| V3Dlcat (p, q) |
| V3DisUrl (url) |
| V3DgetPathFile (longfile, file) |
| V3DgetFileNameWithoutExt (file) |
| V3DgetFileExt (file) |
| V3DgetFilePathWithoutExt (file) |
| V3DremoveIdxFromList (l, idx) |
| V3DremoveSidxFromList (l, idx) |
| V3DremoveTupFromListBy2ndElem (l, s2nd) |
| V3DremoveTupFromListByName (l, name) |
| V3DupdateLastPointerClick (viewstr, id, data) |
| V3DgetLastPointerClick (viewstr, id) |
| V3DupdateLastPointerMove (viewstr, id, data) |
| V3DgetLastPointerMove (viewstr, id) |
| V3DupdateLastMouseData (viewstr, id, data) |
| V3DgetLastMouseData (viewstr, id) |
| V3DupdateLastMouseMove (viewstr, id, x, y) |
| V3DgetLastMouseMove (viewstr, id) |
| V3DupdateLastMouseClick (viewstr, id, x, y) |
| V3DgetLastMouseClick (viewstr, id) |
| V3DupdateLastMouseRender (viewstr, id, x, y) |
| V3DgetLastMouseRender (viewstr, id) |
| V3DupdateLastMouseDir (viewstr, id, x, y) |
| V3DgetLastMouseDir (viewstr, id) |
| V3DupdateLastClickPos (viewstr, id, x, y) |
| V3DgetLastClickPos (viewstr, id) |
| V3DupdateLastClickMove (viewstr, id, x, y) |
| V3DgetLastClickMove (viewstr, id) |
| V3DgetSessionIndex (viewstr, sessionstr) |
| V3DgetSession (sessionstr) |
| V3DgetSessionByIndex (viewstr, idx) |
| V3DgetDefaultViewport (viewstr) |
| Get the default viewport of a 3d view structure.
| V3DgetDefaultSession (viewstr) |
| V3DdegToRad (f) |
| V3DradToDeg (f) |
| V3DgetObjectOrientationDeg (obj) |
| Get an object euler rotation in degree.
| V3DsetObjectOrientationDeg (obj, ang) |
| Set an object euler rotation in degree.
| V3DgetObjectGlobalOrientationDeg (obj) |
| Get an object global euler rotation in degree.
| V3DsetObjectGlobalOrientationDeg (obj, ang) |
| Set an object global euler rotation in degree.
| V3DgetSessionView (sessionstr) |
| Get the V3Dview structure from a V3Dsession structure.
| V3DgetObjectByName (sessionstr, name) |
| Get a 3d object by his name or camera type.
| V3DgetObjectTypeByName (name) |
| Get a 3d object mode by it's name.
| V3DgetCameraByType (sessionstr, cam, type) |
| Get a camera object by type, the camera or the navigation shell.
| V3DgetViewportByIndex (viewstr, idx) |
| Get a viewport structure from it's index in 3d view.
| V3DgetViewportCamera (viewportstr) |
| Get the current viewport camera.
| V3DgetViewportIndex (viewstr, viewport) |
| Get a viewport index in a 3d view structure.
| V3DsetViewportColor (viewportstr, color) |
| Set a viewport backgroung color.
| V3DgetViewportColor (viewportstr) |
| Get a viewport backgroung color.
| V3DgetViewportSize (viewstr, viewportstr) |
| Get a viewport size.
| V3DdelViewport (viewstr, viewportstr) |
| Remove a viewport.
| V3DaddViewport (viewstr, x, y, w, h, backcolor) |
| Add a viewport.
| V3DsetViewportPolygonMode (viewportstr, mode) |
| Set a viewport polygon render mode.
| V3DgetViewportPolygonMode (viewportstr) |
| Get a viewport polygon render mode.
| V3DsetViewport (viewstr, viewportstr, camera) |
| Set a viewport camera and display it.
| V3DsetViewportPositionSize (viewportstr, x, y, w, h) |
| Resize a viewport.
| V3DchangeCameraViewport (sessionstr, viewportstr, camera) |
| Change a viewport camera.
