Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
SO3 Namespace Reference


namespace  EmbeddedWebNavigator


class  AdvancedCookTorranceLighting
class  AdvancedCookTorranceLightingFactory
class  ALBone
class  ALCamera
struct  ALColors
 Contain the colors information of a material. More...
class  ALConverterNodeAnim
class  ALKeyFrame
class  ALMaterial
struct  ALMatInfo
 Contain basic information about a material. More...
class  ALMesh
class  ALNode
class  ALScene
class  ALSceneLoader
class  ALSkeleton
struct  ALTextureData
 Contain the texture's meta-data. More...
struct  ALTexturesCount
 Contain the number of each type of texture possible. More...
class  ConversionTools
class  CSMGpuConstants
class  FFPClipPLane
class  FFPClipPLaneFactory
class  INPUTInfo
struct  MCOLL
class  MMOUSE
struct  MRAYINFO
class  SAnim
class  SAnimationFrameListener
class  SAnimTrack
class  SAny
class  SAnyNumeric
class  SAstronomy
class  SBallAndSocketContraint
class  SBaseMeshsTools
class  SBitmapWidget
class  SBitmapWidgetFactory
class  SBody
class  SBone
class  SCamera
class  SColourGradient
class  SCompositor
class  SCompositorListenerFactoryLogic
class  SCompositorListenerLogic
class  SCompositorPass
class  SCompositorTarget
class  SCompositorTechnique
class  ScopedHighPrecissionFloatSwitch
class  SData
class  SDateTime
class  SDeferredCompositor
class  SDeferredCompositorAA
class  SDeferredCompositorDebug
class  SDeferredCompositorGBuffer
class  SDeferredCompositorLighting
class  SDeferredCompositorNFAA
class  SDeferredCompositorShowDepth
class  SDeferredCompositorShowDiffuse
class  SDeferredCompositorShowEmissive
class  SDeferredCompositorShowMaterialID
class  SDeferredCompositorShowNormal
class  SDeferredCompositorShowSpecular
class  SDeferredCompositorShowVelocity
class  SDeferredCompositorSSAA
class  SDeferredCompositorSSAO
class  SDeferredLight
class  SDeferredLightAmbient
class  SDeferredLightAmbientMaterialGenerator
class  SDeferredLightCompositionPass
class  SDeferredLightDirectional
class  SDeferredLightDirectionalMaterialGenerator
class  SDeferredLightImpl
class  SDeferredLightManager
class  SDeferredLightMaterialGenerator
class  SDeferredLightPermutation
class  SDeferredLightPoint
class  SDeferredLightPointMaterialGenerator
class  SDeferredLightRenderOperation
class  SDeferredLightSpot
class  SDeferredLightSpotMaterialGenerator
class  SDeferredPermutation
class  SDeferredShading
class  SDeferredShadowManager
class  SDynamicCubeMap
class  SDynamicReflectionMap
class  SEntity
class  SEnvironment
class  SEnvironmentComponent
class  SException
 Base class for SO3 custom exception. More...
class  SExceptionBadCast
 SException indicating that an attempt was done to cast a pointer to a non-related type. More...
class  SExceptionExternalAPIError
 SException indicating that an unknow error occurs, but we are pretty sure that it's not a SO3 internal error, but was caused by an external library. More...
class  SExceptionFileNotFound
 SException indicating that a request for a file failed, cause it was not found or inaccessible on the disk. More...
class  SExceptionInternalError
 SException indicating that an unknow error occurs, but we are pretty sure that it's a so3 internal error. More...
class  SExceptionInvalidParameters
 SException indicating that at least one invalid parameter was provided on a functionnality call. More...
class  SExceptionIO
 SException indicating that an error occurs while reading or writing data from a file or memory. More...
class  SExceptionItemIdentity
 SException indicating that an attempt to create a new item with a given identifier fails cause another item with the same identifier already exists. More...
class  SExceptionItemNotFound
 SException indicating that an attempt to get an item fails, cause there's no item with the given identifier. More...
class  SExceptionNullReference
 SException indicating that a call to a pointer variable not initialized was attempted. More...
class  SExceptionOutOfBound
 SException indicating that an attempt to get a tab element with a given index out of bound. More...
class  SExceptionReadData
 SException indicating that an error occurs while reading some data from disk or memory. More...
class  SExceptionReadOnly
 SException indicating that an attempt to read some data from an unreachable source occurs. More...
class  SExceptionUnimplemented
 SException indicating that a call to an unimplemented functionnality was done. More...
class  SExceptionWriteData
 SException indicating that an error occurs while writing some data to disk or memory. More...
class  SExceptionWriteOnly
 SException indicating that an attempt to write some data to an unreachable destination occurs. More...
class  SFlashWidget
class  SFlashWidgetFactory
class  SGBuffer
class  SGBufferHigh
class  SGBufferLow
class  SGBufferMaterialGenerator
class  SGBufferMaterialPermutation
class  SGBufferSchemeHandler
class  ShaderGeneratorTechniqueResolverListener
class  ShadowCompositorPass
class  ShadowCompositorRenderOperation
class  SHdrHandler
class  SHdrListener
class  SHdrLogic
class  SHingeContraint
class  SKeyboardHook
class  SLight
class  SLightingManager
class  SLightShaft
class  SLineEntity
class  SLines
class  SLogListener
class  SMaterial
class  SMaterialGenerator
class  SMaterialID
class  SMaterialPair
class  SMoon
class  SNode
class  SNodeAnimation
class  SNodeAnimationTrack
class  SNoGBufferSchemeHandler
class  SO3ScolFileSystemArchive
class  SO3ScolFileSystemArchiveFactory
class  SO3WebNavigatorWidgetListener
class  SObjWindowWidget
class  SObjWindowWidgetFactory
class  SParticleSystem
class  SPass
class  SPhysicContraint
class  SPhysicWorld
class  SPlugin
struct  SPluginInfos
class  SPluginManager
class  SPoint
class  SPoseAnimation
class  SPoseAnimationTrack
class  SRaycast
class  SRaycastResult
class  SRenderToTexture
class  SResource
class  SResourceLoader
class  SRoot
class  SScene
class  SScreenshotManager
class  SScriptFunction
class  SSequenceAnimation
class  SSequenceAnimationKey
class  SSequenceAnimationTrack
class  SShaderGenerator
class  SShaderGeneratorCG
class  SShaderGeneratorGLES
class  SShaderGeneratorGLSL
class  SShaderGeneratorHLSL
class  SShaderGeneratorUnified
class  SShadow
class  SShadowCSM
class  SShadowDeferred
class  SShadowLiSPSM
class  SShadowManager
class  SShadowPSSM
class  SShadowStencil
class  SShadowViewport
class  SShadowViewportCSM
class  SShape
class  SShapeBox
class  SShapeCapsule
class  SShapeChamferCylinder
class  SShapeConcaveHull
class  SShapeCone
class  SShapeConvexHull
class  SShapeCylinder
class  SShapeEllipsoid
class  SShapePyramid
class  SShapeTree
class  SSkeleton
class  SSkeletonAnimation
class  SSkeletonAnimationTrack
class  SSky
class  SSkyAstronomicalModel
class  SSkyLight
class  SSliderContraint
class  SSsaoHandler
class  SSsaoListener
class  SSsaoLogic
class  SSubEntityCameraSelectorBuffer
class  SSubEntitySelectorBuffer
class  SSubEntitySelectorMaterialSwitcher
class  SSun
class  StableCSMShadowCameraSetup
class  StableLISPSMShadowCameraSetup
class  StablePSSMShadowCameraSetup
class  STechnique
class  StereoManager
class  STerrain
class  STexture
class  SUniversalClock
class  SUserObjectBindings
class  SVehicleContraint
class  SVertexAnimation
class  SVertexAnimationTrack
class  SViewPort
class  SVirtualPointer
class  SWater
class  SWebNavigatorWidget
class  SWebNavigatorWidgetFactory
class  SWidget
class  SWidgetFactory
class  SWidgetListener
class  SWidgetManager
class  SWindow


