! you have already created a loft with this login user.\nTo make a new loft, please create a new user ACCOUNT_ALERT7 failure, this Loft3D name is already used ! ACCOUNT_ALERT8 failure, invalid email ! ACCOUNT_ALERT9 failure, you have too much nickname ! ACCOUNT_ALERT10 failure, the password length is invalid ! ACCOUNT_ALERT11 unknown request ! CONNECTIONERROR Internet connection not found or the service is down, check your Internet connection or try again later. OK Ok CANCEL Cancel ALERT Alert ERROR Error OPEN Open CLOSE Close HELP Help CONNECT Connect CONNECTING Connecting ... DISCONNECT Disconnect CONNECTAUTO Automatic connection FORGETPWD Forgotten password MODIFUSER Manage my account NEWUSER Create a new account PASSWORD Password : EMAIL Email : VOYAGERNAME Scol Voy@ger COPYRIGHT 2008 - powered by scol-technologies HISTORY History BOOKMARKMAIN Favorites BOOKMARKS Favorites MANAGEBOOKMARKS Manage my favorites PARAMETERS Setup ADDRESS Address CREATEPRODUCT Create your 3d room LOGINERROR Login error PASSERROR Password error SERVERERROR Server error REFRESHBOOKMARKS Refresh WINMENUMINIMIZE Minimize WINMENUALLWAYSONTOP Always on top WINMENUMOVETOL Move the window to the left border WINMENUMOVETOR Move the window to the right border WINMENUMOVETOT Move the window to the top border WINMENUMOVETOB Move the window to the bottom border WINMENUMOVEKEY Move the window using keyboard WINMENUMOVE Move CONF Setup CONFTITLE Setup CONFGEN General CONFBOOK Favorites CONF3D 3D setup (old engine) CONFOGRE3D SO3Engine (Ogre 3D) setup CONFVIDEO Webcam CONFNET Network CONFSUP Maintenance CONFGENMESS Set the desired Scol Voy@ger applications language and nickname CONFLANGLABEL Choose your language : CONFNICKLABEL Set your nickname : ADDTOFAVORITES Add to favorites CONFBOOKMESS Manage your favorites CONFBOOKADD Add CONFBOOKDIR Directory CONFBOOKMOD Modify CONFBOOKDEL Delete CONFBOOKREFRESH Refresh CONFBOOKDLGLABELADD Add a favorite CONFBOOKDLGLABELDIR Add a directory CONFBOOKDLGLABELMOD Modify a favorite CONFBOOKDLGNAME Name : CONFBOOKDLGURL Url : CONFBOOKDELDLG Are you sute that you want to delete "##" ? CONFBOOKDLGTYPE Type : CONF3DSUPPORTED Supported CONF3DNOTSUPPORTED Not supported CONF3DBADAVATAR Not supported, you will not be able to see the animated avatars. CONF3DMESS 3D Informations and setup CONF3DLABEL1 3D Informations : CONF3DLABEL2 3D setup : CONF3DCG1 Graphic card : CONF3DCG2 Model : CONF3DCG3 Version : CONF3DCG4 Opengl support : CONF3DCG5 Vertex shader profile : CONF3DCG6 Pixel shader profile : CONF3DCG7 Animated avatars support : CONF3DANTIALIAS Antialiasing level : CONF3DMIPMAP Mipmapping level : CONF3DRESTARTANTIALIAS You have to restart the Scol Voy@ger to enable Antialiasing modifications CONF3DRESTARTQUADBUFFER You have to restart the Scol Voy@ger to enable QuadBuffer activation/deactivation CONF3DGLNOTSUPPORTED Not supported ! you will not be able to enjoy the scol applications ! CONFOG3DMESS SO3Engine (Ogre 3D) Informations and setup CONFOG3DRENDER Render methode CONFOG3DANTIALIAS Multisampling : CONFOG3DCARD Graphic card : CONFOG3DDRIVER Driver version : CONFOG3DDIRECTX DirectX version : CONFOG3DSO3VER SO3Engine version : CONFOG3DOGREVER Ogre 3d version : CONFOG3DVSYNC Enable vertical synchronization (VSync) CONFOG3DQUADBUFFER Use QuadBuffer mode (only used if the graphic card supports it) CONFVIDEOMESS Setup your webcam for the Scol Voy@ger applications CONFVIDEOLABEL Choose the video input peripheral : CONFVIDEOTESTBTN Test CONFVIDEOSTOPBTN Stop CONFVIDEOBAD The selected video input is already used by another program CONFNETMESS Setup your network parameters CONFNETLABEL1 IP address setup : CONFNETLABEL2 Proxy setup : CONFNETAUTO Automatic setup CONFNETHTTP Http proxy : CONFNETSOCKS Socks proxy : CONFNETMASK Proxy mask : CONFNETSOCKS4 Socks 4 CONFNETSOCKS5 Socks 5 CONFNETAUTH Socks authentication CONFNETLOGIN Socks login CONFNETPASS Socks password CONFSUPMESS Clear Scol Voy@ger cache and logs CONFSUPLABEL Maintenance : CONFSUPCACHEBTN Clear cache CONFSUPLOGBTN Clear logs CONFSUPCACHEDLG Your cache has been cleared CONFSUPLOGSDLG Your log files have been cleared CONFSUPLOGCHK Enable logs files CONFSUPCONCHK Enable console CONFSUPDEVCHK Enable developer mode (disable automatic kill) CONFSUPSTATCHK Allow the Scol Voy@ger to send anonymous statistics CONFSUPUPDCHK Allow the Scol Voy@ger to look for available update on start CONFSUPLIBCHK List Scol extensions and allow the choice between full mode or minimal mode ADDRESSBAR Show address bar LOADING Loading ...