/* library for manipulations on lists - by Marc BARILLEY*/ fun listcat (p, q)= if p==nil then q else let p -> [h nxt] in h::listcat nxt q;; fun listlength (l)= if l==nil then 0 else let l->[_ n] in 1 + listlength n;; fun rdividelist (cmpfun, x, l, a1, a2) = if l==nil then [a1 a2] else let l -> [h nxt] in if (exec cmpfun with [x h]) < 0 /*x<h*/ then rdividelist cmpfun x nxt [h a1] a2 else rdividelist cmpfun x nxt a1 [h a2];; fun rquicksort (cmpfun, list)= if list==nil then nil else let list->[h nxt] in let rdividelist cmpfun h nxt nil nil -> [l1 l2] in listcat rquicksort cmpfun l1 h::rquicksort cmpfun l2;; fun mirror (list)= if list==nil then nil else let list -> [first next] in listcat mirror next first::nil;; fun remove_nth_from_list (list, n)= if n < 0 then list else let list -> [first next] in if n==0 then next else first::remove_nth_from_list next n-1;; fun removef_from_list(l, f, x)= if l==nil then nil else let l -> [a next] in if exec f with [a x] then next else a::removef_from_list next f x;; fun replace_nth_in_list (list, n, x)= if n < 0 then list else let list -> [first next] in if n==0 then x::next else first::replace_nth_in_list next n-1 x;; fun replace_in_list (list, old, new)= if list==nil then nil else let list -> [first next] in if first==old then new::next else first::replace_in_list next old new;; fun add_nth_in_list (list, n, x)= if n < 0 then listcat list x::nil else let list -> [first next] in if n==0 then x::list else first::add_nth_in_list next n-1 x;; fun is_in_list (l, x)= if l==nil then 0 else let l->[a nxt] in (a==x)||is_in_list nxt x;; fun isf_in_list (l, f, x)= if l==nil then 0 else let l->[a nxt] in (exec f with [a x])||isf_in_list nxt f x;; fun posf_in_list (l, f, x)= if l==nil then nil else if exec f with [hd l x] then 0 else 1+posf_in_list tl l f x;; fun search_all_in_list (l, f, x)= if l==nil then nil else let l -> [a nxt] in if exec f with [a x] then a::search_all_in_list nxt f x else search_all_in_list nxt f x;; fun stringcompare (s1, s2)= !strcmp s1 s2;; fun is_string_in_list (l, string)= (l!=nil)&&((!strcmp string hd l)||(is_string_in_list tl l string));; fun equal (a, b)= a==b;; fun remove_string_from_list (l, string)= if l==nil then nil else if !strcmp hd l string then tl l else (hd l)::remove_string_from_list tl l string;;