| getInfo (l, a) |
| getInfos (l, a) |
| getInfoI (l, a) |
| chgusm2 (l, a, b, s, k) |
| chgusm (a, b, line) |
| lcat (p, q) |
| Concat two list to one.
| splitList (l, pos) |
| Split a list in two list at given position.
| moveListElement (l, pos, to) |
| move an elements in a list
| divideList (x, p, r1, r2, f) |
| Divide list.
| divideListString (x, p, r1, r2, f) |
| Divide string list.
| divideListPos (x, p, r1, r2, pos, f) |
| Divide list by position.
| divideList3 (x, p, r1, r2, f) |
| Divide list by position.
| extractList (l, e, f) |
| Extract list.
| isSmallerI (s, t) |
| Test if an int is smaller than another int.
| isLargerI (s, t) |
| Test if a int is larger than another int.
| isSmallerF (s, t) |
| Test if an float is smaller than another float.
| isLargerF (s, t) |
| Test if a float is larger than another float.
| isSmaller (s, t) |
| Test if a string is smaller than another string.
| isLarger (s, t) |
| Test if a string is larger than another string.
| suppDoublon (s1, s2) |
| Test if a string is equal to another string.
| suppDoublon2 (s1, s2) |
| Test if a value is equal to another value.
| suppDoublonCaseSensivity (s1, s2) |
| Test if a string is equal to another string case sensivity.
| quicksort (l, f) |
| Sort a list.
| quicksortByPos (l, pos, f) |
| Sort a list by position.
| quicksortList (l, f) |
| Sort a string list.
| quicksort3 (l, f) |
| Sort a string list.
| sortlist (l, f) |
| Sort a list.
| revertlist (list) |
| Reverse a list.
| isStringInList (l, string) |
| Test if a string exist in a list.
| isStringInListi (l, string) |
| Test if a string exist in a list case insensitivity.
| isStringInListiPos (l, string, pos, length) |
| Test if a string exist in a list case insensitivity.
| addUniqueStr (l, str) |
| Add a string element as unique.
| addUniqueStri (l, str) |
| Add a string element as unique, case insensitivity.
| getStringPosInList (l, string) |
| get a string position in a list
| getStringPosInListi (l, string) |
| get a string position in a list case insensitivity
| isFirstWordInList (l, string) |
| Test if a string exist in a list as the first word of the string.
| isFirstWordInListi (l, string) |
| Test if a string exist in a list as the first word of the string case insensitivity.
| isFirstStringInList (l, string) |
| Test if the first string of a list match to a word.
| isT1InList (l, val) |
| Test if the first tuple value in list is present.
| isT2InList (l, val) |
| Test if the second tuple value in list is present.
| getPathFile (longfile, file) |
| Get a file path and file name from a path.
| getlastPathDir (path) |
| Get the last directory from a path.
| getFileExt (file) |
| Get file extension from a path.
| getFilePathWithoutExt (file) |
| Get file path without the file extension.
| getFileDirectory (file) |
| Get path without the file name.
| getFileNameWithoutExt (file) |
| Get the file name without Path and Extension.
| getRelativePath (path, file) |
| Manage relative paths (relativ files should start with ./)
| createFolder (path) |
| Create a new folder.
| cutDotName (name) |
| makeDotName (id, name) |
| isExtInListi (l, string) |
| getShortName (name) |
| Compute a name with only allowed char from a string.
| getFilesFromDir (dir, mask) |
| Get the files list from a directory, with a file extension mask.
| getFilesFromDirFilter (dir, mask, cbfilter) |
| Get the files list from a directory, with a file extension mask and filter.
| getFilesFromDir2 (dir, mask) |
| Get the files list from a directory, with a file extension mask and case sensitive.
| getFilesFromDirFilter2 (dir, mask, cbfilter) |
| Get the files list from a directory, with a file extension mask and case sensitive and filter.
| getFilesNamesFromDir (dir, mask) |
| Get the files names list from a directory, with a file extension mask.
| getFilesNamesFromDir2 (dir, mask) |
| Get the files names list from a directory, with a file extension mask and case sensitive.
| sanitizeFileName (file) |
| Replace spaces in a file name and removes special characters that are unsupported on some platforms.
| getBooleanFromString (str) |
| Get the boolean value of a string.
| isLastWordfromString (word, string) |
| Compare the last word of a string.
| isFirstWordfromString (word, string) |
| Compare the first word of a string.
| capitalizeFirstLetter (s) |
| Make the first letter uppercase.
| listLowercase (l) |
| Transform a string list to lowercase.
