/* */ /* Copyright (c) 2003, organization : Scol Technologies Association, owner : Sylvain Huet */ /* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in dms/l/license.txt */ /* or on 'www.scol-technologies.org' */ /* sDHDMS - mar 00 - by Sylvain HUET */ /* module part */ var preDMI="_load \"dms/l/dhdms/spredmi.pkg\"";; var DMIok=0;; var DMIwait=1;; var DMIoff=2;; /* ulist management */ fun getUlist(l)= if l==nil then nil else let l->[u nxt] in ((itoa u.idU)::(itoa u.flagU)::nil)::getUlist nxt;; fun getUliststring(l)= if l==nil then nil else strbuild getUlist l;; fun buildulist(l)= if l==nil then nil else let UgetGlobalUser atoi hd l -> x in if x==nil then buildulist tl l else x::buildulist tl l;; /* tag management */ struct InitialTag=[cbITag:fun [S [User r1]] I,modITag:DMI,timeoutITag:I]mkInitialTag;; struct ClientTagCore=[clientCTag:CLIENT,idCTag:I,countCTag:I,listCTag:[I r1],timeoutCTag:I]mkClientTagCore;; struct ClientTag=[coreCTag:ClientTagCore,valCTag:I]mkClientTag;; struct ServerTag=[modSTag:DMI,serverSTag:SERVER,idSTag:I,flagSTag:I]mkServerTag;; typedef Tag= localTag InitialTag |clientTag ClientTag;; struct TagToClient=[baseTTC:Tag,clientTTC:CLIENT,modTTC:DMI,idTTC:I,timeoutTTC:I]mkTagToClient;; struct TagToServer=[baseTTS:Tag,serverTTS:SERVER,idTTS:I,timeoutTTS:I]mkTagToServer;; fun ttcbyid(t,id)=t.idTTC==id;; var tagnumber=0;; fun newtagnumber()=set tagnumber=tagnumber+1;; fun makeLocalTag(d,tag)= if tag==nil then nil else let tag->[cb timeout _] in localTag mkInitialTag [cb d time+timeout];; fun makeClientTag(d,cli,idtag,timeout)= if idtag==nil then nil else clientTag mkClientTag [mkClientTagCore [cli idtag 0 0::nil timeout] 0];; fun _DMStagKeepAlive(t)= match t with (clientTag x -> let x.coreCTag -> y in if findList y.listCTag x.valCTag then nil else set y.listCTag=x.valCTag::y.listCTag); 0;; /* copy tag */ fun copyTag(t)= match t with (clientTag x -> let x.coreCTag -> y in let set y.countCTag=y.countCTag+1->newid in clientTag mkClientTag [y newid]) |(_-> t);; /* tag management */ fun sendClientTag(d,cli,t)= if t==nil then nil else let match t with (localTag x -> x.timeoutITag) |(clientTag x -> (_DMStagKeepAlive t; x.coreCTag.timeoutCTag)) -> timeout in let newtagnumber -> id in (set cli.tagsCLI=(mkTagToClient [t cli d id timeout])::cli.tagsCLI; id);; fun testaliveTag(t)= match t with (clientTag x -> let x.coreCTag -> y in if y.listCTag!=nil then nil else _on_ y.clientCTag Cdeltag [y.idCTag]); 0;; fun tagclear(t)= match t with (clientTag x -> set x.coreCTag.listCTag=remove_from_list x.coreCTag.listCTag x.valCTag); 0;; fun _DMStagForget(t)= tagclear t; testaliveTag t;; fun _DMSreplyTag(t,param,ulist,holdon)= match t with (localTag x -> execch x.modITag.chnDMI x.cbITag [param ulist]) |(clientTag x -> let x.coreCTag -> y in _on_ y.clientCTag Cfiretag [y.idCTag param getUliststring ulist]); if holdon!=1 then _DMStagForget t else _DMStagKeepAlive t;; fun _clideltaglist(cli,l)= if l==nil then 0 else let l->[ttc nxt] in (set cli.tagsCLI=remove_from_list cli.tagsCLI ttc; _DMStagForget ttc.baseTTC; _clideltaglist cli nxt);; fun _clideltag(cli,i)= let search_in_list cli.tagsCLI @ttcbyid i -> ttc in if ttc==nil then nil else _clideltaglist cli ttc::nil;; fun MODdelallclitag(cli)=_clideltaglist cli cli.tagsCLI;; fun filtertagbymod(l,d)= if l==nil then nil else let l->[x nxt] in if x.modTTC==d then x::filtertagbymod nxt d else filtertagbymod nxt d;; fun MODdelclitag(d,cli)=_clideltaglist