| V3DregisterCompositor (viewportstr, compo, scheme) |
| Add a compositor to a viewport.
| V3DunRegisterCompositor (viewportstr, compo) |
| Remove a compositor from a viewport.
| V3DgetCompositorScheme (viewportstr, compo) |
| Get the scheme name associated with a viewport compositor.
| V3DsetCamera (camera, fovlength, fovy, nclip, fclip) |
| Set a camera settings.
| V3DgetCameraByIndex (sessionstr, idx) |
| V3DgetCameraIndex (sessionstr, camera) |
| V3DrestaurePreviousDefaultCamera (sessionstr) |
| V3DgetDefaultCamera (sessionstr) |
| Get the current default camera.
| V3DsetDefaultCamera (sessionstr, camera) |
| Set the current default camera.
| V3DremoveDefaultCamera (sessionstr, camera) |
| Remove the default camera.
| V3DsetOrthographicMode (camera, mode) |
| V3DgetOrthographicMode (camera) |
| V3DsetOrthographicScale (camera, scale) |
| V3DgetOrthographicScale (camera) |
| V3DsetCbCameraChange (viewstr, cbfun) |
| V3DdelCamera (sessionstr, camera) |
| Remove a camera.
| V3DaddCamera (sessionstr, name) |
| Add a camera.
| V3DaddParticleSystem (sessionstr, name, template) |
| Add a particle system.
| V3DsetLight (light, type, dcolor, scolor, range, const, linear, quadr) |
| Set a light parameters.
| V3DenableLight (light, state) |
| Enable or Disable a light.
| V3DaddLight (sessionstr, name, father, type, dcolor, scolor, range, const, linear, quadr) |
| Add a light.
| V3DaddResource (sessionstr, ressource, group, type) |
| Add a resource to a scene.
| V3DaddMesh (sessionstr, file, name, idx, group, father) |
| Add a mesh to a scene.
| cbV3DObjectLoaded (obj, p) |
| V3DloadMesh (sessionstr, file, name, idx, group, father, cbfun) |
| Add a mesh to a scene, the mesh is loaded in a background thread.
| V3DaddShell (sessionstr, name, idx, father, pos, ang) |
| Add a shell node to a scene.
| V3DsetAxisRef (axisstr, ref) |
| V3DsetDefaultAxisRef (ref) |
| V3DupdateObjectAxis (viewstr, sessionstr, axisstr) |
| V3DupdateAxisTarget (viewstr, sessionstr) |
| cbV3DAxisLoaded (mesh, p) |
| V3DremoveAxis (sessionstr, refobj) |
| V3DshowObjectAxis (viewstr, sessionstr, refobj, mode, state) |
| V3DupdateObjectHelper (viewstr, sessionstr, helperstr) |
| V3DupdateObjectHelperPosOnly (viewstr, sessionstr, helperstr) |
| V3DupdateHelperLine (sessionstr, helperstr) |
| V3DupdateHelper (viewstr, sessionstr, l) |
| V3DupdateHelpersTarget (viewstr, sessionstr) |
| cbV3DHelperLoaded (mesh, helperstr) |
| V3DshowObjectHelper (viewstr, sessionstr, refobj, mode, state) |
| V3DisSceneHelperVisible (sessionstr) |
| V3DenableHelpers (viewportstr, sessionstr, state) |
| V3DgetObjectFromHelper (sessionstr, obj) |
| V3DgetObjectSize (object) |
| V3DgetGlobalObjectCenter (object) |
| V3DgetObjectRadius (sessionstr, object) |
| V3DisSceneGridVisible (sessionstr) |
| V3DshowSceneGrid (sessionstr, mode) |
| V3DcameraPan (sessionstr, viewportstr, x, y) |
| V3DsetShellNavPos (sessionstr, pos) |
| V3DsetShellNavAng (sessionstr, quat) |
| V3DgetShellNavPos (sessionstr) |
| V3DgetShellNavAng (sessionstr) |
| V3DsetAmbientLight (sessionstr, color) |
| Set the scene ambient color.
