Physics PlugITs allow you to use the physics in your application.
Physic ball and socketCreate a ball and socket contraint between two physic body
Physic contactDefine a physic material behavior on coliision and generate events
Physic hingeCreate a hinge contraint between two physic body
Physic impulseCreate an impulse vector on physics body
Physic impulse pointPhysic impulse point in world, this can be used to simulate explosions
Physic mouseUse the mouse to control physic objects
Physic radarPhysic radar in / out events on physic objects
Physic rayPhysic ray in / out events
Physic ray impulsePhysic ray with impulse
Physic sliderCreate a slider contraint between two physic body
Physic toolsManage physic bodies
Physic vehicleManage a physic vehicle