| G2DcrFont (chan, fontsize, rot, flags, fontname) |
| G2DgetStringSize2 (font, txtList, w, h) |
| Get the width and height size of a string list calculated using font.
| G2DgetStringSize (font, str) |
| Get the width and height size of a string calculated using font.
| G2DgetStringSize2BT (font, txtList, w, h) |
| Get the width and height size of a string list calculated using font.
| G2DgetStringSizeBT (font, str) |
| Get the width and height size of a string calculated using font.
| G2DgetStrWidth (font, str) |
| Get the width size of a string calculated using font.
| G2DformatHexaColor (s) |
| Add missed colors in hexa format.
| G2DformatHexaColorI (c) |
| format color to hexadecimal value
| G2Drgba2bgra (c) |
| Convert an rgba or bgra color to rgba or bgra color.
| G2DgetAlphaFromColor (c) |
| get the alpha from a alpha color
| G2DsetColorAlpha (c, a) |
| set the alpha of a color
| G2Dbgra2bgr (c) |
| Convert an bgra or bgr color.
| G2Drgba2rgb (c) |
| Convert an rgba or rgb color.
| G2Dbgr2bgra (c, a) |
| Convert an bgr to bgra color.
| G2Drgb2rgba (c, a) |
| Convert an rgb to rgba color.
| G2Drgb2bgr (c) |
| Convert an rgb or bgr color to rgb or bgr color.
| G2Dgetbgr (c) |
| Get bgr color.
| G2Dgetrgb (c) |
| Get rgb color.
| G2Dhsv2rgb (h, s, v) |
| Convert an hsv color to rgb color.
| G2Drgb2hsv (c) |
| Convert an rgb color to hsv color.
| G2DaddColor (c1, c2) |
| Add colors.
| G2DsubColor (c1, c2) |
| Substract colors.
| G2DmulColor (c1, c2) |
| Multiply colors.
| G2DColorCoef (c1, coef) |
| Multiply a Color by coef.
| G2DgetFtoA (val, nbdec) |
| Convert a float into an number of zero limited string.
| G2DcolorIsClear (c) |
| G2Dlcat (p, q) |
| Concat two list to one.
| G2DisInList (p, q) |
| Test if an element exist in a list.
| G2DremoveFromList (l, elt) |
| Remove an element from a list.
| G2DremoveStringFromList (l, elt) |
| Remove a string from a list case unsensivity.
| G2DremoveEdIdxFromList (l, idx) |
| Remove an element from an int indexed list.
| G2DremoveEdSidFromList (l, sid) |
| Remove an element from an string indexed list.
| G2DremoveEdSidFromListi (l, sid) |
| Remove an element from an string indexed list case unsensivity.
| G2DgetElemFromListByIndex (l, idx) |
| Get an element from an indexed list by index.
| G2DsplitList (l, pos) |
| Split a list in two list at given position.
| G2DgetAbreviation (str, size, font, endstr) |
| Get a cutted string limited by pixel size with a possible concated string at end.
| G2DcreateAlphaBitmap (alphabmp, x, y, left, right, ww, hh, w, h) |
| Create a resized alpha bitmap.
| G2DcreateAlphaBitmapRollover (alphabmp, x, y, left, right, ww, hh, w, h) |
| Create a resized alpha bitmap rollover (5 states)
| G2DloadPngToBmpFile (chan, file) |
| Load an alpha bitmap file (png) to a bitmap.
| G2DloadPngToBmp (chan, path) |
| Load an alpha bitmap file (png) to a bitmap.
| G2DloadBmpFile (chan, file) |
| Load an bitmap (bmp, jpg, tga) or alphabitmap (png) file to a bitmap.
| G2DloadBmpPack (chan, file) |
| G2DloadBmp (chan, path) |
| Load an bitmap (bmp, jpg, tga) or alphabitmap (png) file to a bitmap.
| G2DloadAlphaBmpFile (chan, file) |
| Load an bitmap (bmp, jpg, tga) or alphabitmap (png) file to a AlphaBitmap.
| G2DloadAlphaBmp (chan, path) |
| Load an bitmap (bmp, jpg, tga) or alphabitmap (png) file to a AlphaBitmap.
| G2DconvertBmpToAlphaBmp (chan, bmp) |
| Convert a bitmap to a AlphaBitmap.
| G2DstrechBitmap (chan, bmp, width, height, bcolor) |
| Strech a bitmap to a new size and keep ratio.
| G2DstrechBitmapToMaxSize (chan, bmp, width, height) |
| Strech a bitmap to a new size and keep ratio without borders.
| G2DstrechAlphaBitmap (chan, bmp, width, height, keepratio, bcolor) |
| Strech an alpha bitmap to a new size and keep ratio.
| G2DgetAlphaBitmapRatioH (abmp, width, height) |
| G2DgetBitmapRatioH (abmp, width, height) |
| G2DstrechAlphaBitmapExt (chan, abmp, width, height, keepratio, bcolor, mode) |
| Strech an alpha bitmap to a new size and keep ratio.
| G2DstrechAlphaBitmapToBackground (chan, abmp, width, height) |
| Strech an alpha by it's center to create a new background image.
| G2DstrechAlphaBitmapToBackgroundBitmap (abmp, dabmp) |
| Strech an alpha by it's center to the destination background image.
| G2DstrechAlphaBitmapRectToBackgroundBitmap (abmp, rect, dabmp, mode) |
| Strech an alpha to the destination background image with flags.
| G2DstrechAlphaBitmapRectToBlendBitmap (abmp, rect, dabmp, mode, blending) |
| Strech an alpha to the destination background image with flags and blending.
| G2DcopyAlphaBitmap (chan, bmp, px, py, pw, ph) |
| Copy an alpha bitmap rectangle to a new alpha bitmap.
| G2DfilterBitmap (bmp, filter) |
| Apply a filter on a bitmap bitmap.
| G2DcreateLayer (chan, w, h, border, bcolor, color, opacity) |
| Create an AlphaBitmap with border, backcolor and opacity.
| G2DsetLayer (chan, alphabmp, w, h, border, bcolor, color, opacity) |
| Modify an AlphaBitmap with border, backcolor and opacity.
| G2DbBmp_HResize (resBmp, orgBmp, resBmp8, orgBmp8, nbCol, numCol, trans, borders) |
| G2DbBmp_VResize (resBmp, orgBmp, resBmp8, orgBmp8, nbLine, numLine, trans, borders) |
| G2DbBmp_DrawText (bmp, text, tabl, size, pos, colors, numLine, numCol) |
| G2DbBmp_stretchButtonText (chan, text, size, colors, borders, tabl, img, right) |
| G2DcbResizeNode (cbmp, p, w, h, oldval) |
| G2DcreateNode (container, node, pos, width, height, flags, color, opacity, inline, linecolor) |
| Create a CompBitmap as layer with border, backcolor and opacity.
| makeEdThemeResources (chan) |
| Create a new theme structure with default values.
| setEdColorMapResources (themestr, cmap, mapcross, btnpicker, curpicker) |
| Set the color map control theme resources.
| setEdToolBarResources (themestr, backcolor) |
| Set the toolbar control theme resources.
| setEdTabResources (themestr, backcolor, tabcheck, tabclose, tableft, tabright, fontname, fontsize, fontcolor) |
| Set the tabs control theme resources.
| setEdFloatResources (themestr, upbtn, downbtn, cursize) |
| Set the float control theme resources.
| setEdFrameResources (themestr, backcolor, foldbtn, fontname, fontsize, fontcolor, barheight) |
| Set the frame control theme resources.
| addEdThemeResource (themestr, resname, path) |
| Add an indexed resource to the theme.
| delEdThemeResource (themestr, resname) |
| Del an indexed resource in the theme.
| getEdThemeResource (themestr, resname) |
| Get an indexed resource from the theme.
| delEdTheme (themestr) |
| Destroy a theme structure and his resources.
| resetEdTabPosition (tabbarstr) |
| Re-position all tabs on tab bar.
| getEdTabsLength (tabbarstr, pos) |
| Get the width of the tab bar from a tab position.
| getEdLastVisibleTabs (tabbarstr) |
| Get last visible tab position.