| V3DgetAmbientLight (sessionstr) |
| Get the scene ambient color.
| V3DsetShadowTechnique (sessionstr, type, dist, color, self) |
| V3DsetShadowCameraType (sessionstr, camtype, px, py, pz, pd) |
| V3DgetShadowCameraType (sessionstr) |
| V3DsetShadowTextureParams (sessionstr, size, count, offset, fadestart, fadestop) |
| V3DsetObjectReceiveShadows (sessionstr, obj, bool) |
| V3DsetSceneFog (sessionstr, mode, color, density, linearstart, linearend) |
| V3DgetAnimationByName (sessionstr, name) |
| Get an animation by it's name.
| V3DgetAnimationByAnim (sessionstr, anim) |
| Get an animation structure from the SO3_ANIM object.
| V3DaddAnimation (sessionstr, obj, id, basename, name, length, speed, weight, state, loop, transmode, rotmode) |
| Add an animation to the scene.
| V3DaddSequenceAnimation (sessionstr, id, basename, name, speed, weight, state, loop) |
| Add a sequence animation to the scene.
| V3DgetNbAnimationTracks (animstr) |
| Get the number of animation tracks.
| V3DgetNbAnimationTrackKeys (animstr, trackidx) |
| Get the number of animation track keys.
| V3DaddSequenceAnimationTrack (animstr) |
| Add a sequence animation track.
| V3DdelSequenceAnimationTrack (animstr, trackidx) |
| Remove a sequence animation track.
| V3DmoveSequenceAnimationKey (animstr, trackidx, keyidx, newidx) |
| Move a sequence animation track key.
| V3DgetSequenceAnimationKey (animstr, trackidx, keyidx) |
| Get a sequence animation track key.
| V3DgetSequenceAnimationKeyInfos (animstr, trackidx, keyidx) |
| Get a sequence animation track key infos.
| V3DsetSequenceAnimationKeyInfos (animstr, trackidx, keyidx, length, trans, decal) |
| Set a sequence animation track key infos.
| V3DaddSequenceAnimationKey (animstr, trackidx, keyanimstr, length, transition, decal) |
| Add a sequence animation track key.
| V3DdelSequenceAnimationKey (animstr, trackidx, keyidx) |
| Remove a sequence animation track key.
| V3DaddMorphAnimation (sessionstr, anim, obj, id, basename, name, speed, weight, state, loop) |
| Add a morph animation to the scene.
| V3DdelAnimation (sessionstr, animstr) |
| Delete an animation.
| V3DaddAnimationKey (animstr, pos, quat, scale, ftime) |
| Add an animation node key.
| V3DdelAnimationTrack (sessionstr, animstr, trackidx) |
| Delete an animation track.
| V3DsetAnimationWeight (animstr, weight) |
| Set an animation weight.
| V3DgetAnimationWeight (animstr) |
| Get an animation weight.
| V3DsetAnimationState (animstr, state) |
| Set an animation state.
| V3DsetAnimationLoop (animstr, loop) |
| Set an animation loop.
| V3DsetAnimationSpeed (animstr, speed) |
| Set an animation speed factor.
| V3DsetAnimationInterpolationMode (animstr, mode) |
| Set an animation translation interpolation mode.
| V3DsetAnimationRotInterpolationMode (animstr, mode) |
| Set an animation rotation interpolation mode.
| V3DgetAnimationState (animstr) |
| Get an animation state.
| V3DgetAnimationLoop (animstr) |
| Get an animation loop state.
| V3DgetAnimationSpeed (animstr) |
| Get an animation speed factor.
| V3DgetAnimationType (animstr) |
| Get an animation type.
| V3DsetAnimationPosition (animstr, pos) |
| Set an animation position.
| V3DgetAnimationPosition (animstr) |
| Get an animation position.
| V3DgetAnimationLength (animstr) |
| Get an animation length.
| V3DsetAnimationCbPlay (animstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetAnimationCbPause (animstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetAnimationCbStop (animstr, cbfun) |
| V3DgetAnimationEnable (animstr) |
| Get an animation enable state.
