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A tooltip is a small 'window' that appears automatically when the user pauses the mouse pointer over a control. A same tip can be common in several controls.
At this time, this works only with the 2d OS controls.
fun main ()=
let _CRwindow _channel nil 50 50 300 250 WN_NORMAL "test tip" -> win in
let _CRbutton _channel win 5 5 200 50 0 "BOUTON 1" -> b1 in
let _CRbutton _channel win 5 60 200 50 0 "BOUTON 2" -> b2 in
let _CRbutton _channel win 5 115 200 50 0 "BOUTON 3" -> b3 in
let _CRtip _channel b1 "This is a button !" TIP_ALWAYS|TIP_BALLOON -> tip1 in
let _CRtip _channel b2 "This is also a button !" TIP_ALWAYS|TIP_CENTERBELOW -> tip2 in
_ADDtip tip1 b3;
_SETtipColor tip1 [0 255 255] [0 0 0];
_SETtipTitle tip1 "A new information" TIP_INFOICON TIP_SMALLICON;
_fooId _GETtipCount tip1;