| getDirListFromPath (path) |
| List the directories of a path.
| getFilesFromDirRecursive (dir) |
| List the files from a directory path recursively.
| getFilesFromDirFilterRecursive (dir, mask, cbfilter) |
| Get the files list from a directory, with a file extension mask and filter recursively.
| getFilesFromDirRecursive2 (dir) |
| List the files from a directory path recursively case sensitive.
| getFilesFromDirFilterRecursive2 (dir, mask, cbfilter) |
| Get the files list from a directory, with a file extension mask and case sensitive and filter recursively.
| cleanDirectory (dir) |
| Delete all the files of a directory.
| getDirectoryWithoutLastSlash (dir) |
| Remove the last '/' from a directory path.
| getDirectoryWithoutFirstSlash (dir) |
| Remove the first '/' from a directory path.
| apply_on_list (l, f, x) |
| apply a function to a list
| rev_apply_on_list (l, f, x) |
| apply a function to a list reserved
| search_in_list (l, f, x) |
| Search an element in a list.
| remove_from_list (l, p) |
| Remove an element in a list.
| remove_nth_from_list (list, n) |
| replace_in_list (list, old, new) |
| replace_nth_in_list (list, n, new) |
| add_nth_in_list (list, n, x) |
| tlr2 (l, n) |
| remove_string_from_list (l, elt) |
| Remove an string in a list.
| remove_idx_from_list (l, idx) |
| Remove an indexed element in a list.
| remove_sid_from_list (l, sid) |
| Remove a string indexed element in a list.
| remove_sid_from_listi (l, sid) |
| Remove a string indexed element in a list case incensivity.
| remove_first_string_from_list (l, elt) |
| remove_all_first_string_from_list (l, elt) |
| remove_first_and_second_string_from_list (l, elt1, elt2) |
| remove_all_first_string_from_second_elem_list (l, elt) |
| remove_first_and_second_string_from_second_elem_list (l, elt1, elt2) |
| remove_first_string_from_list_start_with (l, elt) |
| remove_first_string_from_second_element_list_start_with (l, elt) |
| pos_sid_in_list (l, p, n) |
| pos_in_list (l, p, n) |
| create_tab (n, f, x) |
| addFifo (x, f) |
| getFifo (f) |
| sizeFifo (f) |
| concFifo (f, g) |
| hexListToBignumList (l) |
| rename_sid_from_list (l, sid, nid) |
| Rename a string indexed element in a list.
| strreplaceChar (s, from, to) |
| Replace a string in an another string.
| strreplace (s, from, to) |
| Replace a string in an another string.
| strreplacei (s, from, to) |
| Replace a string in an another string, case insensivity.
| strToWordList (s) |
| convert a string to a list of words
| replaceByKeyIndex (s, key, args) |
| replace key by value position in arg list ("my string is $1 with $2" "val1"::"val2"::nil)
| replaceByKeyIndex2 (s, key, args) |
| replace key by value position in arg list ("my string is $1 with $2" "val1 val2")
| strcatnSep (l, sep) |
| Concat a string list with a defined separator.
| strcatnSepLimits (l, sep, nb) |
| Concat a string list with a defined separator and limits.
| strcatnlSep (l, sep) |
| Concat a string list with a defined separator and a line feed.
| strfindiList (l, s) |
| addSlashes (s) |
| Protect special character with a '\'.
| stripSlashes (s) |
| Remove special character protection '\'.
| addChar (s, p, c) |
| Protect char character with a char.
| stripChar (s, c) |
| Remove special character protection '\'.
| strTruncate (s, maxlen, rp) |
| Truncate a string.
| strQuote (s, q) |
| Quote a string.
| listQuote (l, q) |
| Quote a string list.
| strtrimChar (str, first, last) |
| Remove spaces and first / last character of a string.
| strToList (s) |
| Convert a String to a list of lines.
| removeNthChar (s, p) |
| contcatQuotedList (l, c) |
| strToQuotedList (s, c) |
| Convert a String to a list of lines but protect line with char.
| oneLineTransform (s, sep) |
| Change the line separation character.
| strToListSep (s, sep) |
| Convert a string to a list by a defined separator.
| strToListOpenCloseSep (s, osep, csep) |
| Convert a string to a list by a defined open / close separators.
| strToListSepCb (s, sep, cb) |
| Convert a string to a list by a defined separator.
| strbuildn (l) |
| Convert list of words and lines to a string.
| listToString (l) |
| Convert list of lines to a string.
| isNumber (s) |
| Check is a string is a number or a float.
