Sets the differents way childs are packed into differentes boxes.
Prototype :
fun [[ObjGtkWidget ObjGtkWidget I I I I ] r1] I
[ObjGtkWidget ObjGtkWidget I I I I ] r1] : add a list of any widgets. For each element :
ObjGtkWidget : a box where the widget will be added.
ObjGtkWidget : a widget to add in the previous box.
I : expand. 0 for False, other value for True (in this case, the widget takes all the available space ; this space will be divided evenly between all children that use this option).
I : fill. 0 for False, other value for True, if space given to child by the expand option is actually allocated to child, rather than just padding it. This is no effect if expand is set to FALSE.
I : padding. Space in pixels to put between this child and its neighbors, over and above the global amount specified by "spacing" property ( see _gtkBoxNew ). If the value is negative, the padding will be 0.
I : flag : if 0, widgets will add from the beginning of the box (top or left), otherwise from the end (bottom or right).