| std_cAdd (c1, c2) |
| Add two complex numbers. More...
| std_cAddNew (c1, c2) |
| Add two complex numbers. The return is a new complex number. More...
| std_cArg (c, flag) |
| Get the argument of a complex number. More...
| std_cCmp (c1, c2) |
| Compare two complex numbers. More...
| std_cConjugate (c) |
| Create the conjugate of a complex number. More...
| std_cDiv (c1, c2) |
| Divide two complex numbers. More...
| std_cDivNew (c1, c2) |
| Divide two complex numbers. The return is a new complex number. More...
| std_cEuler (f) |
| Exponentiation by the Euler's formula : \(e^{f*i}\) where i is the imaginary unit ( \(i² = -1\)) and f is a real number (here, f is a floatting point number). More...
| std_cFromS (szC) |
| Create a new Complex from a literal string (such as \(a + bi\)) More...
| std_cGet (c) |
| Get a complex number. More...
| std_cGetImg (c) |
| Get the imaginary part of a complex number. More...
| std_cGetReal (c) |
| Get the real part of a complex number. More...
| std_cInv (c) |
| Returns the inverse of a complex number. More...
| std_cInvNew (c) |
| Returns the inverse of a complex number. This is a new complex number. More...
| std_cIsZero (c) |
| Check if a complex number is 0. More...
| std_cLog (c) |
| The natural logarithm (base 'e') of a complex number. More...
| std_cLogNew (c) |
| Returns the first solution of the natural logarithm (base 'e') of a complex number. The return is a new complex number. More...
| std_cMod (c) |
| Get the modulus (phasis) of a complex number. More...
| std_cMul (c1, c2) |
| Multiply two complex numbers. More...
| std_cMulNew (c1, c2) |
| Multiply two complex numbers. The return is a new complex number. More...
| std_cNew (fReal, fImg) |
| Create a new Complex. More...
| std_cPow (c, i) |
| The power of a complex number by an integer. More...
| std_cPowNew (c, i) |
| The power of a complex number by an integer The return is a new complex number. More...
| std_cRootn (c, i) |
| Returns the first solution of the n-th root of a complex number. More...
| std_cRootnAll (c, i) |
| Returns all n-th roots of a complex number. More...
| std_cRootnK (c, i, k) |
| Returns a particular soultion of the n-th root of a complex number. More...
| std_cRootnNew (c, i) |
| Returns the first solution of the n-th root of a complex number. The return is a new complex number. More...
| std_cSet (c, fReal, fImg) |
| Set a complex number. More...
| std_cSetImg (c, fImg) |
| Set the imaginary part of a complex number. More...
| std_cSetReal (c, fReal) |
| Set the real part of a complex number. More...
| std_cSqr (c) |
| The square of a complex number. More...
| std_cSqrNew (c) |
| Square of a complex number. The return is a new complex number. More...
| std_cSqrt (c) |
| Square root of a complex number. More...
| std_cSqrtNew (c) |
| Square root of a complex number. The return is two new complex numbers. More...
| std_cSub (c1, c2) |
| Substract two complex numbers. More...
| std_cSubNew (c1, c2) |
| Substract two complex numbers. The return is a new complex number. More...
| std_cToS (c) |
| Get a complex number to a literal string (like \(a+bi\)) More...
| std_cZero () |
| Create a new zero (0) Complex : \(0+0i\). More...
Returns all n-th roots of a complex number.
The part real is :
(the n-th root of modulus) * cosine ((the argument + 2*k*Pi) / n)
\(\sqrt[n]{(a²+b²)} * \cos {((\arctan {b / a} + 2*k*\Pi)/n)}\)
The imaginary part is :
(the n-th root of modulus) * sine ((the argument + 2*k*Pi) / n)
\(\sqrt[n]{(a²+b²)} * \sin {((\arctan {b / a} + 2*k*\Pi)/n)}\)
where 'k' is an integer, with \(0 <= k < n\).
Prototype: fun [Complex I] [[I F F] r1]
- Parameters
Complex | : a complex number. |
I | : an integer (the 'n_th') |
- Returns
- [[I F F] r1] : a list of all values. The first item of each tuple is the indice 'k'. The size of the list is 'n'.
- See also
- std_cRootn for 'k' = 0
std_cRootnNew for 'k' = 0
std_cRootnK for a given 'k'
The natural logarithm (base 'e') of a complex number.
Prototype: fun [Complex] [F F]
- Parameters
- Returns
- [F F] : the result (real part and imaginary part)
the real part is : log of modulus : \(\ln {\sqrt{(a²+b²)}}\)
the imaginary part is : the argument + 2*k*Pi : \(\arctan {b / a}+ 2*k*\Pi\)
where 'k' is an integer (in \(\mathbb{Z}\))
If you want a particular result, add \(2k\Pi\) to the returned imaginary part.