Scol standard library package  0.3.1
Common and usefull functions for all Scol applications
Standards API


 The HTTP server API based on the legacy Scol API.
 The Scol complex numbers standard API.
 The Scol virtual machine API.
 The boolean and logical standard API.
 The common network API provides common network functions for using with other networks APIs.
 The error API.
 The file system API.
 The floatting point number API.
 The iteration standard API.
 The list API.
 The loading API.
 The loop-like API.
 The math API provides some mathematical functions.
 The network API based on the legacy Scol API.
 The network API based on the new Scol API.
 The other standard API.
 The standard API.
 The string API for string manipulations.
 The table (array) API.

Detailed Description

These API provide the most common and helpful functions.