OpenSpace3D libs
OpenSpace 3D libraries for plugITs and OS3D developer
Data Structures | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
xmlparser.pkg File Reference

Data Structures

struct  XMLfile
struct  XMLmark


typedef struct mkXMLfile XMLfile
typedef struct mkXMLmark XMLmark


 XMLlcat (p, q)
 XMLcomp (m1, m2)
 XMLlExtractList (list, e, func)
 XMLlSortList (l, f)
 XMLcopyParams (l)
 XMLremove_mark_list (l, elt)
 XMLgetShortFloatToString (float)
 Convert a float value to a short string.
 XMLgetShortFloatToStringLength (float, nb)
 Convert a float value to a short string with a number of decimal.
 XMLgetBoolValue (str, def)
 XMLgetBoolParam (markstr, name)
 Get the boolean value of a string.
 XMLgetBoolString (b)
 Get a string boolean value.
 XMLmoveMarkSons (markstr, pos, to)
 XMLgetData (markstr)
 Get the data of a mark node.
 XMLsetData (markstr, data)
 Set the data of a mark node.
 XMLgetParam (markstr, name)
 Get an attribute value of a mark node.
 XMLsetParam (markstr, name, val)
 Set an attribute value of a mark node.
 XMLgetEndMarkPos (fcont, iemark, sncmark)
 XMLfindMark (mcont, pos)
 XMLgetMark (xmlfilestr, father, fcont, spos)
 XMLparse (xmlfilestr, fcont)
 XMLtoParams (p)
 XMLtoChilds (xmlfilestr, fnode, fatherstr)
 XMLtoMarks (xmlfilestr)
 XMLcountFathers (markstr)
 XMLgetTabs (markstr)
 XMLgetMarksWithIndex (markstr)
 XMLgetMarks (markstr)
 XMLaddMarkParam (markstr, paramname, value)
 XMLaddMark (xmlfilestr, value, father, params, data)
 Add a mark node to an xml structure.
 XMLcopyMark (xmlfilestr, srcmarkstr, father)
 Copy a mark node to an another parent node.
 XMLdelMark (xmlfilestr, markstr)
 Delete a mark node.
 XMLdelMarksFromMarkByValue (xmlfilestr, markstr, value)
 Delete all mark node from value.
 XMLmoveMark (xmlfilestr, markstr, fatherstr)
 Move a mark node to an another parent node.
 XMLgetMarkByIdFromMark (markstr, id)
 XMLgetMarkById (xmlfilestr, id)
 XMLgetMarkByValueFromMark (markstr, value)
 Search the first mark node with a value from a parent mark node, recursively.
 XMLgetMarkId (markstr)
 XMLgetMarkByValueFromMarkSons (markstr, value)
 Search the first mark node with a value from a parent mark node.
 XMLgetMarkByValue (xmlfilestr, value)
 Search the first mark node with a value from xml structure, recursively.
 XMLgetMarksByValueFromMark (markstr, value)
 Search all marks node with a value from a parent mark node, recursively.
 XMLgetMarksByValueFromMarkSons (markstr, value)
 Search all marks node with a value from a parent mark node.
 XMLgetMarksByValuesFromMarkSons (markstr, values)
 Search all marks node with a list of value from a parent mark node.
 XMLgetMarksDataByValueFromMark (markstr, value)
 Get all marks node data's with a value from a parent mark node, recursively.
 XMLgetMarksDataByValueFromMarkSons (markstr, value)
 Get all marks node data's with a value from a parent mark node.
 XMLgetMarksParamByValueFromMarkSons (markstr, value, param)
 Get all marks node attribute value with a node value and an attribute name from a parent mark node.
 XMLgetMarksByValue (xmlfilestr, value)
 Search all marks node with a value from xml structure, recursively.
 XMLgetMarksParamValueByParamFromMark (markstr, param)
 Get all marks node attribute value with an attribute name from a parent mark node, recursively.
 XMLgetMarksParamValueByValueAndParamFromMarkSons (markstr, value, param)
 Get all marks node attribute value with a node value and an attribute name from a parent mark node.
 XMLgetMarksParamValueByValueAndParamFromMark (markstr, value, param)
 Get all marks node attribute value with a node value and an attribute name from a parent mark node, recursively.
 XMLgetMarksParamValueByParam (xmlfilestr, param)
 Get all marks node attribute value with an attribute name in an xml structure, recursively.
 XMLgetMarkByParamValueFromMark (markstr, param, value)
 Get the first mark node with an attribute name and value from a parent mark node, recursively.
 XMLgetMarkByParamValueFromMarkSons (markstr, param, value)
 Get the first mark node with an attribute name and value from a parent mark node.
 XMLgetMarkByParamValue (xmlfilestr, param, value)
 Get the first mark node with an attribute name and value in an xml structure.
 XMLgetMarkByValueAndParamValue (xmlfilestr, markval, param, value)
 Get the first mark node with a value, and attribute name and value in an xml structure, recursively.
 XMLgetMarksByValueAndParamValue (xmlfilestr, markval, param, value)
 Get all marks node with a value, and attribute name and value in an xml structure, recursively.
 XMLgetMarksByValueAndListParamValue (xmlfilestr, markval, lp)
 XMLgetMarkByValueAndParamValueFromMark (markstr, markval, param, value)
 Get the first mark node with a value, and attribute name and value in a parent mark node, recursively.
 XMLgetMarksByValueAndParamValueFromMark (markstr, markval, param, value)
 Get all marks node with a value, and attribute name and value in a parent mark node, recursively.
 XMLgetMarksByValueAndParamPrefixValueFromMark (markstr, markval, param, value)
 Get all marks node which start with a value, and attribute name and value in a parent mark node, recursively.
 XMLgetMarkByValueAndParamValueFromMarkSons (markstr, markval, param, value)
 Get the first mark node with a value, and attribute name and value in a parent mark node.
 XMLserializeFromMark (markstr)
 XMLserializeWithIndexFromMark (markstr)
 XMLserializeWithIndex (xmlfilestr)
 ParamsToXML (lp)
 XMLSaveChilds (xmlnode, markstr)
 XMLstrToObj (xmlfilestr)
 XMLserialize (xmlfilestr)
 XMLserializeZipped (xmlfilestr)
 XMLsaveZipped (xmlfilestr, path)
 XMLSave (xmlfilestr, path)
 XMLwrite (xmlfilestr, path)
 Write an Xml file from a xml structure.
 XMLwriteZipped (xmlfilestr, path)
 Write an Xml file from a xml structure with zipped content.
 XMLloadManual (path)
 XMLloadStringManual (fcont)
 XMLload (path)
 Load an Xml file.
 XMLloadString (fcont)
 Load an Xml content from a string.
 XMLdiff (xmlfilestr1, xmlfilestr2)
 XMLcopy (xmlfilestr)
 Copy an Xml structure.
 XMLcreate (path, type)
 Create an empty Xml structure.
 XMLsetPath (xmlfilestr, path)
 XMLclose (xmlfilestr)
 Close an Xml structure.