| getEdBestTabsByLength (tabbarstr, w, pos) |
| Get the best pos for the scrolled tab bar.
| activateEdTabBarScroll (tabbarstr) |
| Show or hide the scrolling arrows if needed.
| cbEdTabClick (cmpchk, param, x, y, btn, mask) |
| Not used.
| cbEdTabUnClick (cmpchk, param, x, y, btn, mask) |
| Unclick call back on a tab.
| cbEdTabResize (cmpchk, p, w, h) |
| Not used.
| cbEdCloseTabClick (cmproll, param, x, y, btn, mask) |
| Callback for the close button.
| setEdTabCbClose (tabstr, cbfun) |
| Callback for the close button.
| changeEdTabCheck (tabbarstr, tabstr) |
| Update the tab check.
| renameEdTab (tabbarstr, tabstr, name) |
| Rename a tab.
| focusEdTab (tabbarstr, tabstr) |
| Focus the specified tab.
| dsEdTab (tabbarstr, tabstr) |
| Destroy a tab.
| crEdTab (tabbarstr, name, mode, state) |
| Create a new tab in tab bar.
| getEdTabWindow (tabstr) |
| Get the windows structure of a tab.
| setEdTabCbFocused (tabstr, cbfun) |
| Set the focused callback on a tab.
| resizeEdTabBar (tabbarstr, w, h) |
| Resize a tab bar.
| dsEdTabBar (tabbarstr) |
| Destroy a tab bar.
| cbEdTabBarScrollLeft (cmpbtn, tabbarstr, x, y, btn, mask) |
| Callback on scroll left click.
| cbEdTabBarScrollRight (cmpbtn, tabbarstr, x, y, btn, mask) |
| Callback on scroll right click.
| makeEdTabBarScroll (tabbarstr) |
| Create the tab bar scroll interface.
| crEdTabBarFromToolBar (tbstr, targetstr, x, y, w, h, margin, themestr) |
| Create the tab bar on tool bar.
| cbEdToolBarToolTipHide (node, t, bubble) |
| Hide a toolbar tooltip.
| cbEdToolBarToolTipShow (node, t, bubble, dx, dy) |
| Show a toolbar tooltip.
| cbEdToolBarTextResize (ctext, param, w, h) |
| Callback on toolbar text resize.
| setEdToolBarText (t, cmptxt, val, txtcolor) |
| Set a toolbar text value.
| crEdToolBarText (t, txt, fontname, fontsize, fontflag, txtcolor, flags, align) |
| Create a toolbar text element.
| cbEdToolBarCheckClick (check, param, x, y, btn, mask) |
| Callback on toolbar check click.
| cbEdToolBarCheckIn (croll, param, x, y, mask) |
| Callback on toolbar check cursor in.
| cbEdToolBarCheckOut (croll, param, x, y, mask) |
| Callback on toolbar check cursor out.
| cbEdToolBarCheckResize (croll, param, w, h) |
| Callback on toolbar check resize.
| setEdToolBarCheckState (t, chk, state) |
| Change the toolbar check element state.
| setEdToolBarCheckEnable (t, chk, state) |
| Enable or disable the toolbar check element.
| setEdToolBarCheckCbClick (t, check, cbclick) |
| Set the toolbar check element click callback.
| setEdToolBarCheckToolTip (t, check, bubble) |
| Set the toolbar check element tooltip content.
| crEdToolBarCheck (t, abmp, align, bubble, cbclick) |
| Create a toolbar check element.
| setEdToolBarButtonEnable (t, btn, state) |
| Enable or disable the toolbar button element.
| cbEdToolBarButtonClick (croll, param, x, y, btn, mask) |
| Callback on toolbar button click.
| setEdToolBarButtonCbClick (t, button, cbclick) |
| Set the toolbar button element click callback.
| cbEdToolBarButtonIn (croll, param, x, y, mask) |
| Callback on toolbar button cursor in.
| cbEdToolBarButtonOut (croll, param, x, y, mask) |
| Callback on toolbar button cursor out.
| cbEdToolBarButtonResize (croll, param, w, h) |
| Callback on toolbar button resize.
| setEdToolBarButtonToolTip (t, check, bubble) |
| Set the toolbar button element tooltip content.
| crEdToolBarButton (t, abmp, align, bubble, cbclick) |
| Create a toolbar button element.
| cbEdToolBarBmpClick (bmp, p, x, y, btn, mask) |
| Callback on toolbar bitmap click.
| cbEdToolBarBmpDbClick (bmp, p, x, y, btn, mask) |
| Callback on toolbar bitmap double click.
| setEdToolBarBitmapToolTip (t, check, bubble) |
| Set the toolbar bitmap element tooltip content.
| crEdToolBarBitmap (t, abmp, align, bubble, cbclick) |
| Create a toolbar bitmap element.
| dsEdToolBar (win, tbstr) |
| Destroy a toolbar from a window.
| dsEdToolBarList (l) |
| Destroy a toolbar list.
| sizeEdToolBar (t, x, y, w, h) |
| Resize a toolbar.
| paintEdToolBar (t) |
| Paint a toolbar.
| cbEdToolBarDbClick (cont, p, x, y, btn, mask) |
| Callback on toolbar double click.
| setEdToolBarDbClick (t, cbfun) |
| Set the toolbar double click Callback.
| cbEdToolBarClick (cont, p, x, y, btn, mask) |
| Callback on toolbar click.
| setEdToolBarClick (t, cbfun) |
| Set the toolbar click Callback.
| setEdToolBarVisible (t, mode) |
| Set the toolbar visibility.
| crEdToolBar (chan, father, x, y, w, h, hmargin, vmargin, bgcolor, mode) |
| Create a toolbar on a window.
| getEdWindowVisibleState (winstr) |
| Get a window visible state.
| setEdWindowCtrl3dEnable (winstr, state) |
| Enable or disable 3D view on a window or on its child windows.
| setEdWindowVisible (winstr, state) |
| Show or hide a window.
| setEdWindowFocus (winstr) |
| Give the keyboard focus on a window.
| setEdWindowTop (winstr) |
| Bring a window to the top on the screen.
| setEdWindowTopMost (winstr) |
| Bring a window to the top most on the screen.
| setEdWindowName (winstr, name) |
| Rename the title of a window.
| setEdWindowMinimumSize (winstr, w, h) |
| Set the minimum window size.
| setEdWindowMaximumSize (winstr, w, h) |
| Set the maximum window size.
| getEdWindowToolBarSize (winstr) |
| Get the size used by toolbars on a window.
| resizeEdWindowToolBar (winstr, winw, winh, w, h) |
| Resize all toolbars on a window.
| dsEdWindowToolBar (winstr, tbstr) |
| Destroy a toolbar from a window.
| crEdWindowToolBar (winstr, x, y, w, h, hmargin, vmargin, bgcolor, mode) |
| Create a toolbar on a window.
| calcEdWindowGroupSonPos (winstr) |
| Calculate the needed Y position of a window from the other group windows.
| updateEdGroupWindowSons (winstr) |
| Move group windows from the other group windows.
| getEdFrameYpos (winstr) |
| Calculate a frame window Y position in a group windows.
| calcEdCoord (winstr) |
| Calculate coordinates of a window according to the mother window.
| calcEdWindowDim (typ, x1, w, x2, l) |
| Calculate a position with respect to the resize flags.
| calcEdWindowSizePos (winstr) |
| Calculate a window position and size according to its resize flags.
| calcEdCtrlSizePos (ctrlstr) |
| Calculate a control position and size according to its resize flags.
| getEdVirtualWindowSize (winstr) |
| Get a virtual window size.
| getEdVirtualWindowPos (winstr) |
| Get a virtual window position.
| getEdWindowSize (winstr) |
| Get a window size.
| getEdWindowPos (winstr) |
| Get a window position.
| getEdWindowPosSize (winstr) |
| Get a window position and size.
| getEdWindowScreenPos (winstr) |
| Get a window position in screen.
| getEdWindowExPosSize (winstr) |
| Get a window position and size with borders.
| getEdWindowResizeFlags (winstr) |
| Get a window resize flags.
