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"Emotiv" PlugIT

The "Emotiv" PlugIT allows to use the electroencephalography (EEG) headset from Emotiv. It supports the Epoc, Epoc+ and Insight models.




Enables the plugIT on application startup.




Disable the plugIT .


Enable the plugIT.

Start facial expression training

Starts the headset training for the facial expression in the link parameter. Options are :
- "Neutral"
- "Raise Brow"
- "Furrow Brow"
- "Smile"
- "Clench"
- "Laugh"
- "Left Smirk"
- "Right Smirk"

Erase facial expression training

Erase the training of the facial expression in the link parameter.

Start mental command training

Starts the headset training for the mental command in the link parameter. Options are :
- "Neutral"
- "Push"
- "Pull"
- "Lift"
- "Drop"
- "Left"
- "Right"
- "Rotate Left"
- "Rotate Right"
- "Rotate Clockwise"
- "Rotate Counter-Clockwise"
- "Rotate Forwards"
- "Rotate Reverse"
- "Disappear"

Erase mental command training

Erase the training of the mental command in the link parameter.

Load profile

Load a user profile.

Save profile

Save a user profile with its corresponding trainings.

Get sensors contact quality

Triggers the event "Headset sensor contact quality".



Headset connected

Sent when the headset is connected.

Headset disconnected

Sent when the headset is disconnected.

Headset poor signal

Sent when the connection between the heaset and the application is of poor quality.

Headset low battery

Sent when the headset is low on battery.

Headset sensor contact quality

Return the contact quality of each sensor.

Headset system up time

Returns the up time of the headset.

Headset gyro

Returns the values of the headset gyroscope.

Facial expression

All of the facial expressions detected by the headset :

Blink Sent when the user blinks
Left/Right Wink Sent when the user winks
Left/Right/Up/Down Look Sent when the user looks in a certain direction
Raised/Furrowed Brow Sent when the user has raised/furrowed brows
Clench Sent when the user clenches
Smile Sent when the user smiles
Laugh Sent when the user laughs
Left/Right Smirk Sent when the user smirks

Facial expression training

All of the events linked to the facial expressions training :

Facial expression training started Sent when the facial expression training starts
Facial expression training failed Sent when the facial expression training fails
Facial expression training succeeded Sent when the facial expression training succeeds
Facial expression training rejected Sent when the user rejects the facial expression training
Facial expression training completed Sent when the user accepts the facial expression training
Facial expression training erased Sent when a facial expression training is erased

Mental command

All of the mental commands recognized by the headset :

Push/Pull Sent when the mental command to push/pull is detected
Lift/Drop Sent when the mental command to lift/drop is detected
Left/Right Sent when the mental command to left/right is detected
Rotate Left/Right Sent when the mental command to rotate left/right is detected
Rotate Clockwise/Anti-Clockwise Sent when the mental command to rotate clockwise/anti-clockwise is detected
Rotate Forward/Reverse Sent when the mental command to rotate forward/reverse is detected
Disappear Sent when the mental command to make disappear is detected

Mental command training

All of the events linked to the mental command training :

Mental command training started Sent when the mental command training starts
Mental command training failed Sent when the mental command training fails
Mental command training succeeded Sent when the mental command training succeeds
Mental command training rejected Sent when the user rejects the mental command expression training
Mental command training completed Sent when the user accepts the mental command expression training
Mental command training erased Sent when a mental command training is erased

Performance metric

All of the emotions recognized by the headset :

Engagement Sends the engagement rate of the user
Focus Sends the focus rate of the user
Interest Sends the interest rate of the user
Relaxation Sends the relaxation rate of the user
Short excitement Sends the short-term excitement rate of the user
Long excitement Sends the long-term excitement rate of the user
Stress Sends the stress rate of the user


Sends the raw electroencephalogram data.