OpenSpace3D libs
OpenSpace 3D libraries for plugITs and OS3D developer
Functions | Variables
tools.pkg File Reference


 getInfo (l, a)
 getInfos (l, a)
 getInfoI (l, a)
 chgusm2 (l, a, b, s, k)
 chgusm (a, b, line)
 lcat (p, q)
 Concat two list to one.
 splitList (l, pos)
 Split a list in two list at given position.
 moveListElement (l, pos, to)
 move an elements in a list
 divideList (x, p, r1, r2, f)
 Divide list.
 divideListString (x, p, r1, r2, f)
 Divide string list.
 divideListPos (x, p, r1, r2, pos, f)
 Divide list by position.
 divideList3 (x, p, r1, r2, f)
 Divide list by position.
 extractList (l, e, f)
 Extract list.
 isSmallerI (s, t)
 Test if an int is smaller than another int.
 isLargerI (s, t)
 Test if a int is larger than another int.
 isSmallerF (s, t)
 Test if an float is smaller than another float.
 isLargerF (s, t)
 Test if a float is larger than another float.
 isSmaller (s, t)
 Test if a string is smaller than another string.
 isLarger (s, t)
 Test if a string is larger than another string.
 suppDoublon (s1, s2)
 Test if a string is equal to another string.
 suppDoublon2 (s1, s2)
 Test if a value is equal to another value.
 suppDoublonCaseSensivity (s1, s2)
 Test if a string is equal to another string case sensivity.
 quicksort (l, f)
 Sort a list.
 quicksortByPos (l, pos, f)
 Sort a list by position.
 quicksortList (l, f)
 Sort a string list.
 quicksort3 (l, f)
 Sort a string list.
 sortlist (l, f)
 Sort a list.
 revertlist (list)
 Reverse a list.
 isStringInList (l, string)
 Test if a string exist in a list.
 isStringInListi (l, string)
 Test if a string exist in a list case insensitivity.
 isStringInListiPos (l, string, pos, length)
 Test if a string exist in a list case insensitivity.
 addUniqueStr (l, str)
 Add a string element as unique.
 addUniqueStri (l, str)
 Add a string element as unique, case insensitivity.
 getStringPosInList (l, string)
 get a string position in a list
 getStringPosInListi (l, string)
 get a string position in a list case insensitivity
 isFirstWordInList (l, string)
 Test if a string exist in a list as the first word of the string.
 isFirstWordInListi (l, string)
 Test if a string exist in a list as the first word of the string case insensitivity.
 isFirstStringInList (l, string)
 Test if the first string of a list match to a word.
 isT1InList (l, val)
 Test if the first tuple value in list is present.
 isT2InList (l, val)
 Test if the second tuple value in list is present.
 getPathFile (longfile, file)
 Get a file path and file name from a path.
 getlastPathDir (path)
 Get the last directory from a path.
 getFileExt (file)
 Get file extension from a path.
 getFilePathWithoutExt (file)
 Get file path without the file extension.
 getFileDirectory (file)
 Get path without the file name.
 getFileNameWithoutExt (file)
 Get the file name without Path and Extension.
 getRelativePath (path, file)
 Manage relative paths (relativ files should start with ./)
 createFolder (path)
 Create a new folder.
 cutDotName (name)
 makeDotName (id, name)
 isExtInListi (l, string)
 getShortName (name)
 Compute a name with only allowed char from a string.
 getFilesFromDir (dir, mask)
 Get the files list from a directory, with a file extension mask.
 getFilesFromDirFilter (dir, mask, cbfilter)
 Get the files list from a directory, with a file extension mask and filter.
 getFilesFromDir2 (dir, mask)
 Get the files list from a directory, with a file extension mask and case sensitive.
 getFilesFromDirFilter2 (dir, mask, cbfilter)
 Get the files list from a directory, with a file extension mask and case sensitive and filter.
 getFilesNamesFromDir (dir, mask)
 Get the files names list from a directory, with a file extension mask.
 getFilesNamesFromDir2 (dir, mask)
 Get the files names list from a directory, with a file extension mask and case sensitive.
 sanitizeFileName (file)