| getNextToValue (cont, keyword) |
| get the line after a keyword, for example "KEYWORD value"
| floatToString (float) |
| transform a float into a clean readable string
| switchstrInv (l, s) |
| invert switchstr parameter
| switchstriInv (l, s) |
| invert switchstri parameter
| switchInv (l, s) |
| invert switch parameter
| strIsUrl (url) |
| urlDecode (s) |
| makeSimpleJson (lp) |
| cbCheckInternetConnection (inet, p, data, code) |
| checkInternetConnection (url, cbfun, param) |
| Test the Internet connection availability (multiplatform)
| clearHttpRequest () |
| Kill all current download requests.
| killHttpRequest (req) |
| Kill a download request.
| clearHttpCookies () |
| Clear all http cookies.
| getHttpDomain (url) |
| Get the domain of an url.
| getHtmlHeader (cont) |
| Get Html header from an http response.
| decompHtmlCookie (cookie) |
| getHtmlStatus (header) |
| Get Html Status code from header.
| setHtmlCookie (url, header) |
| makeHtmlCookieHeader (url) |
| makeHtmlCookie (url) |
| getHtmlCookie (url) |
| cbDownloadFile (curlobj, p, data, code) |
| downloadFile (file, cbfun) |
| Download an url.
| downloadFilePost (file, params, headeradd, cbfun) |
| Download an url.
| cbDownloadFileW (curlobj, p, data, code) |
| downloadFileW (file, wfile, cbfun) |
| Download an url in a file.
| cbGetContentLength (curlobj, p, data, code) |
| getUrlContentLenght (file, cbfun) |
| Get content size of an url.
| cbGetContentDate (curlobj, p, data, code) |
| getUrlContentDate (file, cbfun) |
| Get content date of an url.
| cbGetContentInfos (curlobj, p, data, code) |
| getUrlContentInfos (file, cbfun) |
| Get content infos of an url.
| cbGetUrlContent (curlobj, p, data, code) |
| deleteUrlEx (url, params, cbfun, headeradd, fullres) |
| postUrlEx (url, params, cbfun, headeradd, fullres) |
| getUrlEx (url, params, cbfun, headeradd, fullres) |
| postUrlMultiPartEx (url, lparams, cbfun, headeradd, fullres) |
| getUrl (url, params, cbfun) |
| Download an url using the GET method.
| postUrl (url, params, cbfun) |
| Download an url using the POST method.
| postUrlMultiPart (url, lparams, cbfun) |
| Download an url using the POST method with multipart.
| deleteUrl (url, params, cbfun) |
| Call the DELETE method on an url.
| sendMail (server, port, from, to, cc, subject, message, lparams, cbfun) |
| isCoordInRect (x, y, rect) |
| Test if the coordinates are in the rectangle.
| minf (a, b) |
| Get the smallest float value.
| ftori (val) |
| Convert a float value to a rounded int value (float to rounded integer)
| zeroVector (vec) |
| Test if a vector is set to 0.
| zeroVectorF (vec) |
| Test if a float vector is set to 0.
| vectorIsZero (vec) |
| Test if a vector is set to 0.
| vector2dIsZero (vec) |
| Test if a 2d vector is set to 0.
| vectorIsZeroF (vec) |
| Test if a float vector is set to 0.
| vector2dIsZeroF (vec) |
| Test if a 2d float vector is set to 0.
| vectorEqual (vec1, vec2) |
| Test if two vectors are equal.
| vectorEqualF (vec1, vec2) |
| Test if two float vectors are equal.
| normalizeVectorF (vec) |
| Normalize a float vector.
| vectorAverageF (vec) |
| Get the average of a vector.
| vectorCubeF (vec) |
| Get the cube of a vector.
| getVectorLength (vec1) |
| Get a vector length.
| getVectorLengthF (vec1) |
| Get a vector length.
| getVector4LengthF (vec1) |
| Get a vector 4 length.
| getVectorDistance (vec1, vec2) |
| Get the distance between 2 vectors.
| getVector2dDistance (vec1, vec2) |
| Get the distance between 2 2D vectors.
| getVectorDistanceF (vec1, vec2) |
| Get the distance between 2 vectors.
| crossVector (vec1, vec2) |
| Cross product of two vectors.
| crossVectorF (vec1, vec2) |
| Cross product of two vectors.
| dotVector (vec1, vec2) |
| Dot product of two vectors.
| dotVectorF (vec1, vec2) |
| Dot product of two vectors.
| getVectorAngle (vec1, vec2) |
| Get the angle between 2 vectors in radian.
