Regdb Module - Nov 98 - by Patrice FAVRE ------------ This module is able to register user information in an external database, through ODBC. The authentification is done either by loginP, loginP2 module or by loginP3 module. There are two groups of information (means two tables in the database) : - group 1 : login name, e-mail address, password, IP address, modification time, password number (only for loginP3 policy) - group 2 : login name, key words The IP address and modification time are automatically filled. To set up the database, you have to declare the name of the database (as indicated in ODBC settings). The login and password for access ("admin","" should be ok). The loginP3 policy is associated with the "max successful logins" field which must contain the same value as the loginP3 module. Then you have to enter the table name, column names, column length for the two tables : login table for group 1 and key words table for group 2. The "available key words" field gives a list of key words, in which users will be able to make their choice. They are authorized to complete this choice with personnal key words. If checked, the "create cookies field" will generate a "cookies" file on the client machine with login/password information. This "cookies" is in the format expected by the loginP2 or loginP3 module. The client module provides three interfaces : - insert interface : to register a new user in the database - update interface : to modify an already existing user in the database ; user password must be given - admin interface : to insert a new user in the database if it does not exist or modify it if it exists or delete it; the user password is not necessary so it is STRONGLY RECOMMANDED TO SHOW THIS INTERFACE AFTER THE LOGINP, LOGINP2 OR LOGINP3 MODULE. It provides 8 entries : - start : start the login client module - destroy : destroy the login client module - show_admin : show the admin interface - hide_admin : hide the admin interface - show_insert : show the insert interface - hide_insert : hide the insert interface - show_update : show the update interface - hide_update : hide the update interface There are 11 events : - started : login client module has been started - destroyed : login client module has been destroyed - admin_shown : admin interface has been started - admin_hidden : admin interface has been removed - insert_shown : insert interface has been started - insert_hidden : insert interface has been removed - update_shown : update interface has been started - update_hidden : update interface has been removed - inserted : user has been registered in the database - updated : user has been modified in the database from the update interface - admin_updated : user has been modified in the database from the admin interface - admin_deleted : user has been deleted in the database from the admin interface - init_update_logP3 : with loginP3 policy, this event must be connected to the init action of the loginP3 module if the update interface is shown There are 3 zones (if no zone associated, the interface is a popup window) : - Form_admin : admin interface zone - Form_insert : insert interface zone - Form_update : update interface zone