typedef std::unordered_map< std::string, SAnim * > SAnimMap
typedef std::unordered_map< unsigned short, SAnim * > SAnimIndexMap
typedef std::vector< SAnimTrack * > SAnimTrackList
typedef std::unordered_map< std::string, SBone * > SBoneMap
typedef std::unordered_map< unsigned short, SBone * > SBoneIndexMap
typedef std::unordered_map< std::string, SCompositor * > SCompositorMap
typedef std::unordered_map< SEntity *, std::string > SEntityMap
typedef std::unordered_map< std::string, SMaterial * > SMaterialMap
typedef std::unordered_map< std::string, SMaterialMap * > SGroupMaterialMap
typedef std::unordered_map< std::string, SMaterialID * > SMaterialIDMap
typedef std::unordered_set< SMaterialPair * > SMaterialPairMap
typedef std::unordered_map< std::string, SNode * > SNodeMap
typedef std::unordered_map< std::string, STerrain * > STerrainMap
typedef std::unordered_map< std::string, SScene * > SSceneMap
typedef std::unordered_map< std::string, STexture * > STextureMap
typedef std::unordered_map< std::string, STextureMap * > SGroupTextureMap
typedef std::unordered_map< int, SViewPort * > SViewPortList
typedef std::unordered_map< std::string, SWindow * > SWindowMap
typedef std::vector< SSequenceAnimationKey * > SAnimSequenceKeyList
typedef std::unordered_set< SSequenceAnimationKey * > SAnimSequenceKeyMap
typedef std::list< std::string > manualGroupList
typedef struct SO3::MCOLL MCOLL
typedef struct SO3::MRAYINFO MRAYINFO
typedef std::unordered_map< std::string, SBody ** > BodyPairMap
typedef std::unordered_map< std::string, MCOLL * > PhysicContactMap
typedef std::set< SPhysicContraint * > PhysicContraintList
typedef void(* SO3_START_PLUGIN) (void)
typedef void(* SO3_STOP_PLUGIN) (void)
typedef SPoint< int > SPointInt
typedef SPoint< short > SPointShort
typedef SPoint< long > SPointLong
typedef SPoint< unsigned int > SPointUInt
typedef SPoint< unsigned short > SPointUShort
typedef SPoint< unsigned long > SPointULong
typedef SPoint< float > SPointFloat
typedef SPoint< double > SPointDouble


