| plugbyfile (a, c) |
| plugbych (a, c) |
| plugbyclass (a, c) |
| removeInstFromList (l, inst) |
| removeInstCallBacks (inst) |
| resetInstCallBacks () |
| deletePluginInstance (plug, instancename, dellinks) |
| removeAllPluginInstanceFromGroup (groupstr) |
| getPluginByName (name) |
| getPluginByFile (file) |
| getPluginInstanceByName (plug, instancename) |
| createPluginInstance (groupstr, plug, instancename, params, laction, levent, showhelper, showingroup, load) |
| getPluginInstanceUserActions (inst) |
| Get a plugIT instance user actions.
| getPluginInstanceUserEvents (inst) |
| Get a plugIT instance user events.
| getPluginInstanceParam (inst, param) |
| Get a plugIT instance param value.
| getPluginParam (plug, param) |
| getInstanceByName (instancename) |
| getPluginInstanceGroupName (inst) |
| Get a plugIT instance group name.
| getPluginInstanceName (inst) |
| Get a plugIT instance name.
| getPluginInstanceFullname (inst) |
| Get a plugIT instance full name.
| setPluginInstanceParams (inst, lparam) |
| setPluginInstanceUserActions (inst, lparam) |
| setPluginInstanceUserEvents (inst, lparam) |
| setPluginInstanceShowHelper (inst, state) |
| Set a plugIT instance helper state.
| getPluginInstanceShowHelper (inst) |
| Get a plugIT instance helper state.
| setPluginInstanceShowInGroup (inst, state) |
| Set a plugIT instance show in group state.
| getPluginInstanceShowInGroup (inst) |
| Get a plugIT instance show in group state.
| setPluginInstanceCbGeneric (inst, cbfun) |
| Define a generic plugIT instance callback that can be triggered by calling cbPlugGeneric with an unique id.
| setPluginInstanceCbAllPluginsLoaded (inst, cbfun) |
| Define a plugIT instance callback that is triggered when all the plugins of the group are loaded.
| setPluginInstanceCbDel (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on delete event.
| setPluginInstanceCbPreRenderEffects (inst, cbfun) |
| setPluginInstanceCbPreRender (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on preRender event.
| setPluginInstanceCbPreRender2 (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on preRender2 event.
| setPluginInstanceCbPostRender (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on postRender event.
| setPluginInstanceEditorCbPreRender (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the editor instance callback on preRender event.
| setPluginInstanceEditorCbPostRender (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance editor callback on postRender event.
| setPluginInstanceEditorCbHelperState (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance editor callback on helper state change.
| setPluginInstanceCbScenePreRender (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on Scene preRender event, this one is called before the animations and physics updates.
| setPluginInstanceCbScenePreRender2 (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on Scene preRender2 event, this one is called after the animations and physics updates.
| setPluginInstanceCbScenePreRenderPhysic (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on Scene preRenderPhysic event, this one is called after the animations and before physics updates.
| setPluginInstanceCbScenePostRender (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on Scene postRender event.
| setPluginInstanceCbNavigateControlState (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on navigate control enable event.
| setPluginInstanceCbClick (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on mouse click event.
| setPluginInstanceCbDbClick (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on mouse double click event.
| setPluginInstanceCbUnClick (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on mouse unclick event.
| setPluginInstanceCbWheel (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on mouse wheel event.
| setPluginInstanceCbCursorMove (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on mouse move event.
| setPluginInstanceCbInputClick (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on input click event.
| setPluginInstanceCbInputUnClick (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on input unclick event.
| setPluginInstanceCbInputUpdate (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on input update event.
| setPluginInstanceCbKeyDown (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on keyboard key down event.
| setPluginInstanceCbKeyUp (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on keyboard key up event.
| setPluginInstanceCbTouchPointAdd (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on touch point add event.
| setPluginInstanceCbTouchPointRemove (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on touch point remove event.
| setPluginInstanceCbTouchPointUpdate (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on touch point update event.
| setPluginInstanceCbCameraChange (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on default camera change.
| setPluginInstanceCbResizeView (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on 3d view resize event.
| setPluginInstanceCbFocusView (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on 3d view get focus event.
| setPluginInstanceCbKillFocusView (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on 3d view lost focus event.
| setPluginInstanceCbDropFile (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on 3d view Drag&Drop files event.
| setPluginInstanceCbVrModeChanged (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on 3d view VR mode event.
