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"Tobii EyeX" PlugIT

The PlugIT Tobii EyeX allows to use the "Eye tracking" device with Openspace3D..
More information on Tobii.




Percentage of the "dead zone" at the center of the screen. This zone allows to not enable the control when looking at the center of the screen.


Enables or disables the mouse control depending on the eye.


Displays a target showing the eye position in the 3D view.


Coordinate space for the 3D eye position.


Referential object for the coordinate space when "Object space" is selected.


X, Y, Z ratio applied on eye 3D position.



Show target

Displays an eye target.

Hide target

Hides the eye target.

Enable mouse

Enables the mouse control with the eye.

Disable mouse

Disables the mouse control with the eye.




Sends data control to an other PlugIT allowing the "Control" action.


Sends when the Tobii EyeX is connected.


Sends when the Tobii EyeX is disconnected.

User found

Sends when an user is detected.

User lost

Sends when an user is not detected.

Gaze pos

Sends the X Y eye position (pixel)

Gaze hit pos

Sends the (X Y Z) 3D position when a 3D object is looked.

Head pos

Sends the user head 3D position.

Left eye found

Sends when the left eye is detected.

Left eye lost

Sends when the left eye is lost.

Left eye pos

Sends the 3D position of the left eye.

Left orientation

Sends the left eye orientation.

Left distance

Sends the left eye distance value between the eye position and the looked object.

Left blink

Sends when a blinking is detected on the left eye.

Right eye found

Sends when a right eye is detected.

Right eye lost

Sends when the left eye is lost.

Right eye pos

Sends the 3D position of the right eye.

Right orientation

Sends the right eye orientation.

Right distance

Sends the right eye distance value between the eye position and the looked object.

Right blink

Sends when a blinking is detected on the right eye.