enum  SCompositorPassType {
enum  FlashRenderQuality {


template<typename ValueType >
ValueType * any_cast (SAny *operand)
template<typename ValueType >
const ValueType * any_cast (const SAny *operand)
template<typename ValueType >
ValueType any_cast (const SAny &operand)
void injectTechnique (Ogre::SceneManager *sm, Ogre::Technique *tech, Ogre::Renderable *rend, const Ogre::LightList *lightList)
LRESULT CALLBACK GetMessageProcKeyBoardHook (UINT nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
LRESULT CALLBACK GetProcKeyBoardHook (UINT nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
unsigned int prevPOW2 (unsigned int x)


const Ogre::String SRS_CLIP_PLANE = "FFP_Clip_Plane"
const Ogre::String SRS_ADV_COOK_TORRANCE_LIGHTING = "AdvancedCookTorranceLighting"

Detailed Description

Stereo vision manager class. This manager supports multiples stereo vision mode :

Actions à éffectuer au démarrage de ce plugin et qui doit être redéfini pour chaque plugin ! extern "C" void SO3Start(void) { }

Actions à éffectuer à l'arrêt de ce plugin et qui doit être redéfini pour chaque plugin ! extern "C" void SO3Stop(void) { }

Typedef Documentation

◆ BodyPairMap

typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, SBody**> SO3::BodyPairMap

Definition at line 96 of file SO3Physics.h.

◆ manualGroupList

typedef std::list<std::string> SO3::manualGroupList

Definition at line 48 of file SO3Root.h.


typedef struct SO3::MCOLL SO3::MCOLL

MCOLL structure. A simple structure to describe collision datas when physic callback occurs



typedef struct SO3::MRAYINFO SO3::MRAYINFO

◆ PhysicContactMap

typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, MCOLL*> SO3::PhysicContactMap

Definition at line 97 of file SO3Physics.h.

◆ PhysicContraintList

Definition at line 98 of file SO3Physics.h.

◆ SAnimIndexMap

typedef std::unordered_map<unsigned short, SAnim*> SO3::SAnimIndexMap

Definition at line 263 of file SO3Prerequisites.h.

◆ SAnimMap

typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, SAnim*> SO3::SAnimMap

Definition at line 262 of file SO3Prerequisites.h.

◆ SAnimSequenceKeyList

Definition at line 280 of file SO3Prerequisites.h.

◆ SAnimSequenceKeyMap

typedef std::unordered_set<SSequenceAnimationKey*> SO3::SAnimSequenceKeyMap

Definition at line 281 of file SO3Prerequisites.h.

◆ SAnimTrackList

typedef std::vector<SAnimTrack*> SO3::SAnimTrackList

Definition at line 264 of file SO3Prerequisites.h.

◆ SBoneIndexMap

typedef std::unordered_map<unsigned short,SBone*> SO3::SBoneIndexMap

Definition at line 266 of file SO3Prerequisites.h.

◆ SBoneMap

typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, SBone*> SO3::SBoneMap

Definition at line 265 of file SO3Prerequisites.h.

◆ SCompositorMap

typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, SCompositor*> SO3::SCompositorMap

Definition at line 267 of file SO3Prerequisites.h.

◆ SEntityMap

typedef std::unordered_map<SEntity*, std::string> SO3::SEntityMap

Definition at line 268 of file SO3Prerequisites.h.

◆ SGroupMaterialMap

typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, SMaterialMap*> SO3::SGroupMaterialMap

Definition at line 270 of file SO3Prerequisites.h.

◆ SGroupTextureMap

typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, STextureMap*> SO3::SGroupTextureMap

Definition at line 277 of file SO3Prerequisites.h.

