Object PlugITs allow you to interact with the scene objects.
AnimationManage an animation
Animation lipsyncAutomatic pose transition depending of visemes provided
Animation switcherSwitch animations with transition
Animation transitionObject animation transition between two animations with a specified speed
Bounding boxShow / hide the bounding box of an object
DistanceObject distance in / out events
ExplodeExplode and fold sub objects
Get cameraGet the current camera name
Get objectGet the complete object name
HideHide / Show an object
LightManage lights
Object 2D positionSet the position of a 3D object on screen with 2D coordinates
Object clickObject / material link with cursor and click events
Object controlControl an object position / orientation
Object followFollow an object without link
Object gotoTranslation between two objects reference to a static position with back method
Object handlerEnable the transformation tools to move an object
Object infoGets informations on an object
Object linkLink an object to a new parent
Object manipulateManipulate an object
Object move toTranslation between two objects reference
Object positionSet an object position / orientation
Object trackAnimated translation between several position with rotation and scale
ParticleManage a particle system
Pose animation blenderPose animation blender
RotateRotate an object
Rotate toRotate an object to a defined angle
Set active cameraChange the active camera
TargetTarget an objet to another direction