| resizeEdWindow (winstr) |
| Resize a window according to its type, state and resize flags.
| setEdWindowPosSize (winstr, x, y, w, h) |
| Move and resize a window.
| setEdWindowSize (winstr, w, h) |
| Resize a window.
| setEdWindowPos (winstr, x, y) |
| Move a window.
| setEdWindowPosSizeEx (winstr, x, y, w, h) |
| Move and resize a window with global coordinates (window + border + title)
| setEdWindowSizeEx (winstr, w, h) |
| Resize a window with global coordinates (window + border + title)
| setEdWindowPosEx (winstr, x, y) |
| Move a window with global coordinates (window + border + title)
| setEdVirtualWindowPosSize (winstr, x, y, w, h) |
| Move and resize a virtual window.
| setEdVirtualWindowSize (winstr, w, h) |
| Resize a virtual window.
| setEdVirtualWindowPos (winstr, x, y) |
| Move a virtual window.
| setEdWindowParent (winstr, fatherstr) |
| set a window parent
| setEdWindowResizeFlags (winstr, flags) |
| Change a window resize flags.
| cbEdVirtualWindowSize (win, winstr, wv, hv) |
| Callback on virtual window resize.
| cbEdVirtualWindowMove (win, winstr, x, y) |
| Callback on virtual window move.
| cbEdWindowMove (win, winstr, x, y) |
| Callback on window move.
| updateEdCtrlSize (winstr) |
| Update all controls size according to the mother window.
| resizeEdWindowVirtualSize (winstr) |
| Resize a virtual window according to the sons windows size.
| cbEdWindowSize (win, winstr, w, h) |
| Callback on window resize.
| maximizeOrMinimizeEdWindow (winstr, hdecal, vdecal) |
| Maximize or minimize a window.
| cbEdWindowKeyDown (win, winstr, key, scode) |
| Callback on window key down.
| cbEdWindowDropFile (win, winstr, x, y, lp) |
| Callback on window drop file.
| cbEdWindowKeyUp (win, winstr, key) |
| Callback on window key up.
| setEdwindowCbKeyDown (winstr, cbfun) |
| Set a window key down callback.
| setEdwindowCbKeyUp (winstr, cbfun) |
| Set a window key up callback.
| setEdwindowCbSize (winstr, cbfun) |
| Set a window size callback.
| setEdwindowCbMove (winstr, cbfun) |
| Set a window move callback.
| setEdwindowCbVirtualMove (winstr, cbfun) |
| Set a virtual window move callback.
| setEdwindowCbVirtualSize (winstr, cbfun) |
| Set a virtual window size callback.
| setEdwindowCbDestroy (winstr, cbfun) |
| Set a window destroy callback.
| setEdwindowCbClose (winstr, cbfun) |
| Set a window close callback.
| setEdwindowCbFocus (winstr, cbfun) |
| Set a window focus callback.
| setEdwindowCbDrop (winstr, cbfun) |
| Set a window drop files callback.
| dsEdWindow (winstr) |
| Destroy a window.
| dsEdWindow2 (winstr) |
| Destroy a window but not the children.
| cbEdWindowClose (win, winstr) |
| Callback on window close.
| cbEdWindowFocus (win, winstr) |
| Callback on window focus.
| cbEdWindowDestroy (win, winstr) |
| Callback on window destroy.
| cbEdVirtualWindowWheel (win, winstr, x, y, delta, btn) |
| Callback on virtual window mouse wheel.
| cbEdVirtualWindowCursorMove (win, winstr, dx, dy, btn) |
| Callback on virtual window mouse move.
| cbEdWindowPaint (win, winstr) |
| Callback on win paint.
| cbEdVirtualWindowClick (win, winstr, dx, dy, btn) |
| Callback on virtual window mouse click.
| cbEdVirtualWindowUnClick (win, winstr, x, y, btn) |
| Callback on virtual window mouse unclick.
| cbEdWindowCursorMove (win, winstr, x, y, btn) |
| Callback on mouse cursor move.
| cbEdWindowClick (win, winstr, x, y, btn) |
| Callback on mouse click.
| cbEdWindowUnClick (win, winstr, x, y, btn) |
| Callback on mouse unclick.
| setEdwindowCbCursorMove (winstr, cbfun) |
| Set a window cursor move callback.
| setEdwindowCbClick (winstr, cbfun) |
| Set a window mouse click callback.
| setEdwindowCbUnClick (winstr, cbfun) |
| Set a window mouse unclick callback.
| setEdWindowIcon (winstr, file) |
| Set a window title bar icon.
| setEdWindowBackgroundColor (winstr, color) |
| Set a window background color.
| crEdWindow (chan, fatherstr, x, y, w, h, flags, resize, mode, title) |
| Create a new window.
| crEdScrollWindow (chan, fatherstr, x, y, w, h, flags, resize, mode, title) |
| Create a new scroll window.
| crEdGroupWindow (chan, fatherstr, x, y, w, h, flags, resize, title) |
| Create a new group window.
| crEdDialogWindow (chan, fatherstr, x, y, w, h, flags, resize, title) |
| Create a new dialog window.
| crEdModalDialogWindow (chan, fatherstr, x, y, w, h, flags, resize, title) |
| Create a new modal dialog window.
| crEdPopupWindow (chan, fatherstr, x, y, w, h, flags, resize, title) |
| Create a new popup window.
| cbEdFrameMinMax (tbstr, check, btn, mask, state, winstr) |
| Callback on a frame window minimize/maximize click.
| setEdFrameState (winstr, state) |
| minimize or restore a frame window
| cbEdDbClickFrameWindowTitle (cont, param, x, y, btn, mask) |
| Callback on a frame window toolbar double click.
| crEdFrameWindow (chan, fatherstr, x, y, w, h, resize, themestr, title, minimizebuble) |
| Create a frame window.
| crEdFrameWindowEx (chan, fatherstr, x, y, w, h, resize, themestr, title, minimizebuble, minimize) |
| crEdMainWindow (chan, fatherwin, x, y, w, h, flags, title) |
| Create a new main window.
| getEdWindowIsAX (winstr) |
| Return if a window is embeded in an activeX.
| getEdCtrlLabel (ctrlstr) |
| getEdCtrlColorLabel (ctrlstr) |
| getEdCtrlText (ctrlstr) |
| getEdCtrlEditText (ctrlstr) |
| getEdCtrlTextLine (ctrlstr) |
| getEdCtrlButton (ctrlstr) |
| getEdCtrlCheck (ctrlstr) |
| getEdCtrlRadio (ctrlstr) |
| getEdCtrlList (ctrlstr) |
| getEdCtrlTree (ctrlstr) |
| getEdCtrlSelect (ctrlstr) |
| getEdCtrlFloat (ctrlstr) |
| getEdCtrlView3d (ctrlstr) |
| getEdCtrlSlider (ctrlstr) |
| getEdCtrlTimeLineEditor (ctrlstr) |
| getEdCtrlTooltip (ctrlstr) |
| setEdCtrlTooltipValue (ctrlstr, value) |
| Set a tooltip control text value.
| setEdCtrlTooltipVisible (ctrlstr, state) |
| Set a tooltip control visibility.
| crEdCtrlTooltip (winstr, value, themestr) |
| Create a tooltip control at mouse position.
| crEdCtrlTooltipFixed (winstr, x, y, w, h, value, themestr) |
| Create a tooltip control.
| dsEdCtrlTooltip (ctrlstr) |
| Destroy a tooltip control.
| getEdCtrlLabelValue (ctrlstr) |
| Get a label control value.
| setEdCtrlLabelValue (ctrlstr, val) |
| Set a label control text value.
| setEdCtrlLabelEnable (ctrlstr, state) |
| Enable or disable a label control.
| crEdCtrlLabel (winstr, x, y, w, h, value, resize) |
| Create a label control.
| crEdCtrlLabelEx (winstr, x, y, w, h, value, flags, resize) |
| Create a label control.
| dsEdCtrlLabel (ctrlstr) |
| Destroy a label control.
| getEdCtrlColorLabelValue (ctrlstr) |
| Get a color label control value.
| setEdCtrlColorLabelValue (ctrlstr, val) |
| Set a color label control text value.