| setPluginInstanceCbCameraTeleport (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on main camera position change.
| setPluginInstanceCbNetConnected (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on network server connection.
| setPluginInstanceCbNetClosed (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on network server connection lost.
| setPluginInstanceCbNetSConnected (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on network server secure connection.
| setPluginInstanceCbNetSrvMessage (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on network incoming server message.
| setPluginInstanceCbNetUserMessage (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on network incoming user message.
| setPluginInstanceCbNetUserPrivateMessage (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on network incoming user private message.
| setPluginInstanceCbNetGetFile (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on network incoming user file.
| setPluginInstanceCbNetUserGetItem (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on network user item value change.
| setPluginInstanceCbNetRoomGetItem (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on network room item value change.
| setPluginInstanceCbNetNewUser (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on network new user connected.
| setPluginInstanceCbNetDelUser (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on network user is disconnected.
| setPluginInstanceCbNetUserChangeLogin (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on network user change his login.
| setPluginInstanceCbNetNbUsers (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on network number of users change.
| setPluginInstanceCbNetRoomChanged (inst, cbfun) |
| Define the instance callback on network room change.
| initPluginInstance (plug, instancename) |
| stopPluginInstance (plug, instancename, dellinks) |
| getInstancePlugin (inst) |
| Get the plugIT structure from an instance.
| getPluginFile (p) |
| Get a plugIT file name.
| getPluginDirectory (p) |
| Get a plugIT directory.
| getPluginClass (p) |
| Get a plugIT class.
| getPluginUseHelper (p) |
| Get if a plugIT editor use helper.
| getPluginParams (p) |
| Get a plugIT general parameters.
| getPluginType (p) |
| Get a plugIT type.
| setPluginType (p, x) |
| Set a plugIT type.
| getPluginTypeName (p) |
| Get a plugIT type name.
| setPluginTypeName (p, x) |
| Set a plugIT type name.
| getPluginPath (p) |
| Get a plugIT path.
| setPluginEditor (edtfun) |
| Define a plugIT editor function, this must be called in the plugIT client or editor.
| setPluginEditorInstanceCb (initfun, dsfun, startfun, stopfun) |
| Define plugIT editor functions for init and destroy instance, this must be called in the plugIT client.
| reloadPluginsLoc () |
| PlugDefine () |
| PlugRegister (new, close) |
| Define a plugIT new and close callback for instances.
| PlugRegisterClients (new, close) |
| getPluginInstanceEvent (inst, event) |
| Get a plugIT instance event name.
| startPluginInstances (plugstr) |
| execAllPluginsLoaded (projstr) |
| startGroupPluginInstances (groupstr) |
| startAllPluginInstances (projstr) |
| stopPluginInstances (plugstr, dellinks) |
| stopAllPluginInstances (projstr) |
| destroyPluginInstances (plugstr) |
| destroyAllPluginInstances () |
| unloadPlugin (plugstr) |
| unloadPluginsRec (l) |
| unloadPlugins () |
| getPluginDescLoc (pluginmark) |
| locPluginDesc (plugstr) |
| getPluginDesc (pluginmark) |
| getPluginHelp (pluginmark) |
| getPluginKeywords (pluginmark) |
| getUserLevelFromName (name) |
| getUserLevelName (id) |
| loadPlugin (file) |
| loadPluginsRec (l) |
| loadPluginsFromDirRec (srcdir, ldir) |
| loadPluginsFromDir (srcdir) |
| cbLoadPluginsAsync (trm, p) |
| listPluginsFromDir (ldir, l) |
| loadPluginsFromDirAsync (srcdir, cbfun) |
| reloadPluginsFromDir (srcdir) |
| getPluginPathByName (name) |
| loadPlugins (pluginpath) |
| loadPluginsAsync (pluginpath, cbfun) |
| getPluginAndLoad (file) |
| loadPluginInstance (groupstr, instancemark, start) |
| cleanUpOrphanLinksFromPlugins (xmlfile, groupmark) |
| loadPluginInstances (groupstr, start) |
| cbPluginAction (from, action, param, ulist, tag, z) |
| cbEventOnLoad (trm, p) |
| SendPluginEvent (inst, event, param, reply) |
| Send an event to another plugITs.
| IsEventLinked (inst, event) |
| IsInEditor (inst) |
| PluginRegisterAction (inst, action, f) |
| Define the instance callback on an action call.