◆ SMaterialIDMap

typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, SMaterialID*> SO3::SMaterialIDMap

Definition at line 271 of file SO3Prerequisites.h.

◆ SMaterialMap

typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, SMaterial*> SO3::SMaterialMap

Definition at line 269 of file SO3Prerequisites.h.

◆ SMaterialPairMap

typedef std::unordered_set<SMaterialPair*> SO3::SMaterialPairMap

Definition at line 272 of file SO3Prerequisites.h.

◆ SNodeMap

typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, SNode*> SO3::SNodeMap

Definition at line 273 of file SO3Prerequisites.h.


typedef void(* SO3::SO3_START_PLUGIN) (void)

Definition at line 24 of file SO3Plugin.h.


typedef void(* SO3::SO3_STOP_PLUGIN) (void)

Definition at line 25 of file SO3Plugin.h.

◆ SPointDouble

typedef SPoint<double> SO3::SPointDouble

Definition at line 293 of file SO3Point.h.

◆ SPointFloat

typedef SPoint<float> SO3::SPointFloat

Definition at line 292 of file SO3Point.h.

◆ SPointInt

typedef SPoint<int> SO3::SPointInt

Definition at line 286 of file SO3Point.h.

◆ SPointLong

typedef SPoint<long> SO3::SPointLong

Definition at line 288 of file SO3Point.h.

◆ SPointShort

typedef SPoint<short> SO3::SPointShort

Definition at line 287 of file SO3Point.h.

◆ SPointUInt

typedef SPoint<unsigned int> SO3::SPointUInt

Definition at line 289 of file SO3Point.h.

◆ SPointULong

typedef SPoint<unsigned long> SO3::SPointULong

Definition at line 291 of file SO3Point.h.

◆ SPointUShort

typedef SPoint<unsigned short> SO3::SPointUShort

Definition at line 290 of file SO3Point.h.

◆ SSceneMap

typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, SScene*> SO3::SSceneMap

Definition at line 275 of file SO3Prerequisites.h.

◆ STerrainMap

typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, STerrain*> SO3::STerrainMap

Definition at line 274 of file SO3Prerequisites.h.

◆ STextureMap

typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, STexture*> SO3::STextureMap

Definition at line 276 of file SO3Prerequisites.h.

◆ SViewPortList

typedef std::unordered_map<int, SViewPort*> SO3::SViewPortList

Definition at line 278 of file SO3Prerequisites.h.

◆ SWindowMap

typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, SWindow*> SO3::SWindowMap

Definition at line 279 of file SO3Prerequisites.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ FlashRenderQuality


Definition at line 43 of file SO3FlashWidget.h.

◆ FlashScaleMode


Definition at line 52 of file SO3FlashWidget.h.

◆ MouseButtonId


Definition at line 284 of file SO3Prerequisites.h.

◆ SCompositorPassType


Definition at line 38 of file SO3CompositorPass.h.

Function Documentation

◆ any_cast() [1/3]

template<typename ValueType >
ValueType SO3::any_cast ( const SAny operand)

Definition at line 467 of file SO3Any.h.

◆ any_cast() [2/3]

template<typename ValueType >
const ValueType * SO3::any_cast ( const SAny operand)

Definition at line 460 of file SO3Any.h.

◆ any_cast() [3/3]

template<typename ValueType >
ValueType * SO3::any_cast ( SAny operand)

Definition at line 450 of file SO3Any.h.

◆ GetMessageProcKeyBoardHook()

LRESULT CALLBACK SO3::GetMessageProcKeyBoardHook ( UINT  nCode,
WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam 

Definition at line 315 of file SO3KeyboardHook.cpp.

◆ GetProcKeyBoardHook()

LRESULT CALLBACK SO3::GetProcKeyBoardHook ( UINT  nCode,
WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam 

Definition at line 332 of file SO3KeyboardHook.cpp.

◆ injectTechnique()

void SO3::injectTechnique ( Ogre::SceneManager *  sm,
Ogre::Technique *  tech,
Ogre::Renderable *  rend,
const Ogre::LightList *  lightList 

Definition at line 62 of file SO3DeferredLightCompositionPass.cpp.

◆ prevPOW2()

unsigned int SO3::prevPOW2 ( unsigned int  x)

Definition at line 43 of file SO3Widget.cpp.

Variable Documentation


const Ogre::String SO3::SRS_ADV_COOK_TORRANCE_LIGHTING = "AdvancedCookTorranceLighting"

Definition at line 20 of file SO3RtssCustom.cpp.


const Ogre::String SO3::SRS_CLIP_PLANE = "FFP_Clip_Plane"

Definition at line 20 of file SO3RtssClipPlane.cpp.



Definition at line 17 of file SO3VirtualPointer.cpp.