var iXMLdebug =0

Typedef Documentation

◆ XMLfile

typedef struct mkXMLfile XMLfile

◆ XMLmark

typedef struct mkXMLmark XMLmark

Function Documentation

◆ XMLlcat()

XMLlcat ( ,

◆ XMLcomp()

XMLcomp ( m1  ,

◆ XMLlExtractList()

XMLlExtractList ( list  ,

◆ XMLlSortList()

XMLlSortList ( ,

◆ XMLcopyParams()

XMLcopyParams ( )

◆ XMLremove_mark_list()

XMLremove_mark_list ( ,

◆ XMLgetBoolValue()

XMLgetBoolValue ( str  ,

◆ XMLmoveMarkSons()

XMLmoveMarkSons ( markstr  ,
pos  ,

◆ XMLgetEndMarkPos()

XMLgetEndMarkPos ( fcont  ,
iemark  ,

◆ XMLfindMark()

XMLfindMark ( mcont  ,

◆ XMLgetMark()

XMLgetMark ( xmlfilestr  ,
father  ,
fcont  ,

◆ XMLparse()

XMLparse ( xmlfilestr  ,

◆ XMLtoParams()

XMLtoParams ( )

◆ XMLtoChilds()

XMLtoChilds ( xmlfilestr  ,
fnode  ,

◆ XMLtoMarks()

XMLtoMarks ( xmlfilestr  )

◆ XMLcountFathers()

XMLcountFathers ( markstr  )

◆ XMLgetTabs()

XMLgetTabs ( markstr  )

◆ XMLgetMarksWithIndex()

XMLgetMarksWithIndex ( markstr  )

◆ XMLgetMarks()

XMLgetMarks ( markstr  )

◆ XMLaddMarkParam()

XMLaddMarkParam ( markstr  ,
paramname  ,

◆ XMLgetMarkByIdFromMark()

XMLgetMarkByIdFromMark ( markstr  ,

◆ XMLgetMarkById()

XMLgetMarkById ( xmlfilestr  ,

◆ XMLgetMarkId()

XMLgetMarkId ( markstr  )

◆ XMLgetMarksByValueAndListParamValue()

XMLgetMarksByValueAndListParamValue ( xmlfilestr  ,
markval  ,

◆ XMLserializeFromMark()

XMLserializeFromMark ( markstr  )

◆ XMLserializeWithIndexFromMark()

XMLserializeWithIndexFromMark ( markstr  )

◆ XMLserializeWithIndex()

XMLserializeWithIndex ( xmlfilestr  )

◆ ParamsToXML()

ParamsToXML ( lp  )

◆ XMLSaveChilds()

XMLSaveChilds ( xmlnode  ,

◆ XMLstrToObj()

XMLstrToObj ( xmlfilestr  )

◆ XMLserialize()

XMLserialize ( xmlfilestr  )

◆ XMLserializeZipped()

XMLserializeZipped ( xmlfilestr  )

◆ XMLsaveZipped()

XMLsaveZipped ( xmlfilestr  ,

◆ XMLSave()

XMLSave ( xmlfilestr  ,

◆ XMLloadManual()

XMLloadManual ( path  )

◆ XMLloadStringManual()

XMLloadStringManual ( fcont  )

◆ XMLdiff()

XMLdiff ( xmlfilestr1  ,

◆ XMLsetPath()

XMLsetPath ( xmlfilestr  ,

Variable Documentation

◆ iXMLdebug

var iXMLdebug =0