 Replace spaces in a file name and removes special characters that are unsupported on some platforms.
 getBooleanFromString (str)
 Get the boolean value of a string.
 isLastWordfromString (word, string)
 Compare the last word of a string.
 isFirstWordfromString (word, string)
 Compare the first word of a string.
 capitalizeFirstLetter (s)
 Make the first letter uppercase.
 listLowercase (l)
 Transform a string list to lowercase.
 getDirListFromPath (path)
 List the directories of a path.
 getFilesFromDirRecursive (dir)
 List the files from a directory path recursively.
 getFilesFromDirFilterRecursive (dir, mask, cbfilter)
 Get the files list from a directory, with a file extension mask and filter recursively.
 getFilesFromDirRecursive2 (dir)
 List the files from a directory path recursively case sensitive.
 getFilesFromDirFilterRecursive2 (dir, mask, cbfilter)
 Get the files list from a directory, with a file extension mask and case sensitive and filter recursively.
 cleanDirectory (dir)
 Delete all the files of a directory.
 getDirectoryWithoutLastSlash (dir)
 Remove the last '/' from a directory path.
 getDirectoryWithoutFirstSlash (dir)
 Remove the first '/' from a directory path.
 apply_on_list (l, f, x)
 apply a function to a list
 rev_apply_on_list (l, f, x)
 apply a function to a list reserved
 search_in_list (l, f, x)
 Search an element in a list.
 remove_from_list (l, p)
 Remove an element in a list.
 remove_nth_from_list (list, n)
 replace_in_list (list, old, new)
 replace_nth_in_list (list, n, new)
 add_nth_in_list (list, n, x)
 tlr2 (l, n)
 remove_string_from_list (l, elt)
 Remove an string in a list.
 remove_idx_from_list (l, idx)
 Remove an indexed element in a list.
 remove_sid_from_list (l, sid)
 Remove a string indexed element in a list.
 remove_sid_from_listi (l, sid)
 Remove a string indexed element in a list case incensivity.
 remove_first_string_from_list (l, elt)
 remove_all_first_string_from_list (l, elt)
 remove_first_and_second_string_from_list (l, elt1, elt2)
 remove_all_first_string_from_second_elem_list (l, elt)
 remove_first_and_second_string_from_second_elem_list (l, elt1, elt2)
 remove_first_string_from_list_start_with (l, elt)
 remove_first_string_from_second_element_list_start_with (l, elt)
 pos_sid_in_list (l, p, n)
 pos_in_list (l, p, n)
 create_tab (n, f, x)
 addFifo (x, f)
 getFifo (f)
 sizeFifo (f)
 concFifo (f, g)
 hexListToBignumList (l)
 rename_sid_from_list (l, sid, nid)
 Rename a string indexed element in a list.
 strreplaceChar (s, from, to)
 Replace a string in an another string.
 strreplace (s, from, to)
 Replace a string in an another string.
 strreplacei (s, from, to)
 Replace a string in an another string, case insensivity.
 strToWordList (s)
 convert a string to a list of words
 replaceByKeyIndex (s, key, args)
 replace key by value position in arg list ("my string is $1 with $2" "val1"::"val2"::nil)
 replaceByKeyIndex2 (s, key, args)
 replace key by value position in arg list ("my string is $1 with $2" "val1 val2")
 strcatnSep (l, sep)
 Concat a string list with a defined separator.
 strcatnSepLimits (l, sep, nb)
 Concat a string list with a defined separator and limits.
 strcatnlSep (l, sep)
 Concat a string list with a defined separator and a line feed.
 strfindiList (l, s)
 addSlashes (s)
 Protect special character with a '\'.
 stripSlashes (s)
 Remove special character protection '\'.
 addChar (s, p, c)
 Protect char character with a char.
 stripChar (s, c)
 Remove special character protection '\'.
 strTruncate (s, maxlen, rp)
 Truncate a string.
 strQuote (s, q)
 Quote a string.
 listQuote (l, q)
 Quote a string list.
 strtrimChar (str, first, last)
 Remove spaces and first / last character of a string.
 strToList (s)
 Convert a String to a list of lines.
 removeNthChar (s, p)
 contcatQuotedList (l, c)
 strToQuotedList (s, c)
 Convert a String to a list of lines but protect line with char.
