/* */ /* Copyright (c) 2003, organization : Scol Technologies Association, owner : Sylvain Huet */ /* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in dms/l/license.txt */ /* or on 'www.scol-technologies.org' */ /* cDHDMS - mar 00 - by Sylvain HUET */ /* communication part */ /* communication with server */ var httpmode=0;; var xhttp=0;; typeof bufHTTPin=S;; var fis=0;; typeof bufHTTPout=[S r1];; var nummsg=0;; typeof lastmsg=S;; typeof urlhttp=S;; typeof urlhttpdownload=S;; fun is_hexa(s)= if (strlen s)<=0 then 1 else let nth_char s 0 -> c in if ((c >= '0) && (c <= '9)) || ((c >= 'a) && (c <= 'f)) || ((c >= 'A) && (c <= 'F)) then is_hexa substr s 1 (strlen s)-1 else 0 ;; fun errHTTP(s)= _fooS "######ERROR_HTTP"; _fooS s; let DMSserver -> chn in ( _scriptc DMSserver "_closed"; _killchannel chn ); 0;; /* HTTP server->client */ /* return 1 => continue http dialog */ fun execHTTP(s)= if (strlen bufHTTPin)>=8 then let substr bufHTTPin 0 8 -> lg in if is_hexa lg then let htoi lg -> l in if (strlen bufHTTPin)>=8+l then let substr bufHTTPin 8 l ->scr in ( set bufHTTPin=substr bufHTTPin 8+l strlen bufHTTPin; _scriptc DMSserver scr; execHTTP s ) else 1 else errHTTP "execHTTP" else 1;; var contflag=0;; proto cbgetHTTP=fun[INET u0 S I] I;; fun restarthttp()= set contflag=0; if nil==INETGetURL DMSserver strcatn urlhttp::"N"::(itoh8 xhttp)::nil 0 @cbgetHTTP nil then errHTTP "nextHTTP" else nil;; fun cbgetHTTP(inet,a,s,reason)= /* _fooS strcatn "####Http reception "::(itoa strlen s)::" "::(itoa reason)::nil;*/ if (reason==0) then (set bufHTTPin=strcat bufHTTPin s; set contflag=execHTTP s) else nil; if (reason) then if contflag then restarthttp else errHTTP "cbgetHTTP" else nil; 0;; /* HTTP client->server */ proto fis_signal=fun[] I;; typeof curget=S;; fun cbgetSend(inet,a,s,reason)= /* _fooS strcatn ">>>>Http reception send "::(itoa strlen s)::" "::(itoa reason)::nil;*/ if (reason==0) then (set curget=strcat curget s; 0) else if reason==1 && !strcmp curget "FIS" then (set nummsg=nummsg+1; set lastmsg=nil; fis_signal) else if lastmsg==nil then errHTTP "cbgetSend" else (set bufHTTPout=lastmsg::bufHTTPout; fis_signal); 0 ;; fun flush_http()= /* _fooS ">>>flush_http";*/ set curget=nil; if nil==INETGetURLex DMSserver "POST" strcatn urlhttp::"S"::(itoh8 xhttp)::(itoh4 nummsg)::nil hd bufHTTPout 0 @cbgetSend 0 then errHTTP "flush" else nil; set lastmsg=hd bufHTTPout; set bufHTTPout=tl bufHTTPout; set fis=0;; fun fis_signal()= set fis=1; if bufHTTPout!=nil then flush_http else nil ;; fun add_http(l,msg)= if l==nil then msg::nil else let l->[a n] in if n!=nil then a::add_http n msg else if ((strlen a)+(strlen msg))<4096 then (strcat a msg)::nil else a::msg::nil;; fun send_http(msg)= /* _fooS ">>send_http :";*/ set bufHTTPout=add_http bufHTTPout strcat "__" mkscript msg; if fis then flush_http else nil;; fun _on_(srv,msg)= if DMSoff then nil else if httpmode then send_http msg else _on DMSserver msg;; fun cbupload(inet,z,s,reason)= let z->[cur cb] in if reason then exec cb with [if reason==1 && !strcmp cur "FIS" then 1 else 0] else (mutate z<-[strcat cur s _]; 0);; fun _upload_(d,name,content,cb)= if nil==INETGetURLex DMSserver "POST" strcatn urlhttp::"U"::(itoh8 xhttp)::(itoh4 d.numDMI)::(strtoweb name)::nil content 0 @cbupload [nil cb] then exec cb with [0] else nil;; /* initialization of globals */ fun DMSmultiress(res)= if res==nil then 0 else let res ->[l nxt] in (if (sizelist l)<2 then _setress "enter" hd l else _setress hd l hd tl l; DMSmultiress nxt);; fun DMSinitglobals()= set DMSenv=_envchannel _channel; set DMSserver=_channel; DMSmultiress strextr _getress "parameters";; /* initialization