cli filtertagbymod cli.tagsCLI d;; fun filtertagbytimeout(l,t)= if l==nil then nil else let l->[x nxt] in if (x.timeoutTTC-t)<0 then x::filtertagbytimeout nxt t else filtertagbytimeout nxt t;; fun MODdelclitagtimeout(cli)=_clideltaglist cli filtertagbytimeout cli.tagsCLI time;; fun _clifiretag(cli,i,param,ulist)=let search_in_list cli.tagsCLI @ttcbyid i -> ttc in _DMSreplyTag ttc.baseTTC param buildulist hd strextr ulist 1;; /* condition manager */ fun testcond1(l,u)= if l==nil then 1 else let hd l -> s in let u.cliU-> cli in if !strcmp s "!" then 1-testcond1 tl l u else if !strcmp s "login" then if !strcmp cli.loginCLI nth_list l 1 then testcond1 tl tl l u else 0 else if !strcmp s "notlogin" then if strcmp cli.loginCLI nth_list l 1 then testcond1 tl tl l u else 0 else if !strcmp s "ip" then if !strcmp cli.ipCLI nth_list l 1 then testcond1 tl tl l u else 0 else if !strcmp s "local" then if (!strcmp cli.ipCLI _hostIP)||(!strcmp cli.ipCLI "") then testcond1 tl l u else 0 else if !strcmp s "notip" then if strcmp cli.ipCLI nth_list l 1 then testcond1 tl tl l u else 0 else if !strcmp s "activeX" then if cli.activeXCLI then testcond1 tl l u else 0 else if !strcmp s "item" then /*test if ref is present*/ let UfindItem u nth_list l 1 -> i in if i!=nil then testcond1 tl tl l u else 0 else if !strcmp s "item2" then /*test if ref/name is present*/ let UfindItem u nth_list l 1 -> i in if i!=nil then if !strcmp i.nameItem nth_list l 2 then testcond1 tl tl tl l u else 0 else 0 else if !strcmp s "noitem" then /*test if ref is not present*/ let UfindItem u nth_list l 1 -> i in if i==nil then testcond1 tl tl l u else 0 else if !strcmp s "noitem2" then /*test if ref/name is not present*/ let UfindItem u nth_list l 1 -> i in if i==nil then testcond1 tl tl tl l u else if strcmp i.nameItem nth_list l 2 then testcond1 tl tl tl l u else 0 else if !strcmp s "items" then /*test if ref is present and quantity enough*/ let UfindItem u nth_list l 1 -> i in if i!=nil && i.countItem>=atoi nth_list l 2 then testcond1 tl tl tl l u else 0 else if !strcmp s "items2" then /*test if ref/name is present and quantity enough*/ let UfindItem u nth_list l 1 -> i in if i!=nil then if !strcmp i.nameItem nth_list l 2 then if i.countItem>=atoi nth_list l 3 then testcond1 tl tl tl tl l u else 0 else 0 else 0 else if !strcmp s "noitems" then let UfindItem u nth_list l 1 -> i in if i==nil || i.countItem i in if i!=nil then if strcmp i.nameItem nth_list l 2 then testcond1 tl tl tl tl l u else if i.countItemd in if d==nil || (k && g.fifoGRAPH!=nil) then (set g.fifoGRAPH=addFifo args g.fifoGRAPH; let args->[x _] in match x with (actionPending [_ _ _ _ _ _ tag] -> _DMStagKeepAlive tag); 0) else /*tester si le module est sur ce serveur, sinon, transmettre le message au bon serveur */ let args->[x where] in match x with (actionPending [from u act para repl ulist oldtag] -> let copyTag oldtag -> tag in if where && u.cliU!=nil then /* client action for client user */ let u.cliU -> cli in let Caction [_DMSgetHandle from g.idGRAPH act para repl (getUliststring ulist) (sendClientTag d cli tag)] -> msg in if findList cli.activCLI d then _on_ cli msg else (execch d.chnDMI switchstr d.hookactionsDMI act [cli act]; if findList cli.activCLI d then _on_ cli msg else nil) else if d.actionDMI==nil then execch d.chnDMI switchstr d.actionsDMI act [from u act para ulist tag] else execch d.chnDMI d.actionDMI [from u.cliU act para repl]);; /* purge events */ fun purgeEvents(g)= if g.fifoGRAPH==nil then 0 else let getFifo g.fifoGRAPH ->[args newf] in (set g.fifoGRAPH=newf; let args->[x _] in match x with (actionPending [_ _ _ _ _ _ tag] -> (tagclear tag; fireEvent g args 0; testaliveTag tag)) |(_->(fireEvent g args 0;nil)); purgeEvents g);; /* receiving messages */ fun _MODreceive(cli,i,c)= let _DMSgetByHandle i-> d in if d.stateDMI!