| setEdCtrlColorLabelEnable (ctrlstr, state) |
| Enable or disable a color label control.
| crEdCtrlColorLabel (winstr, x, y, w, h, value, resize, bgcolor, themestr) |
| Create a color label control.
| crEdCtrlColorLabelExt (winstr, x, y, w, h, margin, value, align, resize, bgcolor, themestr) |
| dsEdCtrlColorLabel (ctrlstr) |
| Destroy a color label control.
| getEdCtrlTextValue (ctrlstr) |
| Get a text control value.
| getEdCtrlTextLineCount (ctrlstr) |
| Get the number of lines in a text control.
| scrollEdCtrlText (ctrlstr, col, line) |
| Scroll a text control to the specified column and line position.
| removeEdCtrlTextLine (ctrlstr, line) |
| Remove the line in a text control.
| setEdCtrlTextValue (ctrlstr, val) |
| Set a text control value.
| addEdCtrlTextValue (ctrlstr, val) |
| Add a line to a text control.
| setEdCtrlTextEnable (ctrlstr, state) |
| Enable or disable a text control.
| cbEdCtrlTextChange (txt, p) |
| Callback on text control value change.
| setEdCtrlTextCbChange (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Set the callback on text control change.
| crEdCtrlText (winstr, x, y, w, h, value, flags, resize) |
| Create a text control.
| dsEdCtrlText (ctrlstr) |
| Destroy a text control.
| getEdCtrlEditTextValue (ctrlstr) |
| Get a edit text control value.
| setEdCtrlEditTextValue (ctrlstr, val) |
| Set a edit text control value.
| setEdCtrlEditTextEnable (ctrlstr, state) |
| Enable or disable a edit text control.
| cbEdCtrlEditTextChange (txt, p) |
| Callback on edit text control value change.
| setEdCtrlEditTextCbChange (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Set the callback on edit text control change.
| crEdCtrlEditText (winstr, x, y, w, h, value, flags, resize) |
| Create a edit text control.
| dsEdCtrlEditText (ctrlstr) |
| Destroy a edit text control.
| getEdCtrlTextLineValue (ctrlstr) |
| Get a text line control value.
| setEdCtrlTextLineValue (ctrlstr, val) |
| Set a text line control value.
| setEdCtrlTextLineEnable (ctrlstr, state) |
| Enable or disable a text line control.
| cbEdCtrlTextLineChange (txt, p) |
| Callback on text line control value change.
| setEdCtrlTextLineCbChange (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Set the callback on text line control change.
| cbEdCtrlTextLineValidate (txt, p, val) |
| Callback on text line control validate.
| setEdCtrlTextLineCbValidate (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Set the callback on text line control validate.
| crEdCtrlTextLine (winstr, x, y, w, h, value, flags, resize) |
| Create a text line control.
| setEdctrlTextLineFocus (ctrlstr) |
| Set keyboard focus on a text line control.
| dsEdCtrlTextLine (ctrlstr) |
| Destroy a text line control.
| setEdCtrlButtonEnable (ctrlstr, state) |
| Enable or disable a button control.
| triggerEdCtrlButton (ctrlstr) |
| Trigger a button callback.
| cbEdCtrlButton (btn, p) |
| Callback on button control click.
| setEdCtrlButtonCb (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Set the callback on button control click.
| setEdCtrlButtonBitmap (ctrlstr, bitmap) |
| Set the bitmap of a button control.
| crEdCtrlButtonBitmap (winstr, x, y, w, h, bitmap, resize) |
| Create a button bitmap control.
| setEdCtrlButtonValue (ctrlstr, value) |
| Set the text value of a button control.
| crEdCtrlButton (winstr, x, y, w, h, value, resize) |
| Create a button control.
| dsEdCtrlButton (ctrlstr) |
| Destroy a button control.
| getEdCtrlCheckState (ctrlstr) |
| Get a check box control state.
| setEdCtrlCheckState (ctrlstr, state) |
| Set a check box control state.
| setEdCtrlCheckEnable (ctrlstr, state) |
| Enable or disable a check box control.
| cbEdCtrlCheckState (chk, p, state) |
| Callback on check box control state change.
| setEdCtrlCheckCbState (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Set the callback on check box control state change.
| getEdCtrlRadioState (ctrlstr) |
| Get a radio box control state.
| setEdCtrlRadioState (ctrlstr, state) |
| Set a radio box control state.
| setEdCtrlRadioEnable (ctrlstr, state) |
| Enable or disable a radio box control.
| setEdCtrlRadioCbState (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Set the callback on radio box control state change.
| crEdCtrlCheck (winstr, x, y, w, h, value, resize) |
| Create a check box control.
| dsEdCtrlCheck (ctrlstr) |
| Destroy a check box control.
| crEdCtrlRadio (winstr, x, y, w, h, value, resize) |
| Create a radio box control.
| dsEdCtrlRadio (ctrlstr) |
| Destroy a radio box control.
| getEdCtrlListNbElems (ctrlstr) |
| Get the number of elements of a list control.
| getEdCtrlListElemByName (ctrlstr, name) |
| Get an element of a list control by name.
| getEdCtrlListElemByPos (ctrlstr, pos) |
| Get an element of a list control by position.
| fillEdCtrlList (ctrlstr, lparam) |
| Fill a list control with a list of elements.
| addEdCtrlList (ctrlstr, name, lval, type) |
| Add an element to a list control.
| getEdCtrlListElems (ctrlstr) |
| Get the elements of a list control.
| getEdCtrlListElem (ctrlstr, elt) |
| Get parameters and type from an element name of a list control.
| refreshEdCtrlList (ctrlstr) |
| Refresh a list control.
| renameEdCtrlListElement (ctrlstr, oldname, newname) |
| Rename a list control element.
| renameEdCtrlListElementByPos (ctrlstr, pos, newname) |
| Rename a list control element.
| moveEdCtrlListElementUp (ctrlstr, name) |
| Move a list control element up in the list.
| moveEdCtrlListElementDown (ctrlstr, name) |
| Move a list control element down in the list.
| moveEdCtrlListElementUpByPos (ctrlstr, pos) |
| Move a list control element up in the list.
| moveEdCtrlListElementDownByPos (ctrlstr, pos) |
| Move a list control element down in the list.
| delEdCtrlList (ctrlstr, elt) |
| Remove an element from a list control.
| resetEdCtrlList (ctrlstr) |
| Reset a list control.
| selectEdCtrlList (ctrlstr, name) |
| Select an element from a list control.
| selectEdCtrlListByPos (ctrlstr, pos) |
| Select an element from a list control using it's position.
| selectEdCtrlListByParams (ctrlstr, params) |
| Select an element from a list control using it's parameters.
| getSelectedEdCtrlList (ctrlstr) |
| Get the current selected element from a list control.
| getSelectedEdCtrlList2 (ctrlstr) |
| Get the current selected element from a list control.
| getSelectedEdCtrlListExt (ctrlstr) |
| Get the current selected element from a list control.
| getMultiSelectedEdCtrlList (ctrlstr) |
| Get the current selected elements from a list control.
| setEdCtrlListEnable (ctrlstr, state) |
| Enable or disable a list control.
| cbEdCtrlListDbClick (lst, p, pos, elem) |
| Callback on list control double click.
| setEdCtrlListCbDbClick (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Set the callback on list control double click.
| cbEdCtrlListClick (lst, p, pos, elem) |
| Callback on list control click.
| setEdCtrlListCbClick (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Set the callback on list control click.
| cbEdCtrlListKeyDown (listobj, p, key, code) |
| Callback on list control key down.
| setEdCtrlListCbKeyDown (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Set the callback on list control key down.
| cbEdCtrlListKeyUp (listobj, p, key) |
| Callback on list control key up.
| setEdCtrlListCbKeyUp (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Set the callback on list control key up.
| crEdCtrlList (winstr, x, y, w, h, flags, resize) |
| Create a list control.
| dsEdCtrlList (ctrlstr) |
| Destroy a list control.
| fillEdCtrlSelect (ctrlstr, lparam) |
| Fill a select box control.
| addEdCtrlSelect (ctrlstr, param) |
| Add an element to a select box control.
