Media PlugIts allows you to display or to use different media types, like Youtube, synthesis voice recognition, sounds, etc.
3D galleryCreates a 3D gallery from a pictures directory
3D soundPlay a sound file with 3D effects
Ambient sound effectDefine an ambient effect on all sounds
CamerasnapshotCamera snapshot plugIT
CaptureDisplay a webcam on a texture or on the 3D view
DrawDraw plugIT for drawing on 3D surface
MohoPlay a Moho file (lipsync data) - Use with papagayo software:
PDF viewOpen a local PDF file into a popup window (need acrobat reader installed on the computer)
PictureDisplay a local or web picture
PlaybackPlay a sound file
SoundPlay a sound file
Sound volumeControl the master sound volume
SpeechManage Text to Speech vocal synthesis
Speech RecognitionManage speech recognition
VideoVideo player