=DMIok then nil else if findList cli.activCLI d then let DMSsender -> old in (set DMSsender=cli; _scriptc d.chnDMI strcat "__" c; set DMSsender=old; 0) else nil;; /* event system */ fun DMSevent3(from,user,param,reply,ulist,tag,l)= if l==nil then 0 else let l->[[dd action param2 reply2 cond where] nxt] in (if dd==nil then nil else if cond!=nil && !testcond cond user then nil else fireEvent dd [(actionPending [from user action niltest param param2 niltest reply reply2 ulist tag]) where] 1; DMSevent3 from user param reply ulist tag nxt);; fun DMSevent2(d,user,ev,para,repl,ulist,tag)= DMSevent3 d user para repl ulist tag _GRAPHgetLinks d.graphDMI ev;; /* receiving events */ fun _MODreceiveEvent(cli,i,ev,para,rep,ulist,idtag)= let _DMSgetByHandle i-> d in if d.stateDMI!=DMIok then nil else if (findList cli.activCLI d)&&(strFindList d.graphDMI.hookcliGRAPH ev) then let makeClientTag d cli idtag DMStimeout -> tag in (DMSevent2 d cli.userCLI ev para rep (buildulist hd strextr ulist) tag; _DMStagForget tag) else nil;; /* receiving hooks from inactive clients */ fun _MODhook(cli,from,i,act,n)= let _DMSgetByHandle i ->d in let _DMSgetByHandle from ->dfrom in if d==nil || dfrom==nil || (!findList cli.activCLI dfrom) || (!GRAPHfindLinkCli dfrom.graphDMI i act) then _on_ cli CpurgeHook [i n] else if findList cli.activCLI d then nil else (execch d.chnDMI switchstr d.hookactionsDMI act [cli act]; if findList cli.activCLI d then nil else _on_ cli CpurgeHook [i n]) ;; /* starting modules */ fun DMCloader(name)= if fixdirectory && strcmpi substr name 0 4 "dms/" then (_adderror strcat "##dmc is not in dms/ directory : " name;nil) else strextr _getpack _checkpack name;; fun DMCtest(class,l)= if l==nil then 0 else (if (_checkpack hd l)==nil then _adderror strcatn "##dmc "::class::" requires "::(hd l)::nil else nil; DMCtest class tl l);; fun DMCmkload(l)= if l==nil then nil else (mkscript Sload [hd l])::DMCmkload tl l;; fun DMCgetScript(path,dmc)= let getConcInfos dmc "serverLoad" -> l in if l==nil then getInfo dmc "serverScript" else strcatn DMCmkload _DMSrelativpath path l;; fun _DMSreinitLoc(d)= set d.extralangDMI=getConcInfos (_DMSgetDef d "dmi") "extralang"; iniDMIloc d; apply_on_list d.cliDMI @broad CreinitLoc [_DMSgetHandle d];; /* theme management */ fun getThmFileFromClass(d)= let d.classDMI-> file in strextr _getpack _checkpack strcat substr file 0 (strlen file)-4 ".thm";; var filterthm=[".png" 1]::[".bmp" 1]::[".jpg" 1]::["jpeg" 1]::nil;; fun filterline(l)= if l==nil then nil else if 1==switchstr filterthm substr hd l (strlen hd l)-4 4 then (hd l)::filterline tl l else filterline tl l;; fun retrieveFilesFromThm(l)= if l==nil then [nil "./"] else let retrieveFilesFromThm tl l->[lres path] in let hd l->[label args] in if !strcmp substr label 0 6 "$theme" then [lres hd tl tl hd l] else [conc (filterline args) lres path];; fun concstring(l,path)= if l==nil then nil else (strcat path hd l)::concstring tl l path;; fun mystrcmp(a,b)=strcmp a b;; fun registerthm(d,thm)= _RSunregister d d.thmDMI; let strbuild thm -> sthm