| resetEdCtrlSelect (ctrlstr) |
| Reset/Clear a select box control.
| selectEdCtrlSelect (ctrlstr, name) |
| Select an element in a select box control.
| selectEdCtrlSelectByPos (ctrlstr, pos) |
| Select an element in a select box control by position.
| getSelectedEdCtrlSelect (ctrlstr) |
| Get the selected element of a select box control.
| getSelectedEdCtrlSelectPos (ctrlstr) |
| Get the selected element position of a select box control.
| setEdCtrlSelectEnable (ctrlstr, state) |
| Enable or disable a select box control.
| cbEdCtrlSelect (sel, p, pos, elem) |
| Callback on select box control selected.
| setEdCtrlSelectCb (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Set the callback on select box control selected.
| crEdCtrlSelect (winstr, x, y, w, h, resize) |
| Create a select box control.
| dsEdCtrlSelect (ctrlstr) |
| Destroy a select box control.
| getEdCtrlTreePreviousSelectedItem (ctrlstr) |
| Get the previous selected item.
| getEdCtrlTreeSelectedItem (ctrlstr) |
| Get the current selected item.
| getEdCtrlTreeFatherItem (ctrlstr, item) |
| Get the father of a tree item.
| getEdCtrlTreeSonsItem (ctrlstr, item) |
| Get the sons list of a tree item.
| getEdCtrlTreeRootItem (ctrlstr) |
| Get the root tree item.
| isEdCtrlTreeItemSon (ctrlstr, item, father) |
| Return 1 if the first item is a son of the second item.
| cbEdCtrlTreeSelect (tree, p, item) |
| Callback on a tree item selection.
| cbEdCtrlTreeDrag (tree, p, item1, item2) |
| Callback on a tree item drag.
| setEdCtrlTreeCbDrag (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Define the tree item drag callback.
| cbEdCtrlTreeDbClick (tree, p, item, x, y) |
| Callback on a tree item double click.
| setEdCtrlTreeCbDbClick (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Define the tree item double click callback.
| setEdCtrlTreeCbSelect (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Define the tree item select callback.
| cbEdCtrlTreeRclick (tree, p, item, x, y, btn) |
| Callback on a tree item right click.
| cbEdCtrlTreeClick (tree, p, item, x, y, btn) |
| Callback on a tree item right click.
| cbEdCtrlTreeExpand (tree, p, item, state) |
| Callback on a tree item expand.
| setEdCtrlTreeCbExpand (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Define the tree item expand callback.
| setEdCtrlTreeCbRclick (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Define the tree item right click callback.
| setEdCtrlTreeCbClick (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Define the tree item click callback.
| cbEdCtrlTreeKeyDown (tree, p, key, code) |
| Callback on a tree item key down event.
| setEdCtrlTreeCbKeyDown (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Define the tree item key down callback.
| cbEdCtrlTreeKeyUp (tree, p, key) |
| Callback on a tree item key up event.
| setEdCtrlTreeCbKeyUp (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Define the tree item key down callback.
| setEdCtrlTreeExpandAll (ctrlstr, mode) |
| Expand a tree.
| setEdCtrlTreeExpandItem (ctrlstr, itemstr, mode, children) |
| Expand a tree item.
| addEdCtrlTreeItem (ctrlstr, father, name, val, type, bitmappath) |
| Add an item to a tree.
| removeEdCtrlTreeSons (ctrlstr, item) |
| Remove all sons of a tree item.
| delEdCtrlTreeItem (ctrlstr, item) |
| Remove a tree item and all it's sons.
| refreshEdCtrlTreeSons (ctrlstr, item, sort) |
| Refresh the sons of a tree item.
| setEdCtrlTreeType (ctrlstr, item, type) |
| Change an item type.
| setEdCtrlTreeValue (ctrlstr, item, value) |
| Change an item value.
| setEdCtrlTreeLabel (ctrlstr, item, val) |
| Change an item label.
| moveEdCtrlTreeItem (ctrlstr, item, father) |
| Move a tree item to a new father.
| changeEdCtrlTreeItemPos (ctrlstr, item, itempos) |
| Move a tree item to a new position from a node.
| setEdCtrlTreeItemBitmap (ctrlstr, itemstr, bitmappath) |
| Set a tree item bitmap.
| sizeEdCtrlTree (ctrlstr, x, y, w, h) |
| Resize a tree control.
| getEdCtrlTreeItemByValue (ctrlstr, val) |
| Get a tree item by it's value.
| getEdCtrlTreeLabelByItem (ctrlstr, item) |
| Get a tree item label.
| getEdCtrlTreeValueByItem (ctrlstr, item) |
| Get a tree item value and type.
| getEdCtrlTreeFullValuesByItem (ctrlstr, item) |
| Get a tree item father, value and type.
| getEdCtrlTreeFullValuesByValue (ctrlstr, val) |
| Get a tree item father, value and type, by an item value.
| getEdCtrlTreeBrothers (ctrlstr, item) |
| Get the brothers of a tree item.
| selEdCtrlTreeItemByValue (ctrlstr, val) |
| Select a tree item by it's value.
| selEdCtrlTreeItem (ctrlstr, item) |
| Select a tree item.
| setEdCtrlTreeEnable (ctrlstr, state) |
| Enable or disable a tree control.
| getEdCtrlTreeItems (ctrlstr) |
| cpEdCtrlTreeItems (ctrlstr1, item1, ctrlstr2, father2) |
| cpEdCtrlTreeContent (ctrlstr1, ctrlstr2) |
| getEdCtrlTreeValidParent (ctrlstr, item) |
| applyEdCtrlTreeFilter (ctrlstr, item, filter) |
| setEdCtrlTreeFilter (ctrlstr, filter) |
| Filter tree items.
| resetEdCtrlTree (ctrlstr) |
| Reset a tree control.
| crEdCtrlTree (winstr, x, y, w, h, resize) |
| Create a tree control.
| dsEdCtrlTree (ctrlstr) |
| Destroy a tree control.
| cbEdCtrlBitmapListCursorMove (cmpbmp, ctrlstr, x, y, mask) |
| Callback on a bitmap list control cursor move.
| cbEdCtrlBitmapListResize (cmpbmp, ctrlstr, w, h) |
| Callback on a bitmap list control resize.
| selectEdCtrlBitmapList (ctrlstr, pos) |
| getEdCtrlBitmapListValbyPos (ctrlstr, pos) |
| cbEdCtrlBitmapListClick (cmpbmp, param, x, y, btn, mask) |
| cbEdCtrlBitmapListDbClick (cmpbmp, param, x, y, btn, mask) |
| refreshEdCtrlBitmapListBitmap (ctrlstr) |
| setEdCtrlBitmapListBitmap (ctrlstr, pos, bmppath) |
| setEdCtrlBitmapListCbClick (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| setEdCtrlBitmapListCbDbClick (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| addEdCtrlBitmapList (ctrlstr, name, bmppath, val) |
| resetEdCtrlBitmapList (ctrlstr) |
| setEdCtrlBitmapListElemSize (ctrlstr, w, h, marge) |
| cbEdCtrlBitmapListSize (cont, ctrlstr, state, w, h) |
| crEdCtrlBitmapList (winstr, x, y, w, h, bw, bh, marge, resize) |
| dsEdCtrlBitmapList (ctrlstr) |
| cbEdCtrlBitmapResizeResource (cmpbmp, ctrlstr, w, h, oldval) |
| Callback on a bitmap control resource resize.
| cbEdCtrlBitmapResizeResourceExt (cmpbmp, ctrlstr, w, h, oldval) |
| Callback on a bitmap control resource resize.
| cbEdCtrlBitmapResize (cmpbmp, ctrlstr, w, h) |
| Callback on a bitmap control resize.
| cbEdCtrlBitmapClick (cmpbmp, ctrlstr, x, y, btn, mask) |
| Callback on a bitmap control cursor click.
| setEdCtrlBitmapCbClick (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Define the bitmap control cursor click callback.
| cbEdCtrlBitmapCursorMove (cmpbmp, ctrlstr, x, y, mask) |
| Callback on a bitmap control cursor move.
