Scol standard library package  0.3.1
Common and usefull functions for all Scol applications
Functions | Variables
stdlib.pkg File Reference

Scol Standard Library API. More...


 std_addFifo (x, f)
 std_addFlag (flags, flag)
 Add a flag in a flags combination, like 'WN_MENU|WN_SIZEBOX|WN_MINBOX'. More...
 std_clamp (v, m, M)
 Clamp a value between two values. More...
 std_clampenum (v, tuple, f)
 std_clampT (v, tuple, default)
 Clamp a value to a tuple. More...
 std_cmpI (a, b)
 Returns if two integers are equals or not. More...
 std_cmpS (s, t)
 Returns if two float numbers are equals or not. More...
 std_cmpSi (s, t)
 Returns if two string are equals. Case-insensitive. More...
 std_concFifo (f, g)
 std_divide (a, b)
 Perform an entire division. More...
 std_enumClamp (v, tuple)
 Clamp an integer like an enum. The tuple should be sorted : only the first and the last element are compared. More...
 std_enumClampF (v, tuple)
 Clamp a float number like an enum. The tuple should be sorted : only the first and the last element are compared. More...
 std_getFifo (f)
 std_getloadedpackages (env)
 std_getLoadedPackages (chn)
 Returns the list of all loaded packages in a given channel. More...
 std_isFlagPresent (flags, flag)
 Check if a flag is in a flags combination, like 'WN_MENU|WN_SIZEBOX|WN_MINBOX'. More...
 std_memory ()
 Return some infos about the operating system. See 'memoryInfos' for more informations about the memory. More...
 std_ncmpI (a, b)
 Returns if two integers are not equals. More...
 std_ncmpS (s, t)
 Returns if two float numbers are not equals. More...
 std_ncmpSi (s, t)
 Returns if two string are not equals. Case-insensitive. More...
 std_newUnChn (szScript)
 Create a new unplugged channel with the minimal environment. More...
 std_newUnCurChn (szScript)
 Create a new unplugged channel with the current environment. More...
 std_newUnCurChnEx (szScript, funCon, funClo)
 Create a new unplugged channel with the current environment. More...
 std_objIsEqual (obj1, obj2)
 Returns if two Scol objects are equal. More...
 std_objIsNil (obj)
 Get if an Scol object is nil. More...
 std_os ()
 Return some infos about the operating system. See 'osInfos'. More...
 std_random (max)
 Return a random integer. More...
 std_removeFlag (flags, flag)
 Remove a flag in a flags combination, like 'WN_MENU|WN_SIZEBOX|WN_MINBOX'. More...
 std_sameType (o1, o2)
 Check if two objects have the same type. More...
 std_sizeFifo (f)
 std_sleep (second)
 Perform a pause. More...
 std_starterscriptparse (list)
 std_starterScriptParse ()
 Parse the launcher script of the current application. More...
 std_starterScriptParseP (pFile)
 Parse a launcher script. More...
 std_tupleCmp (tuple1, tuple2, fCmp)
 Compare two tuples. More...
 std_tupleHasNil (tuple)
 Return if a tuple has an (or more) item at nil. More...
 std_tupleIsFound (tuple, v)
 Return if a value is found in a tuple. More...
 std_tupleisfounds (tuple, s, isSensitive)
 std_tupleIsFoundS (tuple, s)
 Return if a string is found in a tuple. Case sensitive. More...
 std_tupleIsFoundSi (tuple, s)
 Return if a string is found in a tuple. Case insensitive. More...
 std_tupleIsNil (tuple)
 Return if a tuple is nil or each item is nil. More...
 std_tupleNew (size, values, tuple)
 Create a tuple. More...
 std_tupleSize (tuple)
 Return the size of a tuple. More...
 std_tuplesort (tuple, f, flag)
 std_tupleSort (tuple)
 Sort the values of an integer tuple. More...
 std_tuplesortcmp (a, b, flag)
 std_tuplesortcmpf (a, b, flag)
 std_tupleSortF (tuple)
 Sort the values of a float tuple. More...
 std_tupleSortFR (tuple)
 Sort the values of a float tuple (reverse). More...
 std_tupleSortR (tuple)
 Sort the values of an integer tuple (reverse). More...
 std_vectorAddF (fV1, fV2)
 Add two vectors (float number) More...
 std_vectorAddI (iV1, iV2)
 Add two vectors (integer) More...
 std_vectorAddS (szV1, szV2)
 Add two vectors (string element) More...
 std_vectorDivideF (fV1, fV2)
 Divide two vectors (float number) More...
 std_vectorDivideI (iV1, iV2)
 Divide two vectors (integer) More...
 std_vectorIsEqual (v1, v2)
 Return if two integer vectors are equals. More...
 std_vectorIsEqualAny (v1, v2)
 Return if two vectors are equals. More...
 std_vectorIsEqualS (v1, v2)
 Return if two string vectors are equals. Case-sensitive. More...
 std_vectorIsEqualSi (v1, v2)
 Return if two string vectors are equals. Case-insensitive. More...
 std_vectorIsNil (v)
 Return if a vector is nil or not. More...
 std_vectorIsNullF (v)
 Return if a vector is null or not. More...
 std_vectorIsNullI (v)
 Return if a vector is null or not. More...
 std_vectorIsNullS (v)
 Return if a vector is "" or not. More...
 std_vectorMultiplyF (fV1, fV2)
 Multiply two vectors (float number) More...
 std_vectorMultiplyI (iV1, iV2)
 multiply two vectors (integer) More...
 std_vectorSet (v)
 Create a vector in duplicating a same given value. More...
 std_vectorSubF (fV1, fV2)
 Sub two vectors (float number) More...
 std_vectorSubI (iV1, iV2)
 Sub two vectors (integer) More...


proto std_clampT =fun [I u0 I] I
proto std_cmpI =fun [I I] I
proto std_ncmpI =fun [I I] I
proto std_objIsEqual =fun [u0 u0] I
proto std_sameType =fun [u0 u0] I
proto std_tupleCmp =fun [u0 u0 fun [u1 u1] I] I
proto std_vectorIsEqual =fun [[I I I] [I I I]] I

Detailed Description

Scol Standard Library API.

Scol team