 oneLineTransform (s, sep)
 Change the line separation character.
 strToListSep (s, sep)
 Convert a string to a list by a defined separator.
 strToListOpenCloseSep (s, osep, csep)
 Convert a string to a list by a defined open / close separators.
 strToListSepCb (s, sep, cb)
 Convert a string to a list by a defined separator.
 strbuildn (l)
 Convert list of words and lines to a string.
 listToString (l)
 Convert list of lines to a string.
 isNumber (s)
 Check is a string is a number or a float.
 getNextToValue (cont, keyword)
 get the line after a keyword, for example "KEYWORD value"
 floatToString (float)
 transform a float into a clean readable string
 switchstrInv (l, s)
 invert switchstr parameter
 switchstriInv (l, s)
 invert switchstri parameter
 switchInv (l, s)
 invert switch parameter
 strIsUrl (url)
 urlDecode (s)
 makeSimpleJson (lp)
 cbCheckInternetConnection (inet, p, data, code)
 checkInternetConnection (url, cbfun, param)
 Test the Internet connection availability (multiplatform)
 clearHttpRequest ()
 Kill all current download requests.
 killHttpRequest (req)
 Kill a download request.
 clearHttpCookies ()
 Clear all http cookies.
 getHttpDomain (url)
 Get the domain of an url.
 getHtmlHeader (cont)
 Get Html header from an http response.
 decompHtmlCookie (cookie)
 getHtmlStatus (header)
 Get Html Status code from header.
 setHtmlCookie (url, header)
 makeHtmlCookieHeader (url)
 makeHtmlCookie (url)
 getHtmlCookie (url)
 cbDownloadFile (curlobj, p, data, code)
 downloadFile (file, cbfun)
 Download an url.
 downloadFilePost (file, params, headeradd, cbfun)
 Download an url.
 cbDownloadFileW (curlobj, p, data, code)
 downloadFileW (file, wfile, cbfun)
 Download an url in a file.
 cbGetContentLength (curlobj, p, data, code)
 getUrlContentLenght (file, cbfun)
 Get content size of an url.
 cbGetContentDate (curlobj, p, data, code)
 getUrlContentDate (file, cbfun)
 Get content date of an url.
 cbGetContentInfos (curlobj, p, data, code)
 getUrlContentInfos (file, cbfun)
 Get content infos of an url.
 cbGetUrlContent (curlobj, p, data, code)
 deleteUrlEx (url, params, cbfun, headeradd, fullres)
 postUrlEx (url, params, cbfun, headeradd, fullres)
 getUrlEx (url, params, cbfun, headeradd, fullres)
 postUrlMultiPartEx (url, lparams, cbfun, headeradd, fullres)
 getUrl (url, params, cbfun)
 Download an url using the GET method.
 postUrl (url, params, cbfun)
 Download an url using the POST method.
 postUrlMultiPart (url, lparams, cbfun)
 Download an url using the POST method with multipart.
 deleteUrl (url, params, cbfun)
 Call the DELETE method on an url.
 sendMail (server, port, from, to, cc, subject, message, lparams, cbfun)
 isCoordInRect (x, y, rect)
 Test if the coordinates are in the rectangle.
 minf (a, b)
 Get the smallest float value.
 ftori (val)
 Convert a float value to a rounded int value (float to rounded integer)
 zeroVector (vec)
 Test if a vector is set to 0.
 zeroVectorF (vec)
 Test if a float vector is set to 0.
 vectorIsZero (vec)
 Test if a vector is set to 0.
 vector2dIsZero (vec)
 Test if a 2d vector is set to 0.
 vectorIsZeroF (vec)
 Test if a float vector is set to 0.
 vector2dIsZeroF (vec)
 Test if a 2d float vector is set to 0.
 vectorEqual (vec1, vec2)
 Test if two vectors are equal.
 vectorEqualF (vec1, vec2)
 Test if two float vectors are equal.
 normalizeVectorF (vec)
 Normalize a float vector.
 vectorAverageF (vec)
 Get the average of a vector.
 vectorCubeF (vec)
 Get the cube of a vector.
 getVectorLength (vec1)
 Get a vector length.
 getVectorLengthF (vec1)
 Get a vector length.
 getVector4LengthF (vec1)
 Get a vector 4 length.
 getVectorDistance (vec1, vec2)
 Get the distance between 2 vectors.
 getVector2dDistance (vec1, vec2)
 Get the distance between 2 2D vectors.
 getVectorDistanceF (vec1, vec2)
 Get the distance between 2 vectors.
 crossVector (vec1, vec2)