| setEdCtrlBitmapCbCursorMove (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Define the bitmap control cursor move callback.
| setEdCtrlBitmap (ctrlstr, bmppath) |
| Set a bitmap control bitmap path.
| setEdCtrlBitmap2 (ctrlstr, bmpbase) |
| Set a bitmap control bitmap.
| getEdCtrlBitmapBuffer (ctrlstr) |
| Get a bitmap control buffer.
| setEdCtrlBitmapColor (ctrlstr, bgcolor) |
| Set a bitmap control background color.
| paintEdCtrlBitmap (ctrlstr) |
| Paint a bitmap control.
| crEdCtrlBitmap (winstr, x, y, w, h, bmppath, bgcolor, resize) |
| Create a bitmap control.
| crEdCtrlBitmapExt (winstr, x, y, w, h, bmppath, bgcolor, resize, split) |
| Create a bitmap control.
| crEdCtrlBitmap2 (winstr, x, y, w, h, bmpbase, bgcolor, resize) |
| Create a bitmap control.
| cbEdCtrlBitmapResizeGridResource (cmpbmp, p, w, h, oldval) |
| Create a bitmap control.
| updateEdCtrlGrid (ctrlstr, dotcolor) |
| Refresh the bitmap grid.
| crEdCtrlGrid (winstr, x, y, w, h, bgcolor, dotcolor, dotspace, resize) |
| Create a bitmap control to display a grid.
| dsEdCtrlBitmap (ctrlstr) |
| Destroy a bitmap control.
| cbEdCtrlFloatChangeTimer (trm, ctrlstr, fval) |
| cbEdCtrlFloatChange (txt, ctrlstr) |
| Callback on a float control value change.
| getEdCtrlFloatValue (ctrlstr) |
| Get a float control value.
| setEdCtrlFloatValue (ctrlstr, val) |
| Set a float control value.
| setEdCtrlFloatNbDecimals (ctrlstr, nb0) |
| Set a float control number of decimals.
| setEdCtrlFloatMinValue (ctrlstr, val) |
| Set a float control minimum value.
| setEdCtrlFloatMaxValue (ctrlstr, val) |
| Set a float control maximum value.
| setEdCtrlFloatValueWithoutCallback (ctrlstr, val) |
| Set a float control value, but do not send the change callback.
| setEdCtrlFloatEnable (ctrlstr, state) |
| Set a float control state.
| setEdCtrlFloatCbChange (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Define the float control change value callback function.
| cbEdCtrlFloatValidate (txt, ctrlstr, val) |
| Callback on a float control validation.
| setEdCtrlFloatCbValidate (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Define the float control validation callback function.
| setEdCtrlFloatCbChangedValue (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Define the float control value changed callback when the validation occur and the value has really changed.
| cbEdCtrlFloatUpClick (cmproll, ctrlstr, x, y, btn, mask) |
| Callback on a float control click on up arrow.
| cbEdCtrlFloatDownClick (cmproll, ctrlstr, x, y, btn, mask) |
| Callback on a float control mouse click on down arrow.
| cbEdCtrlFloatUnClick (cont, ctrlstr, x, y, btn, mask) |
| Callback on a float control mouse unclick.
| cbEdCtrlFloatLeave (cont, ctrlstr) |
| Callback on a float control mouse leave.
| cbEdCtrlFloatWheel (cont, ctrlstr, x, y, delta, mask) |
| Callback on a float control mouse wheel.
| cbEdCtrlFloatDrag (cont, ctrlstr, x, y, mask) |
| Callback on a float control drag.
| crEdCtrlFloat (winstr, x, y, w, h, value, minval, maxval, incre, nb0, themestr, resize) |
| Create a float control.
| dsEdCtrlFloat (ctrlstr) |
| Destroy a float control.
| cbEdCtrlDateChange (datectrl, value, ctrlstr) |
| Callback on a date control change.
| getEdCtrlDateValue (ctrlstr) |
| Get a date control value.
| setEdCtrlDateValue (ctrlstr, day, month, year) |
| Set a date control value.
| setEdCtrlDateEnable (ctrlstr, state) |
| Set a date control state.
| setEdCtrlDateCbChange (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Define a date control change callback function.
| crEdCtrlDate (winstr, x, y, w, h, day, month, year, themestr, resize) |
| Create a date control.
| dsEdCtrlDate (ctrlstr) |
| Destroy a date control.
| crEdCtrl3D (winstr, x, y, w, h, resize) |
| Create a 3D control with a default scene.
| crEdCtrl3DAdv (winstr, x, y, w, h, resize, defscene) |
| Create a 3D control.
| dsEdCtrl3D (ctrlstr) |
| Destroy a 3D control.
| setEdCtrl3DdestroyCb (ctrlstr, cb) |
| Define a 3D control destroy callback function.
| fillEdColorMapRuller (ctrlstr, color) |
| Fill the color map ruler.
| cbEdColorMapValueChange (ctrlstr, val, p) |
| Callback on a color map control value change.
| cbEdColorMapExaValueChange (ctrlstr, val, p) |
| Callback on a color map control hexa value change.
| cbEdColorMapCrossCursorMove (cont, p, x, y, mask) |
| Callback on a color map control cross move.
| cbEdColorMapCrossCursorClick (cont, p, x, y, btn, mask) |
| Callback on a color map control cross click.
| cbEdColorMapRulerCursorMove (cont, p, x, y, mask) |
| Callback on a color map control ruler move.
| cbEdColorMapRulerCursorClick (cont, p, x, y, btn, mask) |
| Callback on a color map control ruler click.
| cbEdColorMapOk (ctrlstr, param) |
| Callback on a color map control ok click.
| cbEdColorMapCancel (ctrlstr, param) |
| Callback on a color map control cancel click.
| cbEdColorMapScreenPickerTimer (tmr, param) |
| Callback on a color map control screen color picker timer timeout.
| cbEdColorMapScreenPickerClick (cont, param, x, y, btn, m) |
| Callback on a color map control screen color picker click.
| cbEdColorMapScreenPicker (tbstr, cmproll, btn, mask, p) |
| Callback on a color map control screen color picker.
| cbEdColorMapDestroy (winstr, p) |
| Callback on a color map control destroy.
| crEdColorMap (chan, fatherstr, color, mode, name, themestr, cbfun) |
| Create a Color map control.
| updateEdCtrlColorButton (ctrlstr, color) |
| Fill a color button control with a color.
| cbEdCtrlColorButtonSelect (color, ctrlstr) |
| Callback on a color button control, color selection.
| getEdCtrlColorButtonColor (ctrlstr) |
| Get a Color button control color.
| setEdCtrlColorButtonColor (ctrlstr, color) |
| Set a Color button control color.
| setEdCtrlColorButtonEnable (ctrlstr, state) |
| Set a Color button control state.
| cbEdCtrlColorButtonMapDestroy (winstr, ctrlstr) |
| Callback on a color button control destroy.
| cbEdCtrlColorButton (btn, ctrlstr) |
| Callback on a color button control click.
| setEdCtrlColorButtonCb (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Define a Color button control, color selection callback.
| crEdCtrlColorButton (winstr, x, y, w, h, color, mode, resize, themestr) |
| Create a Color button control.
| dsEdCtrlColorButton (ctrlstr) |
| Destroy a Color button control.
| getEdCtrlTimeLineKeyPos (keystr) |
| Get the key position of a Time line control.
| updateEdCtrlSliderCursor (ctrlstr) |
| Update a Slider control.
| setEdCtrlSliderValue (ctrlstr, value) |
| Set a Slider control value.
| cbCtrlSliderContClick (cont, ctrlstr, x, y, btn, mask) |
| Callback of a Slider control click.
| refreshEdCtrlSliderBackground (ctrlstr) |
| Refresh a Slider control background.
| updateEdCtrlSliderBackgroundBmp (ctrlstr, w, h) |
| Update a Slider control background bitmap.
| setEdCtrlSliderMaxValue (ctrlstr, value) |
| Set a Slider control maximum value.
| setEdCtrlSliderMinValue (ctrlstr, value) |
| Set a Slider control minimum value.
