Input PlugITs allow to retreive device datas (mouse, keyboard, Wiimote, etc) and to use them in Openscape3D.
3dRudder3dRudder controller for Virtual Reality.
AccelerometerManage device accelerometer
AR captureAugmented Reality Capture plugIT for cameras
AR capture stereoAugmented Reality Capture plugIT for stereo cameras
AR face trackerDetect and track a face and associate it with an object
AR markerDetect and associate an Augmented reality marker with an object
AR slamDetect and associate an Augmented reality marker with an object
Blob detectorDetect blobs from AR capture plugIT
Education bureauEducational bureau hardware
EmotivEmotiv EEG headsets connection and data handling
FusionManage SpacePoint Fusion device
GloveManage the 5DT Data Glove
GPS locationManage device GPS location
JoypadManage the Joypad device
KeyboardManage keyboard keys
Kinect deviceManage the MS Kinect/XTION Device
Kinect userManage a Kinect user detection and tracking
Leap MotionManage the Leap Motion device
Light SensorManage the device light sensor
Magnet SensorManage the device magnet sensor
MicrobitMicro:bit communication - Download the Micro:bit firmare for this plugIT on or the binary version on
Motion detectMotion detection from a capture device
MouseManage mouse device
Multi touchManage multi-touch
MyoManage Myo device by ThalmicLabs
NeuroskyManage Neurosky device
Oculus MobileSupport of Oculus Mobile Headset and controllers for virtual reality
Openvr controllerSupport of OpenVR Headset and controllers for virtual reality
OpenXRSupport of OpenXR compatible Headset and controllers for virtual reality
Orientation sensorManage orientation sensor
Proximity SensorManage the device proximity sensor
SerialSerial port communication
Tobii EyeXTobii eye tracker
TuioTUIO client for multi touch
VibratorManage device vibrator
Virtual pointerCreate a virtual pointer on an object
VRPN connectorVRPN client connector
Vuzix Head TrackerManage Vuzix Head Tracker device
Wii toolsManage Wii, Wiimote and Balance board devices