| PluginUnRegisterAction (inst, action) |
| Remove the instance callback on an action call.
| getGraphName (markstr) |
| cbSortNodes (m1, m2) |
| getTreeItemBitmapByType (name, type) |
| fillGroupTreeGraph (ctrltree, mask, groupstr, nodemark, treefather, mode, getbitmap) |
| fillSonsGroupTree (ctrltree, mask, groupstr, nodemark, treefather, mode, getbitmap) |
| fillGroupTree (ctrltree, groupstr, mask, value, mode, getbitmap) |
| cbBtnPluginInstanceResourceOk (btnstr, p) |
| cbBtnPluginInstanceResourceCancel (btnstr, winstr) |
| cbTreePluginInstanceDbClick (ctrl, father, item, val, type, x, y, p) |
| cbWinPluginInstanceDestroy (winstr, cbclose) |
| cbTreePluginInstanceSelect (ctrl, father, item, val, type, p) |
| cbChangePluginSelectMode (tbstr, check, btn, mask, state, p) |
| selectPluginResourceByName (name) |
| cbWinPluginResourceFocus (win, p) |
| dlgSelectPluginInstanceResource (inst, winfather, mask, value, cbend, cbclose, defmode) |
| Show a dialog window to choose a resource in the editor.
| dlgSelectPluginResource (groupstr, winfather, mask, value, cbend, cbclose, defmode) |
| getVUIgroupFromInstance (inst) |
| getThemeFromInstance (inst) |
| get2DInterfaceSaveData (pos2Dstr) |
| getMatInterfaceSaveData (posmatstr) |
| get3DInterfaceSaveData (pos3Dstr) |
| getVRInterfaceSaveData (posvrstr) |
| getInterfaceSaveData (posstr) |
| loadInterfacePos2D (inst) |
| loadInterfacePosMat (inst, sessionstr) |
| loadInterfacePos3D (inst, sessionstr) |
| loadInterfacePosVR (inst) |
| loadInterfacePos (inst, sessionstr) |
| cbSet2DInterfacePosition (inst, from, action, param, reply, p) |
| cbSet2DInterfaceSize (inst, from, action, param, reply, p) |
| cbSetInterfaceSize (inst, from, action, param, reply, p) |
| cbSet3DInterfaceScale (inst, from, action, param, reply, p) |
| cbChangeInterface3DCamera (inst, viewstr, sessionstr, camera, p) |
| crInterfacePosContainer (inst, posstr, sessionstr) |
| getInterfacePosSize (posstr) |
| cb2DChangeXPos (ctrlstr, value, pos2Dstr) |
| cb2DChangeYPos (ctrlstr, value, pos2Dstr) |
| cb2DChangeWidth (ctrlstr, value, pos2Dstr) |
| cb2DChangeHeight (ctrlstr, value, pos2Dstr) |
| cb2DPercentCheck (ctrlstr, state, p) |
| cb2DChangeXOffset (ctrlstr, value, pos2Dstr) |
| cb2DChangeYOffset (ctrlstr, value, pos2Dstr) |
| cb2DChangeWOffset (ctrlstr, value, pos2Dstr) |
| cb2DChangeHOffset (ctrlstr, value, pos2Dstr) |
| cb2DChangeXAlign (ctrlstr, value, name, pos2Dstr) |
| cb2DChangeYAlign (ctrlstr, value, name, pos2Dstr) |
| cb2DChangeRatio (ctrlstr, state, p) |
| cb2DChangeBackground (ctrlstr, state, pos2Dstr) |
| cb2DChangeOpacity (ctrlstr, value, pos2Dstr) |
| cb2DChangeQuality (ctrlstr, value, pos2Dstr) |
| cb2DChangeZorder (ctrlstr, value, pos2Dstr) |
| show2DPositionInterface (inst, pwinstr, pos2Dstr, flags, ix, iy, iw, ih) |
| cbMatTextureName (ctrlstr, pos, elem, p) |
| fillMaterialTextureSelector (viewstr, posmatstr, ctrlselect, mat, tech, pass) |
| cbMatPassName (ctrlstr, pos, elem, p) |
| fillMaterialPassSelector (viewstr, p, mat, tech) |