| cbEdCtrlSliderBackgroundResize (cmpbmp, ctrlstr, w, h, coords) |
| Callback of a Slider control background resize.
| cbEdCtrlSliderToolTipHide (node, ctrlstr, bubble) |
| Callback of a Slider control tooltip hide.
| cbEdCtrlSliderToolTipShow (node, ctrlstr, bubble, dx, dy) |
| Callback of a Slider control tooltip show.
| cbCtrlSliderCursorMove (cont, ctrlstr, x, y, btn) |
| Callback of a Slider control cursor move.
| cbCtrlSliderUnlick (cont, ctrlstr, x, y, btn, mask) |
| Callback of a Slider control cursor unclick.
| cbEdCtrlSliderCursorClick (cmpbmp, ctrlstr, x, y, btn, mask) |
| Callback of a Slider control cursor click.
| setEdCtrlSliderCbValue (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| Define a Slider control value change callback function.
| crEdCtrlSlider (winstr, x, y, w, h, val, minval, maxval, mode, resize, themestr) |
| Create a Slider control.
| dsEdCtrlSlider (ctrlstr) |
| Destroy a Slider control.
| cbEdCtrlTimeLineKeyClick (cmpbmp, p, x, y, btn, mask) |
| cbEdCtrlTimeLineTrackClick (cont, p, x, y, btn, mask) |
| getEdCtrlTimeLineSelectedTrack (ctrlstr) |
| getEdCtrlTimeLineTrackByPos (ctrlstr, trackidx) |
| getEdCtrlTimeLineTrackPos (trackstr) |
| getEdCtrlTimeLineSelectedKey (ctrlstr) |
| getEdCtrlTimeLineKeyByPos (trackstr, keyidx) |
| getEdCtrlTimeLineKeyTrack (keystr) |
| getEdCtrlTimeLineTrackKeys (trackstr) |
| updateCtrlTimeLineKey (ctrlstr, keystr) |
| updateEdCtrlTimeLineTracks (ctrlstr, mode) |
| selectEdCtrlTimeLineKey (ctrlstr, keystr) |
| setEdCtrlTimeLineCbSelectKey (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| selectEdCtrlTimeLineTrack (ctrlstr, trackstr) |
| setEdCtrlTimeLineCbSelectTrack (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| setEdCtrlTimeLinekeyParams (ctrlstr, keystr, pos, length) |
| setEdCtrlTimeLinekeyParamsEx (ctrlstr, keystr, pos, length, paint) |
| setEdCtrlTimeLinekeyPos (ctrlstr, keystr, pos, paint) |
| setEdCtrlTimeLinekeyLength (ctrlstr, keystr, length, paint) |
| addEdCtrlTimeLineKey (ctrlstr, trackidx, name, pos, length, paint) |
| addEdCtrlTimeLineKeyFromIndex (ctrlstr, trackidx, index, name, pos, length, paint) |
| addEdCtrlTimeLineKeyAfterKey (ctrlstr, trackidx, prevkeystr, name, pos, length, paint) |
| dsCtrlTimeLineKey (ctrlstr, keystr) |
| removeEdCtrlTimeLineKey (ctrlstr, keystr, paint) |
| moveEdCtrlTimeLineKey (trackstr, pos, to) |
| dsEdCtrlTimeLineTrack (ctrlstr, trackstr) |
| addEdCtrlTimeLineTrack (ctrlstr, paint) |
| removeEdCtrlTimeLineTrack (ctrlstr, trackstr, paint) |
| setEdCtrlTimeLineValue (ctrlstr, value) |
| cbEdCtrlTimeLineValue (sliderstr, value, ctrlstr) |
| setEdCtrlTimeLineCbValue (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| setEdCtrlTimeLinePixelPerUnit (ctrlstr, value, paint) |
| setEdCtrlTimeLineLength (ctrlstr, value) |
| getEdCtrlTimeLinePixelPerUnit (ctrlstr) |
| cbEdCtrlTimeLineBgPaint (win, ctrlstr) |
| crEdCtrlTimeLineEditorEx (winstr, x, y, w, h, trackheight, pixelsperunit, length, leftstatus, resize, themestr, mtrack) |
| crEdCtrlTimeLineEditor (winstr, x, y, w, h, trackheight, pixelsperunit, length, leftstatus, resize, themestr) |
| dsEdCtrlTimeLineEditor (ctrlstr) |
| edH1 (coef) |
| edH2 (coef) |
| edH3 (coef) |
| edH4 (coef) |
| edGetInterpolateCurve (vec1, vec2, ang1, ang2, coef) |
| edGetBezierCurveCenter (lp) |
| edGetBezierCurve (vec1, vec2, curve, it) |
| getEdCtrlModuleEditorLinkCenterPrivate (x1, y1, x2, y2) |
| findEdCtrlModuleEditorRoundLink (ctrlstr, srcmboxstr, dstmboxstr) |
| calcEdCtrlModuleEditorRoundLinkPos (x1, y1, w1, h1, x2, y2, w2, h2) |
| updateEdCtrlModuleEditorRoundLinkPos (ctrlstr) |
| drawEdCtrlModuleEditorLinkPrivate (buffer, x1, y1, x2, y2, width, color) |
| drawEdCtrlModuleEditorLinkCurvedPrivate (buffer, x1, y1, x2, y2, width, color) |
| calcEdCtrlModuleEditorLink (x1, y1, w1, h1, x2, y2, w2, h2) |
| isLinkSelectedInRoundLink (l, linkstr) |
| drawEdCtrlModuleEditorLink (ctrlstr, linkstr) |
| refreshEdCtrlModuleEditorLinksPrivate (ctrlstr, l, buffer) |
| refreshEdCtrlModuleEditorLinks (ctrlstr) |
| calcEdModuleEditorBoxSquare (ctrlstr) |
| calcEdModuleEditorSelectedBoxSquare (ctrlstr) |
| paintEdCtrlModuleEditorNoResize (ctrlstr) |
| paintEdCtrlModuleEditor (ctrlstr) |
| paintEdCtrlModuleEditorResizeMax (ctrlstr) |
| paintEdCtrlModuleEditorNoUpdate (ctrlstr) |
| dsEdCtrlModuleEditorRoundLink (ctrlstr, rlinkstr) |
| chkCtrlModuleEditorBox (ctrlstr, mboxstr, add, paint) |
| chkCtrlModuleEditorRoundLink (ctrlstr, rlinktr, add, paint) |
| cbEdCtrlModuleEditorRoundLinkClick (cmpbmp, p, x, y, btn, mask) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorRoundLinkCbClick (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| cbEdCtrlModuleEditorRoundLinkUnClick (cmpbmp, p, x, y, btn, mask) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorRoundLinkCbUnClick (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| cbEdCtrlModuleEditorRoundLinkDbClick (cmpbmp, p, x, y, btn, mask) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorRoundLinkCbDbClick (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorRoundLinkCbDestroy (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorRoundLinkCbUpdate (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorRoundLinkFlag (rlinkstr, flag) |
| getEdCtrlModuleEditorRoundLinkFlag (rlinkstr) |
| cbEdModuleEditorRoundLinkToolTipHide (node, p, bubble) |
| cbEdModuleEditorRoundLinkToolTipShow (node, p, bubble, dx, dy) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorRoundLinkTooltip (ctrlstr, rlinkstr, bubble) |
| cbEdCtrlModuleEditorRoundLinkMouseOut (cmpbmp, p, x, y, mask) |
| cbEdCtrlModuleEditorRoundLinkResize (cbmp, p, w, h, oldval) |
| crEdCtrlModuleEditorRoundLink (ctrlstr, linkstr) |
| removeEdCtrlModuleEditorLinkFromRoundLink (ctrlstr, linkstr, refresh) |
| dsEdCtrlModuleEditorLink (ctrlstr, linkstr, refresh) |
| crEdCtrlModuleEditorLink (ctrlstr, srcmboxstr, dstmboxstr, lp, param) |
| getEdCoordsOverlap (rect1, rect2) |
| getEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxOptimizedPos (mestr, mboxstr, x, y) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorZoomLevel (ctrlstr, level) |
| getEdCtrlModuleEditorZoomLevel (ctrlstr) |
| cbEdCtrlModuleEditorWheel (cont, ctrlstr, x, y, delta, btn) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorMouseLink (cont, ctrlstr, rec) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorMouseSelection (cont, ctrlstr, rec) |
| cbCtrlModuleEditorCursorMove (cont, ctrlstr, x, y, btn) |
| cbCtrlModuleEditorBoxCursorMove (cont, p, x, y, btn) |
| getEdModuleEditorRlinksInArea (ctrlstr, x1, y1, x2, y2) |
| getEdModuleEditorBoxesInArea (ctrlstr, x1, y1, x2, y2) |
| cbCtrlModuleEditorUnClick (cont, ctrlstr, x, y, btn, mask) |
| cbCtrlModuleEditorClick (cont, ctrlstr, x, y, btn, mask) |
| cbCtrlModuleEditorDbClick (cont, ctrlstr, x, y, btn, mask) |
| cbCtrlModuleEditorKeyDown (cont, ctrlstr, key, code) |
