SYSPACK LIBRARY FOR SCOL SERVER Author : Stephane Bisaro, aka iri License : GNU LGPL 2 COMPILATION gcc -shared -Wall -pedantic *.c -o release/ INSTALLATION * Copy the library ( in the 'plugins' sub-directory * Edit the 'usm.ini' file and add this line plugin ./plugins/ ScolLoadPlugin ScolUnloadPlugin * Restart the Scol server SCOL FUNCTIONS : * benchmark _benchmarkStart _benchmarkEnd * standard library DP (type) DW (type) strextrS listextr strfind2List strfindAnyChar strncat strtruncate strsignal _fooF _fooFn strreplace strF sprintf printf memoryInfos powerInfos memoryMinMax osInfos getUserName getUserRealName getScolPath sleep searchFile _checkDirectory _createDirectory _getModifyDirectory _deleteDirectory getSourceMd5 getFileMd5 getStringMd5 getScolMd5 getPackages * temporaries files _FILEOpenTemp _FILECloseTemp _FILEReadTemp _FILESizeTemp _FILETellTemp _FILESeekTemp _FILEWriteTmp Enjoy !