 Cross product of two vectors.
 crossVectorF (vec1, vec2)
 Cross product of two vectors.
 dotVector (vec1, vec2)
 Dot product of two vectors.
 dotVectorF (vec1, vec2)
 Dot product of two vectors.
 getVectorAngle (vec1, vec2)
 Get the angle between 2 vectors in radian.
 getVector2dAngle (vec1, vec2)
 Get the angle between 2 2D vectors in degree.
 getVectorAngleF (vec1, vec2)
 Get the angle between 2 vectors in radian.
 getVectorOrientedAngleF (vec1, vec2, planenormal)
 Get the oriented angle between 2 vectors in radian, between pi and -pi.
let acos (dotVectorF(normalizeVectorF vec1)(normalizeVectorF vec2)) -> angle in let crossVectorF vec1 vec2 -> cross in if(dotVectorF planenormal cross)<. 0.0 then(-.angle) else angle
 minVector (vec1, vec2)
 Min of two vectors.
 minVectorF (vec1, vec2)
 Min of two vectors.
 minVector2F (vec1, vec2)
 Min of two vectors 2.
 maxVector (vec1, vec2)
 Max of two vectors.
 maxVectorF (vec1, vec2)
 Max of two vectors.
 maxVector2F (vec1, vec2)
 Max of two vectors.
 subVector (vec1, vec2)
 Substract two vectors.
 subVectorF (vec1, vec2)
 Substract two float vectors.
 subVector2 (vec1, vec2)
 Substract two vectors 2.
 subVector2F (vec1, vec2)
 Substract two float vectors 2.
 addVector (vec1, vec2)
 Add two vectors.
 addVectorF (vec1, vec2)
 Add two float vectors.
 addVector2 (vec1, vec2)
 Add two vectors.
 addVector2F (vec1, vec2)
 Add two float vectors 2.
 divideVector (vec1, vec2)
 Divide two vectors.
 divideVectorF (vec1, vec2)
 Divide two float vectors.
 divideVector2 (vec1, vec2)
 Divide two vectors 2.
 divideVector2F (vec1, vec2)
 Divide two float vectors 2.
 multiplyVector (vec1, vec2)
 Multiply two vectors.
 multiplyVector2 (vec1, vec2)
 Multiply two vectors 2.
 multiplyVectorF (vec1, vec2)
 Multiply two float vectors.
 multiplyVector2F (vec1, vec2)
 Multiply two float vectors 2.
 projectVector (vec1, vec2)
 Project an int vector onto another int vector.
 projectVectorF (vec1, vec2)
 Project a float vector onto another float vector.
 projectVectorOnPlane (vec, planenormal)
 Project an int vector onto a plane defined by its int normal vector.
 projectVectorOnPlaneF (vec, planenormal)
 Project a float vector onto a plane defined by its float normal vector.
 vectorPlaneIntersectionF (vec, vecpoint, planenormal, planepoint)
 Intersection point between a plane and a vector.
 getPlaneNormalF (point1, point2, point3)
 Get a plane normal from 3 points belonging to the plane.
 getVectorXF (vec)
 Get vector X value.
 getVectorYF (vec)
 Get vector Y value.
 getVectorZF (vec)
 Get vector Z value.
 getShortestAngle (p, q)
 Get the shortest angle.
 quatInverse (quat)
 Get quaternion inverse.
 lookAtPYR (src, target, flipz)
 LookAt function that return pitch yaw roll in radian.
 reorientQuat (quat, upvec)
 lookAtQuat (src, target, upaxis)
 getMonthDays (month, year)
 get the number of day for a month depending of the year
 isDateString (date)
 test if a date string is valid
 getSecondsFromDateTime (day, month, year, hours, minutes, seconds)
 get the number of seconds from a complete date time
 getDateTimeFromString (date)
 get the decomposed date time from a string date
 getCurrentDateTime (mode)
 get the current date time
 getCurrentTime (mode)
 get the current time
 cbCSVstrip (s)
 formatCSV (sep, ltitles, llinevalues)
 Write CSV format in string.
 writeCSV (filepath, sep, ltitles, llinevalues)
 Write CSV format in file.
 readCSVdataWithTitle (data, sep)
 read CSV data with titles
 readCSVdata (data, sep)
 read CSV data
 readCSVdataToTab (data, sep)
 CSV data to array.
 readCSVdataToTabSized (data, sep, rows, cols)
 CSV data to array sized.
 readCSVTabToData (tdata, rows, cols)
 CSV tab to list.
 readCSVdataToTabRow (data, sep, rowid, srctab, rows, cols)
 CSV data to a single array row sized.
 readCSVdataToTabColumn (data, sep, colid, srctab, rows, cols)
 CSV data to a single array column sized.


