711-DIRREG-bytes.                                 Bytes.
1040-DIRREG-author                                Author
1280-DIRREG-changepict                            Change image
1200-DIRREG-defaulthtt                            Default http URL
1150-DIRREG-defaultsco                            Default SCOL URL
1100-DIRREG-frequency                             Frequency
1120-DIRREG-idnumbero                             ID# (optional)
1080-DIRREG-mainlangua                            Main language
1250-DIRREG-messagele                             Message (<255 characters)
1300-DIRREG-nopicture                             No image
1020-DIRREG-serveradd                             Server
710-DIRREG-thesizeoft                             The size of this file is too long.\nIt should be lower than 
770-DIRREG-thisfileis                             This file is not a bmp or jpeg file.
700-DIRREG-warning                                Warning
1060-DIRREG-email                                 E-mail
1030-DIRREG-scol.cryo-                            dir.scol-technologies.org:3102