in let _getlongname sthm "thm/.thm" "#" -> name in (_RSregister d name RScontrol sthm; set d.thmDMI=name);; fun _DMSaddThm(d,thmsrc)= let conc thmsrc d.thmsDMI -> thm in (set d.thmsDMI=thm; let retrieveFilesFromThm thmsrc ->[lfiles path_thm] in let concstring lfiles path_thm -> lf1 in let hd strextr d.clientneededDMI -> lf2 in let quicksort (conc lf2 lf1) @mystrcmp -> lf in (_RSregisterfiles d (_DMSrelativpath _DMSgetpath d.classDMI lf1) RSfile|RScontrol; registerthm d thm; set d.clientneededDMI=strbuild lf::nil));; fun starfilter(l)= if l==nil then nil else let l->[a n] in if !strcmp a "*" then starfilter n else a::starfilter n;; /* start module */ fun startDmi(d,dmi)= _RSregisterfiles d getConcInfos dmi "register" RScontrol; _RSregisterfiles d getConcInfos dmi "registerF" RSfile|RScontrol; _DMSreinitLoc d; let DMCloader d.classDMI -> dmc in let _DMSgetpath d.classDMI -> path in (_RSregisterfiles d d.classDMI::nil RScontrol; _RSregisterfiles d (_DMSrelativpath path (getConcInfos dmc "register")) RScontrol; _RSregisterfiles d (_DMSrelativpath path (getConcInfos dmc "registerF")) RSfile|RScontrol; _RSregisterfiles d (_DMSrelativpath path (getConcInfos dmc "clientNeeded")) RScontrol; _RSregisterfiles d (_DMSrelativpath path (getConcInfos dmc "clientNeededF")) RSfile|RScontrol; /*seb ajout clientNeededF*/ _RSregisterfiles d (_DMSrelativpath path (starfilter getConcInfos dmc "clientLoad")) RScontrol; let conc _DMSgetDef d "thm" getThmFileFromClass d -> thm in if thm==nil then set d.clientneededDMI=strbuild (getConcInfos dmi "clientNeeded")::(getConcInfos dmi "clientNeededF")::nil /*seb ajout clientNeededF*/ else (set d.thmsDMI=thm; let retrieveFilesFromThm thm ->[lfiles path_thm] in let quicksort concstring lfiles path_thm @mystrcmp -> lf in (_RSregisterfiles d (_DMSrelativpath path lf) RSfile|RScontrol; registerthm d thm; set d.clientneededDMI=strbuild (conc lf getConcInfos dmi "clientNeeded")::(conc lf getConcInfos dmi "clientNeededF")::nil)); /*seb ajout clientNeededF*/ _fooS strcatn ".loading module "::d.graphDMI.defGRAPH.nameDEF::" from class "::d.classDMI::nil; set d.chnDMI=_openchannel nil preDMI DMSenv; _scriptc d.chnDMI mkscript Sreg [d.graphDMI.idGRAPH]; _scriptc d.chnDMI DMCgetScript path dmc; set d.stateDMI=DMIok; _scriptc d.chnDMI mkscript SIniDMI [".dmi"]; purgeEvents d.graphDMI; 0);; fun IniDMI(param)=0;; /* deconnection */ fun DMSdelete(dl,cli)= if dl==nil then 0 else let dl->[d nxt] in (set d.cliDMI=remove_from_list d.cliDMI cli; MODdelclitag d cli; execch d.chnDMI d.deleteDMI [cli]; DMSdelete nxt cli);; fun DMSlogout2(dl,cli)= if dl==nil then 0 else let dl->[d nxt] in (DMSlogout2 d.subGRAPH cli; UdelClient d.modGRAPH cli; execch d.modGRAPH.chnDMI d.modGRAPH.logoutDMI [cli]; DMSlogout2 nxt cli);; fun DMSlogout(d,cli)= DMSlogout2 d.graphDMI::nil cli;; /* client module destruction */ fun MODclientDel(d,cli)= if d==nil || !findList cli.activCLI d then 0 else (set cli.activCLI=remove_from_list cli.activCLI d; set d.cliDMI=remove_from_list d.cliDMI cli; MODdelclitag d cli; UdelClient d cli; 1);; /* API */ fun _DMSrootModule()=DMSdmi.0;; fun _DMSgetByHandle(h)= if h<0 || h>=DMSnbDmi then nil else DMSdmi.h;; fun _DMSgetName(d)=d.graphDMI.defGRAPH.nameDEF;; fun _DMSgetHandle(d)=d.graphDMI.idGRAPH;; fun _DMSgetZones(d)=d.graphDMI.zonesrvGRAPH;; fun _DMSgetDef(d,s)= _DEFgetDef d.graphDMI.defGRAPH s;; fun _DMSupdateDef(d,s,val)= _DEFupdate d.graphDMI.defGRAPH s val;0;; fun _DMSgetDMIclients(d)=d.cliDMI;; fun _DMSregister(d,flogout,fdelete,fbeforeclose)= set d.logoutDMI=flogout; set d.deleteDMI=fdelete; set d.beforecloseDMI=fbeforeclose; 0;; fun _DMIstartModule(g)= let _DEFgetDef g.defGRAPH "dmi" -> dmi in let getInfo dmi "class" -> class in if class==nil && g!