| V3DresetAnimation (animstr) |
| Reset an animation.
| V3DresetAnimations (sessionstr) |
| Reset all scene animations.
| V3DpauseAnimation (animstr) |
| Pause an animation.
| V3DplayAnimation (animstr) |
| Play an animation.
| V3DplayAnimationFromPos (animstr, startpos) |
| Play an animation from a position.
| V3DstopAnimation (animstr) |
| Stop an animation.
| V3DenableAnimation (animstr, state) |
| Set an animation enable state.
| V3DinitializeAnimation (animstr, state) |
| V3DanimationSetSkipFrame (animstr, state) |
| Set an animation skip frame state.
| V3DanimationGetSkipFrame (animstr) |
| Get an animation skip frame state.
| V3DanimationGetDefaultSkipFrame (animstr) |
| V3DanimationSetDefaultSkipFrame (animstr, state) |
| V3DanimationsEnableScene (sessionstr, state, play) |
| V3DsetViewSizeDirty (viewstr) |
| V3DneedResize (viewstr) |
| V3DgetSessionByScene (viewstr, scene) |
| cbV3DbufferPreRender (buffer, viewstr) |
| cbV3DbufferPostRender (buffer, viewstr) |
| V3DWidgetCtrlHasFocus (viewstr) |
| V3DisAxis (sessionstr, obj) |
| findCurrentMouseAxis (sessionstr, id) |
| cbV3DscenePreRender (session, sessionstr, etime) |
| cbV3DscenePreRender2 (session, sessionstr, etime) |
| cbV3DscenePreRenderPhysic (session, sessionstr, etime) |
| cbV3DscenePostRender (buffer, sessionstr, etime) |
| V3DgetDefaultCompositorsList (sessionstr) |
| V3DloadDefaultCompositors (sessionstr) |
| V3DloadDefaultResources (sessionstr) |
| V3DuseDefaultLight (sessionstr, state) |
| V3DisDefaultLightEnable (sessionstr) |
| V3DgetDefaultLight (sessionstr) |
| V3DdeleteSession (viewstr, sessionstr) |
| V3DcrSession (viewstr, name) |
| Create a 3d scene structure.
| V3DresetSession (sessionstr) |
| Reset a 3d scene.
| cbV3DkillFocus (win, viewstr) |
| V3DviewSetFocus (viewstr) |
| Set the 3d view focus.
| V3DchangeSelectedAxis (sessionstr, objname, mode) |
| V3DshowCursor (viewstr, state) |
| Set the mouse cursor visibility state.
| V3DgetCursorVisible (viewstr) |
| Get a 3d view the mouse cursor visibility state.
| V3DgetCursor (viewstr) |
| Get a 3d view mouse cursor.
| cbV3DviewDropFile (win, viewstr, x, y, lp) |
| cbV3DviewKeyDown (win, viewstr, key, ascode) |
| cbV3DviewKeyUp (win, viewstr, key) |
| cbV3DviewDbClick (win, viewstr, posx, posy, btn) |
| cbV3DviewClick (win, viewstr, posx, posy, btn) |
| cbV3DviewPointerClick (viewstr, id, src, posx, posy, btn, pdata) |
| cbV3DviewPointerUpdate (viewstr, id, src, posx, posy, btn, pdata) |
| V3DgetCursorTrans (viewstr) |
| Get a 3d view last cursor translation.
| V3DgetCursorDirection (viewstr) |
| Get a 3d view last cursor direction.
| V3DisClicked (viewstr) |
| Get a 3d view last mouse click state.
| V3DisMoveClicked (viewstr) |
| Get a 3d view last mouse move click state.