proto addLogMessage =fun [S] S
 Add a log message in the OS3D log window.
proto addLogMessageMulti =fun [S [S r1]] I
 Add a log message in the OS3D log window from a list.
proto strreplace =fun [S S S] S
proto cbGetContentLength =fun [ObjCURL [S S fun [S I] I] S I] I
proto cbGetContentDate =fun [ObjCURL [S S fun [S S] I] S I] I
proto cbGetContentInfos =fun [ObjCURL [S S fun [S S I] I] S I] I

Function Documentation

◆ getInfo()

getInfo ( ,

◆ getInfos()

getInfos ( ,

◆ getInfoI()

getInfoI ( ,

◆ chgusm2()

chgusm2 ( ,

◆ chgusm()

chgusm ( ,

◆ divideList()

divideList ( ,
r1  ,
r2  ,

Divide list.

Prototype: fun [u0 [u0 r1] [u0 r1] [u0 r1] fun [u0 u0] I] [u0 r1]


[[u0 r1] [u0 r1]]

◆ divideListString()

divideListString ( ,
r1  ,
r2  ,

Divide string list.

Prototype: fun [[S r1] [[S r1] r1] [[S r1] r1] [[S r1] r1] fun [[S r1] [S r1]] I] [[S r1] r1]


[[[S r1] r1] [[S r1] r1]]

◆ divideListPos()

divideListPos ( ,
r1  ,
r2  ,
pos  ,

Divide list by position.

Prototype: fun [[u0 r1] [[u0 r1] r1] [[u0 r1] r1] [[u0 r1] r1] I fun [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]] I] [[u0 r1] r1]


[[[u0 r1] r1] [[u0 r1] r1]]

◆ divideList3()

divideList3 ( ,
r1  ,
r2  ,

Divide list by position.

Prototype: fun [[[S u0] r1] [[[S u0] r1] r1] [[[S u0] r1] r1] [[[S u0] r1] r1] I fun [[[S u0] r1] [[S u0] r1]] I] [[[S u0] r1] r1]


[[[[S u0] r1] r1] [[[S u0] r1] r1]]

◆ extractList()

extractList ( ,

Extract list.

Prototype: fun [[u0 r1] u0 fun [u0 u0] I] [u0 r1]


[[u0 r1] [u0 r1]]

◆ cutDotName()

cutDotName ( name  )