=siteGRAPH then nil else let mkDMI [g g.idGRAPH class DMIwait nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil mkTree [nil mktab SIZE_GRID_MODULO+1 nil nil nil nil] nil nil nil nil ".dmi" nil nil nil] -> d in (set g.modGRAPH=set DMSdmi.(g.idGRAPH)=d; if class==nil then (set DMSfileCli=strcat DMSpathname ".scc"; _RSregister d DMSfileCli RScontrol strbuild _DEFgetDef g.defGRAPH "docclient"; iniDMIloc d; nil) else startDmi d dmi; g);; fun sendCli(c,cl)=_on_ cl c;; fun _DMScreateClientDMI(d,cli,s)= if d==nil || (findList cli.activCLI d) || cli.chnCLI==nil then 0 else let _getlocfile d cli ->[_ sign] in let d.graphDMI.masterGRAPH.modGRAPH-> father in let d.graphDMI.idGRAPH -> id in (_DMScreateClientDMI father cli nil; _on_ cli Ccreate [father.graphDMI.idGRAPH _DMSgetName d id d.classDMI s strbuild d.graphDMI.zonecliGRAPH if sign==nil then nil else d.pathlocDMI]; let strbuild if sign==nil then d.controlDMI else (d.pathlocDMI::sign::nil)::d.controlDMI -> lf in if lf==nil then nil else (let 0-> i in while i lf in /* HACK !!*/ if lf==nil then nil else (let 0-> i in while i d in if MODclientDel d cli then execch d.chnDMI d.deleteDMI [cli] else nil;; fun _DMSdelClientDMI(d,cli)= if MODclientDel d cli then (_on_ cli Cdelete [_DMSgetHandle d]; 1) else 0;; fun _DMSsend(d,cli,c)= _on_ cli Csend [d.graphDMI.idGRAPH mkscript c];; fun _DMSdefineActions(d,l)= set d.actionsDMI=conc l d.actionsDMI;; fun _DMSremoveActions(d,l)= if l==nil then 0 else let getSwitchStr d.actionsDMI hd l -> x in (if x==nil then nil else set d.actionsDMI=remove_from_list d.actionsDMI x; _DMSremoveActions d tl l);; fun _DMShookInactiveClientActions(d,l)= _GRAPHsetHookInactive _DMSgetHandle d l; set d.hookactionsDMI=conc l d.hookactionsDMI;; fun _DMSeventTag(d,user,ev,param,ulist,tag)= DMSevent2 d user ev param nil ulist makeLocalTag d tag;; fun _DMSgetClass(d)=d.classDMI;; fun _DMScbUpload(d,f)= set d.cbuploadDMI=f;; fun _DMSdelete(d)= _fooS "####DMSdelete";_fooI d.numDMI; if d==nil then nil else GRAPHdelete d.graphDMI::nil;; /* ascendant compatibility */ fun _DMSregisterDMI(d,faction,flogout,fdelete,fbeforeclose)= set d.actionDMI=faction; _DMSregister d flogout fdelete fbeforeclose;; fun _DMSgetFullName(d)=GRAPHfullName d.graphDMI;; fun _DMSreply(d,cli,dest,act,para,repl)= fireEvent dest.graphDMI [(actionPending [d cli.userCLI act para repl nil nil]) 0] 1;; fun _DMSevent(d,cli,ev,para,repl)= DMSevent2 d cli.userCLI ev para repl nil nil;; /* hack */ fun DMIcheckpack(d,s)= if s==nil then nil else if !strcmp s ".dmi" then let strbuild _DMSgetDef d "dmi" -> Sdmi in let _getlongname Sdmi "" "#" -> sign in let strcat strcat "tmp/" substr sign 1 strlen sign ".dmi" -> name in (_storepack Sdmi name; _checkpack name) else if (!strcmpi substr s (strlen s)-4 4 ".dat") && !strcmp s getInfo _DMSgetDef d "dmi" "data" then let strbuild _DMSgetDef d "dat" -> Sdat in let _getlongname Sdat "" "#" -> sign in let strcat strcat "tmp/" substr sign 1 strlen sign ".dat" -> name in (_storepack Sdat name; _checkpack name) else _checkpack s;; fun DMIstorepack(d,val,s)= if !strcmp s ".dmi" then (_DMSupdateDef d "dmi" strextr val; _DEFsave; 0) else _storepack val s;;