| cbV3DviewUnclick (win, viewstr, posx, posy, btn) |
| cbV3DviewPointerUnClick (viewstr, id, posx, posy, btn, pdata) |
| cbV3DviewWheel (win, viewstr, posx, posy, delta, btn) |
| V3DgetMoveAxis (viewstr, posx, posy, btn) |
| V3DgetMoveAxisPosition (viewstr, id, src, btn) |
| cbV3DcursorMove (win, viewstr, posx, posy, btn) |
| cbV3DPointerMove (viewstr, id, src, posx, posy, btn, pdata) |
| V3DsetCbResizeHUDView (viewstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetCbResizeView (viewstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetCbFocusView (viewstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetCbKillFocusView (viewstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetCbPreRenderEffects (viewstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetCbPreRender (viewstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetCbPreRender2 (viewstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetCbPostRender (viewstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetCbScenePreRender (sessionstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetCbHUDPreRender (sessionstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetCbHUDPostRender (sessionstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetCbScenePreRender2 (sessionstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetCbScenePreRenderPhysic (sessionstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetCbScenePostRender (sessionstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetCbNavigateControlState (sessionstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetCbKeyDown (viewstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetCbKeyUp (viewstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetCbKeyDownHUD (viewstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetCbKeyUpHUD (viewstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetCbDropFile (viewstr, cbfun) |
| V3DgetCbDropFile (viewstr) |
| V3DsetCbClick (viewstr, cbfun) |
| V3DgetCbClick (viewstr) |
| V3DsetCbDbClick (viewstr, cbfun) |
| V3DgetCbDbClick (viewstr) |
| V3DsetCbUnClick (viewstr, cbfun) |
| V3DgetCbUnClick (viewstr) |
| V3DsetCbWheel (viewstr, cbfun) |
| V3DgetCbWheel (viewstr) |
| V3DsetCbCursorMove (viewstr, cbfun) |
| V3DgetCbCursorMove (viewstr) |
| V3DsetCbInputClick (viewstr, cbfun) |
| V3DgetCbInputClick (viewstr) |
| V3DsetCbInputUnClick (viewstr, cbfun) |
| V3DgetCbInputUnClick (viewstr) |
| V3DsetCbInputUpdate (viewstr, cbfun) |
| V3DgetCbInputUpdate (viewstr) |
| V3DsetCbAxisMove (axisstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetCbAxisClick (axisstr, cbfun) |
| V3DsetCbAxisUnClick (axisstr, cbfun) |
| V3DenableKeyboard (viewstr, mode) |
| Set a 3d view keyboard state.
| V3DenableMouse (viewstr, mode) |
| Set a 3d view mouse state.
| V3DenableNavigate (sessionstr, mode) |
| V3DgetNavigateState (sessionstr) |
| V3DenableNavigateControl (sessionstr, mode) |
| V3DgetNavigateControlState (sessionstr) |
| V3DsetCursor (viewstr, cursor) |
| Change a 3d view mouse cursor.
| cbV3Dsize (win, viewstr, w, h) |
| V3DdsView (viewstr) |
| Destroy a 3d view.
| V3DsetViewTouchPointAddCb (viewstr, cb) |
| V3DsetViewTouchPointRemoveCb (viewstr, cb) |
| V3DsetViewTouchPointUpdateCb (viewstr, cb) |
| cbV3DwinAddTouchPoint (win, viewstr, id, x, y) |
| cbV3DwinRemoveTouchPoint (win, viewstr, id) |
| cbV3DwinUpdateTouchPoint (win, viewstr, id, x, y, vx, vy) |
| cbV3DwinDestroy (win, viewstr) |
| cbV3DbufferFocus (buffer, viewstr) |
| cbV3DbufferKillFocus (buffer, viewstr) |
| V3DresizeView (viewstr, x, y, w, h) |
| V3DgetViewPosSize (viewstr) |
| Get a 3d view position and size.
| V3DgetViewPos (viewstr) |
| Get a 3d view position.
| V3DgetViewSize (viewstr) |
| Get a 3d view size.
| V3DgetFullScreenState (viewstr) |
| Get a 3d view fullscreen state.
| V3DcenterMouseCursor (viewstr) |
| Center the mouse cursor on a 3d view.
| V3DsetMousePosition (viewstr, x, y) |
| Set the mouse cursor position on a 3d view.
| V3DsetVrPointerState (viewstr, state) |
| V3DgetVrPointerState (viewstr) |