◆ makeDotName()

makeDotName ( id  ,

◆ isExtInListi()

isExtInListi ( ,

◆ remove_nth_from_list()

remove_nth_from_list ( list  ,

◆ replace_in_list()

replace_in_list ( list  ,
old  ,

◆ replace_nth_in_list()

replace_nth_in_list ( list  ,

◆ add_nth_in_list()

add_nth_in_list ( list  ,

◆ tlr2()

tlr2 ( ,

◆ remove_first_string_from_list()

remove_first_string_from_list ( ,

◆ remove_all_first_string_from_list()

remove_all_first_string_from_list ( ,

◆ remove_first_and_second_string_from_list()

remove_first_and_second_string_from_list ( ,
elt1  ,

◆ remove_all_first_string_from_second_elem_list()

remove_all_first_string_from_second_elem_list ( ,

◆ remove_first_and_second_string_from_second_elem_list()

remove_first_and_second_string_from_second_elem_list ( ,
elt1  ,

◆ remove_first_string_from_list_start_with()

remove_first_string_from_list_start_with ( ,

◆ remove_first_string_from_second_element_list_start_with()

remove_first_string_from_second_element_list_start_with ( ,

◆ pos_sid_in_list()

pos_sid_in_list ( ,

◆ pos_in_list()

pos_in_list ( ,

◆ create_tab()

create_tab ( ,

◆ addFifo()

addFifo ( ,

◆ getFifo()

getFifo ( )

◆ sizeFifo()

sizeFifo ( )

◆ concFifo()

concFifo ( ,

◆ hexListToBignumList()

hexListToBignumList ( )

◆ strfindiList()

strfindiList ( ,

◆ removeNthChar()

removeNthChar ( ,

◆ contcatQuotedList()

contcatQuotedList ( ,

◆ strIsUrl()

strIsUrl ( url  )

◆ urlDecode()

urlDecode ( )

◆ makeSimpleJson()

makeSimpleJson ( lp  )

◆ cbCheckInternetConnection()

cbCheckInternetConnection ( inet  ,
data  ,

◆ decompHtmlCookie()

decompHtmlCookie ( cookie  )

◆ setHtmlCookie()

setHtmlCookie ( url  ,

◆ makeHtmlCookieHeader()

makeHtmlCookieHeader ( url  )

◆ makeHtmlCookie()

makeHtmlCookie ( url  )

◆ getHtmlCookie()

getHtmlCookie ( url  )

◆ cbDownloadFile()

cbDownloadFile ( curlobj  ,
data  ,

◆ cbDownloadFileW()

cbDownloadFileW ( curlobj  ,
data  ,

◆ cbGetContentLength()

cbGetContentLength ( curlobj  ,
data  ,

◆ cbGetContentDate()

cbGetContentDate ( curlobj  ,
data  ,

◆ cbGetContentInfos()

cbGetContentInfos ( curlobj  ,
data  ,

◆ cbGetUrlContent()

cbGetUrlContent ( curlobj  ,
data  ,

◆ deleteUrlEx()

deleteUrlEx ( url  ,
params  ,
cbfun  ,
headeradd  ,

◆ postUrlEx()

postUrlEx ( url  ,
params  ,
cbfun  ,
headeradd  ,

◆ getUrlEx()

getUrlEx ( url  ,
params  ,
cbfun  ,
headeradd  ,

◆ postUrlMultiPartEx()

postUrlMultiPartEx ( url  ,
lparams  ,
cbfun  ,
headeradd  ,

◆ sendMail()

sendMail ( server  ,
port  ,
from  ,
to  ,
cc  ,
subject  ,
message  ,
lparams  ,

◆ acos()

let acos ( dotVectorF(normalizeVectorF vec1)(normalizeVectorF vec2)  ) -> angle in let crossVectorF vec1 vec2 -> cross in if(dotVectorF planenormal cross)<. 0.0 then(-.angle) else angle

◆ reorientQuat()

reorientQuat ( quat  ,

◆ lookAtQuat()

lookAtQuat ( src  ,
target  ,

◆ cbCSVstrip()

cbCSVstrip ( )

Variable Documentation

◆ strreplace

proto strreplace =fun [S S S] S



◆ cbGetContentLength

proto cbGetContentLength =fun [ObjCURL [S S fun [S I] I] S I] I

◆ cbGetContentDate

proto cbGetContentDate =fun [ObjCURL [S S fun [S S] I] S I] I

◆ cbGetContentInfos

proto cbGetContentInfos =fun [ObjCURL [S S fun [S S I] I] S I] I