| cbCtrlModuleEditorKeyUp (cont, ctrlstr, key) |
| selectCtrlModuleEditorBox (ctrlstr, mboxstr, add) |
| cbEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxMenu (elt, p) |
| cbSortBoxMenu (m1, m2) |
| sortBoxMenu (mboxstr) |
| crEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxMenu (ctrlstr, mboxstr) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxMenu (ctrlstr, mboxstr, mode, l) |
| resetEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxMenu (ctrlstr, mboxstr) |
| cbEdModuleEditorBoxToolTipHide (node, p, bubble) |
| cbEdModuleEditorBoxToolTipShow (node, p, bubble, dx, dy) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxTooltip (ctrlstr, mboxstr, bubble) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxFlags (mboxstr, flags) |
| getEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxFlags (mboxstr) |
| delEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxMenu (ctrlstr, mboxstr, mode, name, name2) |
| delEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxMenuStartWith (ctrlstr, mboxstr, mode, name) |
| addEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxMenu (ctrlstr, mboxstr, mode, grp, lp) |
| sortEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxMenu (ctrlstr, mboxstr) |
| cbEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxClick (cmpbmp, p, x, y, btn, mask) |
| cbEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxDbClick (cmpbmp, p, x, y, btn, mask) |
| cbEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxUnClick (cmpbmp, p, x, y, btn, mask) |
| cbEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxMoveIn (cmpbmp, p, x, y, mask) |
| cbEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxMoveOut (cmpbmp, p, x, y, mask) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxPos (ctrlstr, mboxstr, mx, my) |
| selectEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxes (ctrlstr) |
| cbEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxResize (cbmp, p, w, h, oldval) |
| updateCtrlModuleEditorBox (ctrlstr, mboxstr) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxEnable (ctrlstr, mboxstr, state) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxLabel (ctrlstr, mboxstr, label) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxColors (ctrlstr, mboxstr, oncolor, offcolor) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxDesc (ctrlstr, mboxstr, desc) |
| crEdCtrlModuleEditorBox (ctrlstr, name, label, desc, lp, mx, my, icon, mode) |
| getEdCtrlModuleEditorBoxByName (ctrlstr, name) |
| getEdCtrlModuleEditorRoundLinksByBox (ctrlstr, boxstr) |
| getEdCtrlModuleEditorSelectedBox (ctrlstr) |
| getEdCtrlModuleEditorSelectedRoundLink (ctrlstr) |
| dsEdCtrlModuleEditorBox (ctrlstr, mboxstr) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorLinkMode (ctrlstr, mode) |
| getEdCtrlModuleEditorLinkMode (ctrlstr) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorLinkFilter (ctrlstr, state) |
| getEdCtrlModuleEditorLinkFilter (ctrlstr) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorSortMenus (ctrlstr, state) |
| getEdCtrlModuleEditorSortMenus (ctrlstr) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorLinkStyle (ctrlstr, state) |
| getEdCtrlModuleEditorLinkStyle (ctrlstr) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorInfo (ctrlstr, value) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorInfoVisible (ctrlstr, state) |
| resetEdCtrlModuleEditor (ctrlstr) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorCbBoxMenu (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorCbBoxSelect (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorCbBoxClick (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorCbBoxUnClick (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorCbBoxDbClick (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorCbBoxMove (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorCbSeletedBoxMoving (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorCbClick (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorCbUnClick (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorCbDbClick (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorCbKeyDown (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| setEdCtrlModuleEditorCbKeyUp (ctrlstr, cbfun) |
| cbEdCtrlModuleEditorSize (winstr, w, h, ctrlstr) |
| cbEdCtrlModuleEditorScroll (winstr, x, y, ctrlstr) |
| cbEdCtrlModuleEditorLinkResizeResources (cmpbmp, ctrlstr, w, h, oldval) |
| crEdCtrlModuleEditor (winstr, surfw, surfh, snap, mode, linksfilter, themestr) |
| dsEdCtrlModuleEditor (ctrlstr) |
| dsEdWindowCtrlList (lctrl) |
| setEdCtrlEnable (ctrlstr, state) |
| setEdCtrlVisible (ctrlstr, state) |
| setEdCtrlPositionSize (ctrlstr, x, y, w, h) |
| setEdCtrlSize (ctrlstr, w, h) |
| cbEdOpenFileDialog (ctrlstr, fdialogstr) |
| cbEdCancelFileDialog (ctrlstr, fdialogstr) |
| setEdOpenFileDialogCb (fdialogstr, cbfun) |
| setEdOpenFileDialogCbMulti (fdialogstr, cbfun) |
| setEdSaveFileDialogCb (fdialogstr, cbfun) |
| setEdOpenFileDialogInfoCb (fdialogstr, cbfun) |
| setEdOpenFileDialogFilterCb (fdialogstr, cbfun) |
| cbEdFileDialogListSelect (ctrlstr, pos, name, lp, type, fdialogstr) |
| fillEdFileDialogTreeElems (fdialogstr, path, ldir, pelem, limits, level) |
| cbEdFileDialogSelectFolder (ctrlstr, father, item, value, type, fdialogstr) |
| cbEdFileDialogExpandFolder (ctrlstr, father, item, value, type, state, fdialogstr) |
| fillEdFileDialogTree (fdialogstr, base, path) |
| cbEdFileDialogFileType (ctrlstr, pos, value, fdialogstr) |
| cbEdFileDialogListValidate (ctrlstr, pos, name, lp, type, fdialogstr) |
| cbEdFileDialogListKey (ctrlstr, pos, name, lp, type, key, asc, fdialogstr) |
| cbEdFileDialogValidate (ctrlstr, value, fdialogstr) |
| cbEdFileDialogDestroy (winstr, fdialogstr) |
| cbEdFileDialogShowSystem (tbstr, check, btn, mask, state, fdialogstr) |
| cbEdFileDialogShowFolderList (tbstr, check, btn, mask, state, fdialogstr) |
| cbEdFileDialogNewFolderCancel (ctrlstr, winstr) |
| cbEdFileDialogNewFolderBtn (ctrlstr, p) |
| cbEdFileDialogNewFolder (tbstr, tbtn, btn, mask, fdialogstr) |
| cbEdFileDialogTreeDelFolder (dlg, p, state) |
| cbEdFileDialogTreeKey (ctrlstr, father, item, val, type, key, ascode, fdialogstr) |
| cbEdFileDialogKeyDown (winstr, key, asc, fdialogstr) |
| crEdFileDialogExt (chan, fatherwin, x, y, ww, hh, title, filetypes, basepath, path, fname, flags, save) |
| crEdOpenFileDialogMulti (chan, fatherwin, x, y, w, h, title, filetypes, flags, basepath, path) |
| crEdOpenFileDialog (chan, fatherwin, x, y, w, h, title, filetypes, flags, basepath, path) |
| crEdOpenFileBitmapDialog (chan, fatherwin, x, y, w, h, title, filetypes, flags, basepath, path) |
| crEdSaveFileDialog (chan, fatherwin, x, y, w, h, title, filetypes, flags, basepath, path, fname) |
| crEdSaveAsFileDialog (chan, fatherwin, x, y, w, h, title, filetypes, flags, basepath, path, fname) |