| cbMatTechniqueName (ctrlstr, pos, elem, p) |
| fillMaterialTechSelector (viewstr, p, mat) |
| cbMatName (ctrlstr, pos, elem, p) |
| fillMaterialSelector (viewstr, p, objname) |
| cbMatSelectObj (val, type, p) |
| cbMatCloseRes (ctrlbtn) |
| cbMatBtnPickObj (ctrlbtn, p) |
| cbMatRefreshBtnSpec (pickbtn, p) |
| cbMatChangeWidth (ctrlstr, value, posmatstr) |
| cbMatChangeHeight (ctrlstr, value, posmatstr) |
| cbMatChangeOpacity (ctrlstr, value, posmatstr) |
| cbMatChangeQuality (ctrlstr, value, posmatstr) |
| showMatPositionInterface (inst, viewstr, pwinstr, posmatstr, ix, iy, iw, ih) |
| cb3DSelectObj (val, type, p) |
| cb3DCloseRes (ctrlbtn) |
| cb3DBtnPickObj (ctrlbtn, p) |
| cb3DRefreshBtn (pickbtn, p) |
| cb3DChangeWidth (ctrlstr, value, pos3Dstr) |
| cb3DChangeHeight (ctrlstr, value, pos3Dstr) |
| cb3DChangeXOffset (ctrlstr, value, pos3Dstr) |
| cb3DChangeYOffset (ctrlstr, value, pos3Dstr) |
| cb3DChangeScale (ctrlstr, value, pos3Dstr) |
| cb3DChangeOpacity (ctrlstr, value, pos3Dstr) |
| cb3DChangeQuality (ctrlstr, value, pos3Dstr) |
| cb3DChangeConstSize (ctrlstr, state, p) |
| cb3DChangeMaxAutoscaleDist (ctrlstr, value, pos3Dstr) |
| cb3DChangeTarget (ctrlstr, state, pos3Dstr) |
| cb3DChangeOnTop (ctrlstr, state, pos3Dstr) |
| show3DPositionInterface (inst, viewstr, pwinstr, pos3Dstr, ix, iy, iw, ih) |
| cbVRChangeWidth (ctrlstr, value, posvrstr) |
| cbVRChangeHeight (ctrlstr, value, posvrstr) |
| cbVRChangeScale (ctrlstr, value, posvrstr) |
| cbVRChangeOpacity (ctrlstr, value, posvrstr) |
| cbVRChangeQuality (ctrlstr, value, posvrstr) |
| cbVRChangeZorder (ctrlstr, value, posvrstr) |
| showVrPositionInterface (inst, pwinstr, posvrstr, ix, iy, iw, ih) |
| updateWinstr (p, flags, nbmode, mode, prevsize) |
| cbInterfaceMode (ctrlstr, state, p) |
| crPositionInterface (inst, viewstr, ewinstr, winname, flags, iw, ih) |
| cbPopupCancel (ctrlbtn, winstr) |
| cbPopupDestroy (winstr, ctrlbtn) |
| cbPopup2DOk (ctrlbtn, p) |
| cbPopupMatOk (ctrlbtn, p) |
| cbPopup3DOk (ctrlbtn, p) |
| cbPopupVROk (ctrlbtn, p) |
| cbPopup2Dbtn (ctrlbtn, p) |
| cbPopupMatbtn (ctrlbtn, p) |
| cbPopup3Dbtn (ctrlbtn, p) |
| cbPopupVRbtn (ctrlbtn, p) |
| cbPopupInterfaceMode (ctrlstr, state, p) |
| crPopupPositionInterface (inst, viewstr, ewinstr, winname, flags, iw, ih) |
| getThemeEltSelectorSaveFromValues (lvalues, suffix) |
| getThemeEltSelectorSave (theltselector) |
| setThemeEltSelectorEnable (theltselector, state) |
| setThemeEltSelectorVisible (theltselector, state) |
| getThemeEltSelectorThemeValues (theltselector) |
| setThemeEltSelectorThemeValues (theltselector, lvalues) |
| getThemeSubsetRefs (themestr, subset) |
| isThemeSelectorDefault (lsubsets, lvalues) |
| loadThemeEltSelectorValuesSuffix (inst, lsubsets, suffix) |
| loadThemeEltSelectorValues (inst, lsubsets) |
| crThemeEltSelects (inst, winstr, lsubsets, lvalues, y, iw, selectxpos) |
| crIntegratedThemeEltSelector (inst, ewinstr, lwinstr, lsubsets, ypos, iw) |
| crThemeEltSelector (inst, ewinstr, winname, lsubsets, iw, ih) |