of connexion */ var stdport="8080";; fun defurlhttp(ip,port)= _fooS "connection address"; let if !strcmpi _getress "Firewall" "strong" then _getress "FirewallPort" else (itoa port) -> x in _fooS set urlhttp=strcatn "http://"::ip::":"::(if x==nil then stdport else x) ::"/"::(itoh4 port)::"?"::nil;; fun defurlhttpdownload(download_name,download_port)= _fooS "download address"; _fooS set urlhttpdownload= if download_name==nil then urlhttp else let if !strcmpi _getress "Firewall" "strong" then _getress "FirewallPort" else (itoa download_port) -> x in strcatn "http://"::download_name::":"::(if x==nil then stdport else x) ::"/"::(itoh4 download_port)::"?"::nil;; fun iniDIRECT()= set DMSreconnect=_channelname _channel; defurlhttp _channelIP _channel 1+_channelport _channel; 0;; fun iniHTTP(url,port)= set httpmode=1; set DMSreconnect=strcatn "scol://applet:http://"::url::":"::(itoa port)::"/"::(itoh4 port)::"?X"::nil; defurlhttp url port; if nil==INETGetURL DMSserver strcatn urlhttp::"C"::nil 0 @cbgetHTTP nil then errHTTP "iniHTTP" else nil; 0;; fun _DMSreset()= exitgracefully; _killchannel DMSserver; set DMSserver=nil; 0;; fun main()= /* _showconsole;*/ DMSinitglobals; iniDIRECT; _DMSiniW 320 200 0;; fun mainHTTP(ip,port)= /* _showconsole;*/ DMSinitglobals; iniHTTP ip port; _DMSiniW 320 200 1;; /* API */ fun _COMurlDownload(d,name,acces)= /* _showconsole; _fooS "##Download"; set urlhttpdownload="";*/ _fooS strcatn (if acces==nil then urlhttpdownload else urlhttp) /* choix du serveur de download : relai ou direct */ ::"D"::(itoh8 xhttp)::(itoh4 d.numDMI)::(strtoweb name)::nil;; /* external */ fun _closed()= let _openchannel nil "" DMSenv -> newchn in (_chgchn DMSserver newchn; set DMSserver=newchn); _fatalError _loc _DMSrootModule "DCNX" nil _loc _DMSrootModule "DCNX_TXT" nil;; fun _endV(a,url,r)= set DMSoff=1; exitgracefully; if r then _on _masterchannel Cgoto [url] else _closemachine;; fun __badVersion(title,text,url)= let _openchannel nil "" DMSenv -> newchn in (_chgchn DMSserver newchn; _killchannel DMSserver; _DLGrflmessage _DLGMessageBox newchn DMSwin title text 2 @_endV url);; typeof DMSlasttime=I;; fun _clockE(a,i)= if (time-DMSlasttime)>i then (_deltimer a; _closed) else nil;; fun iniTimeout(i)= set DMSlasttime=time; if i==nil || i<=0 then nil else _rfltimer _starttimer _channel i*500 @_clockE i; 0;; /* para supplémentaires: serveur et port de download */ /* modif 0102 */ fun __init(x,nb,name,timeout,tim,tick,predmiclient,barback,barfore,bartext,download_name,download_port)= set DMSnbDmi=nb; set DMSdmi=mktab DMSnbDmi nil; set DMSname=name; set xhttp=x; set preDMI=predmiclient; defurlhttpdownload download_name download_port; _DMSsettime tim tick; iniTimeout timeout*2; _BARsetColor barback barfore bartext; fis_signal; _on_ nil Clang [strlowercase _getress "DefaultLanguage"];; fun __hookInactive(s)= MODhookInactive strextr s;; fun logon2(s,file)= if s==nil && file!=nil then getFileErr s file else (_DOCparse file; _on_ nil Center [DOCactiveX _version _versionname _getress "License" _getress "enter"]);; fun __logon(login,id,file)= set DMSlogin=login; set DMSid=id; _RSCdownload _DMSrootModule file file mknode @logon2 file 3;; fun __ping()= set DMSlasttime=time; _on_ nil Cping[];; fun __service(s)=_DLGMessageBox DMSserver DMSwin _loc _DMSrootModule "SERVICE_MSG" nil s 0;; fun __delete(i)=MODdelete i;; fun __send(i,c)=_DMSreceive i c;; fun __action(i,j,act,par,rep,ulist,tag)= _DMSaction i j act par rep ulist tag;; fun __deltag(i)=_deltag i;; fun __firetag(i,param,ulist)=_firetag i param ulist;; fun __purgeHook(i,n)=purgeHook i n;; fun __reinitLoc(i)=reinitLoc i;;