| getVector2dAngle (vec1, vec2) |
| Get the angle between 2 2D vectors in degree.
| getVectorAngleF (vec1, vec2) |
| Get the angle between 2 vectors in radian.
| getVectorOrientedAngleF (vec1, vec2, planenormal) |
| Get the oriented angle between 2 vectors in radian, between pi and -pi.
let | acos (dotVectorF(normalizeVectorF vec1)(normalizeVectorF vec2)) -> angle in let crossVectorF vec1 vec2 -> cross in if(dotVectorF planenormal cross)<. 0.0 then(-.angle) else angle |
| minVector (vec1, vec2) |
| Min of two vectors.
| minVectorF (vec1, vec2) |
| Min of two vectors.
| minVector2F (vec1, vec2) |
| Min of two vectors 2.
| maxVector (vec1, vec2) |
| Max of two vectors.
| maxVectorF (vec1, vec2) |
| Max of two vectors.
| maxVector2F (vec1, vec2) |
| Max of two vectors.
| subVector (vec1, vec2) |
| Substract two vectors.
| subVectorF (vec1, vec2) |
| Substract two float vectors.
| subVector2 (vec1, vec2) |
| Substract two vectors 2.
| subVector2F (vec1, vec2) |
| Substract two float vectors 2.
| addVector (vec1, vec2) |
| Add two vectors.
| addVectorF (vec1, vec2) |
| Add two float vectors.
| addVector2 (vec1, vec2) |
| Add two vectors.
| addVector2F (vec1, vec2) |
| Add two float vectors 2.
| divideVector (vec1, vec2) |
| Divide two vectors.
| divideVectorF (vec1, vec2) |
| Divide two float vectors.
| divideVector2 (vec1, vec2) |
| Divide two vectors 2.
| divideVector2F (vec1, vec2) |
| Divide two float vectors 2.
| multiplyVector (vec1, vec2) |
| Multiply two vectors.
| multiplyVector2 (vec1, vec2) |
| Multiply two vectors 2.
| multiplyVectorF (vec1, vec2) |
| Multiply two float vectors.
| multiplyVector2F (vec1, vec2) |
| Multiply two float vectors 2.
| projectVector (vec1, vec2) |
| Project an int vector onto another int vector.
| projectVectorF (vec1, vec2) |
| Project a float vector onto another float vector.
| projectVectorOnPlane (vec, planenormal) |
| Project an int vector onto a plane defined by its int normal vector.
| projectVectorOnPlaneF (vec, planenormal) |
| Project a float vector onto a plane defined by its float normal vector.
| vectorPlaneIntersectionF (vec, vecpoint, planenormal, planepoint) |
| Intersection point between a plane and a vector.
| getPlaneNormalF (point1, point2, point3) |
| Get a plane normal from 3 points belonging to the plane.
| getVectorXF (vec) |
| Get vector X value.
| getVectorYF (vec) |
| Get vector Y value.
| getVectorZF (vec) |
| Get vector Z value.
| getShortestAngle (p, q) |
| Get the shortest angle.
| quatInverse (quat) |
| Get quaternion inverse.
| lookAtPYR (src, target, flipz) |
| LookAt function that return pitch yaw roll in radian.
| reorientQuat (quat, upvec) |
| lookAtQuat (src, target, upaxis) |
| getMonthDays (month, year) |
| get the number of day for a month depending of the year
| isDateString (date) |
| test if a date string is valid
| getSecondsFromDateTime (day, month, year, hours, minutes, seconds) |
| get the number of seconds from a complete date time
| getDateTimeFromString (date) |
| get the decomposed date time from a string date
| getCurrentDateTime (mode) |
| get the current date time
| getCurrentTime (mode) |
| get the current time
| cbCSVstrip (s) |
| formatCSV (sep, ltitles, llinevalues) |
| Write CSV format in string.
| writeCSV (filepath, sep, ltitles, llinevalues) |
| Write CSV format in file.
| readCSVdataWithTitle (data, sep) |
| read CSV data with titles
| readCSVdata (data, sep) |
| read CSV data
| readCSVdataToTab (data, sep) |
| CSV data to array.
| readCSVdataToTabSized (data, sep, rows, cols) |
| CSV data to array sized.
| readCSVTabToData (tdata, rows, cols) |
| CSV tab to list.
| readCSVdataToTabRow (data, sep, rowid, srctab, rows, cols) |
| CSV data to a single array row sized.
| readCSVdataToTabColumn (data, sep, colid, srctab, rows, cols) |
| CSV data to a single array column sized.